Chapter 842
It's a pity that the witch Taizu in front really doesn't want to continue listening.

It is impossible for her to abandon the Demon Realm where she has worked so hard to cultivate.

It took her countless painstaking efforts to achieve her Demon Realm, and it is simply impossible to give it up directly.

She had already gone mad.

It is absolutely impossible to give up the ancient demon realm to anyone.

Even if she plans to use up the soul energy she has accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, she will completely use it up.

It is also impossible to let others snatch what belongs to her.

Looking at the actions of the Snow Witch Great Emperor, her demon soul and demon body also sighed.

He looked at the master in front of him with a fluctuating expression.

Right now, he is saying that nothing can stop his master.

The snow mountain statue exploded directly, and the statue was shattered. This was originally the shell of the ancient demon realm, and it was also instantly shattered.

For an instant, there was trembling all around.

The snow mountain statue was instantly shattered, and the ancient demon realm was also revealed.

This is only half of the ancient demon domain, lost the restriction, but also expanded infinitely.

If it continues to expand like this, it will definitely attract all the dead souls around.

At that time, even if she can defeat Chu Tian and others, she probably won't know how to deal with the dead souls around her.

It's a pity that she has no scruples.

All she wanted was to prevent Chu Tian from getting her Demon Realm.

When the Snow Mountain statue was directly destroyed, the real body of the Snow Witch Great Emperor was also revealed.

Without that huge body, the entire physical body also clearly had a little luster.

The opponent's physical body has recovered pretty well.

Its strength is really comparable to the ancient demon ancestor.

Presumably, the opponent also recovered a lot of strength.

It won't be long before she can completely escape from this snow mountain holy land, but now, all of this has been destroyed by Chu Tian.

Her anger is understandable.

As soon as the true god Snow Witch Great Emperor was revealed, her eyes fixed on Chu Tian with hatred in her eyes.

Accompanied by her anger, her demon soul energy also merged with half of the ancient demon realm, turning the surroundings into pitch black, this darkness.

Like a huge black hole.

It swallowed everything around it.

Including the souls of the dead who were constantly gathering, countless souls of the dead were absorbed.

The Snow Witch Great Emperor just waved her hand directly, and in the darkness all around, she climbed directly towards Chu Tian.

That person wanted to absorb Chutian and the three ancient gods he brought into her devil soul energy.

"The demon soul has changed, so use your soul energy to make up for my shattered statue."

"My avatar was destroyed by you, now, don't even think about leaving one!"

After finishing speaking, the mad soul's qi rushing towards Chu Tian and the others directly rushed over densely.

The constant surge of devil soul energy also made everyone feel the terror in it.

All the faces were ugly, together with the two patriarchs who were as bright as the sun and the moon, they all looked over with worried expressions.

These ancient Great Ancestors are really powerful.

Even at this point, you can still keep one hand.

This made both of them sigh.

Xuanhuang Supreme can get a holy place, I don't know how much it cost.

Now, even if it is half of the ancient demon realm and half of the holy land, it is not so easy to obtain.

Looking at the countless soul qi densely spreading in front of him, absorbing everything around him, Chu Tian noticed it.

With a straight face, he had no choice but to use his divine body, and with a single mouthful, he really sent countless terrifying spirit energy from the Snow Witch Great Emperor in front of him.

It was directly absorbed into his divine body stomach.

The huge mouth of the god body opened, it could swallow even the sky.

Not to mention, Chu Tian's divine body directly bit off a piece of the incomparably pitch-black devil soul energy in front of him.

The ever-expanding air of the pitch-black demon soul also stopped immediately.

The Snow Witch Great Emperor frowned, because she had to strengthen her devil soul aura again.

Now she doesn't have a demon body, and all she can use is the countless energy of demon souls and this half of the ancient demon realm.

Shaking her ancient demon realm directly also caused the ancient demon realm to begin to change.

Half of the ancient demon realm spread out directly and continuously, and even covered everything around it into this piece of sky.

At this moment, the whole scene changed.

Everything around, together with time, also retreated directly.

Yes, that is, together with the time of all things, it is constantly going backwards.

In this ancient demon realm, the Snow Witch Great Emperor not only controls the rules of all things, but also can change all the time in it.

Continuously going back in time is also directly converted into the time and space hundreds of millions of years ago.

This method of changing time and space and turning back time is also the first time Chutian has seen it.

His face was full of curiosity, and he looked even more strange when he saw the actions of this ancient female witch Taizu.

The surrounding scenery slowly changed, and it was also the battle of ancient gods and demons hundreds of millions of years ago.

And appearing around Chutian is the ancestor of countless dead souls.

That's right, under the changing time and space of the Snow Witch Great Emperor, the ancient ancestors who had disappeared long ago have now been resurrected.

All this fell into the eyes of the three ancient protoss, each of them looked stunned.

Especially seeing that their ancestors were among them, they couldn't help but bow down directly.

"Master Ancestor, it's really Mr. Ancestor!"

"No, no, why are the ancestors resurrected? This, this is impossible!"

"This, is this really the ancestor of our three great protoss, really!"

The faces of each of them changed, and they looked at each other with a look of astonishment and surprise.

I was really shocked by the scenery ahead.

And right now, with the flow of time, in the eyes of these ancestors.

Suddenly, a group of people appeared directly on their battlefield.

This made hundreds of ancient protoss and ancestors of the ancient demons watch over and noticed Chu Tian and others.

His face changed, and his face became complicated: "Who are you from?"

"How on earth did you show up here?"

The complexion of the group of people changed, and it was really surprising that Chutian appeared directly with more than 3000 people.

Looking at it with a pair of eyes, the momentum is really very powerful.

"Dare to break into this place, you are really courting death!"

"You actually interrupted our battle between gods and demons, it seems that you are here to seek death!"

This time, the ancestors of the ancient gods and the ancient demons were all angry.

The staring eyes were really unhappy, because they wanted to solve all of them.

Chu Tian frowned, looking at the ancestors in front of him, he really felt something different.

Especially noticed the Snow Witch Great Emperor with a sneer on his face in front of him.

Snow Witch Great Emperor has not changed at all.

Couldn't this ancient demon realm be able to change the entire time and make time, space and things go backwards directly?
(End of this chapter)

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