Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 843 The Battle of Gods and Demons Ancestors

Chapter 843 The Battle of Gods and Demons Ancestors
Chu Tian's face changed unsteadily, watching the ancestors in front of him get angry.

Not really a little panic.

Just glanced at the Snow Witch Great Emperor in front of her again, her eyes fixed, and they all let out a cold snort.

"You think playing this kind of trick can make me afraid of you."

"Reversing time and space, changing the rules of the world, depends on how much the rules of the world can be changed, but it is simply impossible to really reverse the entire time and space and completely resurrect the dead ancient ancestors."

Yes, this rule of heaven and earth is too terrifying.

Even the ancient female witch Taizu in front of him couldn't do this.

It can directly resurrect hundreds of holy ancestors and demon ancestors.

It is simply impossible to change the rules so against the heavens.

Moreover, the opponent can change the time reversal, but cannot restore her strength.

This shows that the opponent's rule changes can only be limited to other people.

It also made Chu Tian sneer directly.

"You gave the dead souls a physical body, reversed the time in their bodies, and let them regain their physical bodies!"

"It's a pity that you don't have the ability to help them resurrect. Therefore, these dead souls are still dead souls, but now they have a body and become a dead soul with a little thinking!"

That's right, these hundreds of ancestors are just dead souls who got physical bodies.

This gave me a little thought.

But after all, these dead souls are still dead souls.

This point cannot be changed at all.

Looking at the hundreds of ancestors, Chu Tian raised his hand with a very loud voice.

"I'm afraid, you don't realize that you are dead long ago, and you have already fallen after hundreds of millions of years."

"Now you are just a trace of dead souls. Without your original strength, can you be rampant again?"

Chu Tian's eyes were aggressive, so he stared directly at him.

The words in the mouth made the faces of hundreds of ancestors change.

Looking at each other in dismay, it was obvious that they were directly suppressed by Chu Tian's words.

"No, it's not possible at all?"

"We, we have fallen hundreds of millions of years ago, so what are we now?"

"No, you, you're lying!"

Some people didn't believe it at all, and they didn't dare to believe it. Their faces changed, and they looked really ugly.

Just staring at it, the look in the eyes, the expression on the face.

In Chutian's eyes, Chutian raised his hand, pointed to the ancient female demon Taizu not far away, and said directly.

"Now she is insulting you, giving you a body, and letting you see hope, but you are all her pawns."

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, you must have been well-known and prestigious figures. Are you really going to be driven by her?"

He stared intently at the past.

The expression on that face and the look in his eyes also made everyone's expressions change again.

Gritting their teeth, each of them had complex expressions.

Their eyes locked on the Snow Witch Great Emperor, and there was really anger in their eyes.

"It's you, Snow Demon God!"

"God, you haven't died yet, your soul and body have been separated, your demon realm has been divided into two by us, and you haven't died yet."

"You want to drive us and make us pawns. This is impossible. We don't need your body, and we don't need you to help us!"

After finishing speaking, some of the dead souls really got rid of the physical body directly.

Turning into a dead soul again, really does not receive the benefits of the Snow Demon God.

That's right, what the Snow Witch Great Empress wants to do is to give these dead souls some benefits.

Let them recover a little soul consciousness, let them gain a little consciousness, so that they can help her and destroy Chutian's group of people.

It's a pity that this group of people really don't want to be other people's pawns.

Resolutely abandoned the physical body and became a dead soul again.

It also made the Snow Witch Emperor look unhappy, really unhappy.

"I gave you soul consciousness and helped you get your physical body hundreds of millions of years ago. You are actually not satisfied."

"It's ridiculous. If you are not satisfied, you continue to be your dead souls, but you still want to get a physical body. As long as you help me destroy the guys in front of me, I can give you more soul consciousness!"

Raising his hand, he commanded more than a dozen souls of the ancestors who hadn't gotten rid of their physical bodies.

Make a move against Chu Tian.

These souls of the ancestors still wanted to recover their spiritual consciousness and obtain this physical body.

Noticing the command of the Snow Witch Great Emperor, everyone's face pulled.

At this moment, without even thinking about it, he rushed towards Chu Tian directly.

Also in accordance with the request of the Snow Witch Great Emperor, she surged up against Chu Tian.

Countless devil soul qi entangled together, together with divine soul qi, rushed towards Chu Tian.

Although these souls of the ancestors can only get a little body.

But their spiritual consciousness recovered a little.

It also made them think of their original strength, which led to, even if they were dead souls, they had grown a lot.

Together with the rushing soul energy, it really came directly towards the face with a move that shook the world.

"God Snow Demon, this time, I will help you. You gave me a physical body, my Kuangmo ancestor, and I will help you destroy him. The Glory of the Heavenly Demon!"

"I seal the ancestor of the demon, and I will also give you a favor, seal the world with the demon!"

At this moment, there was really a surge of devilish energy, densely covering the surroundings, together with their special skills, they were also rushing towards Chu Tian.

Relying on Chutian's divine body, he could barely resist,

After being bombarded by these people indiscriminately, it is true that the god body has also suffered a little loss.

Sensing the loss of the god body, Chu Tian's expression darkened, and he had no choice but to take back the god body.

"Go back to your body!"

Right now, he let the god body enter his body, charged forward, and faced the soul energy of more than a dozen ancestors directly by himself, punching one punch at a time.

Force the other party's soul energy and countless moves back.

Even if someone wanted to seal the sky with demons and block his movements, Chu Tian would clenched his fist and smashed the sealed sky.

Chu Tian didn't want to just let it go, he really kept contending with more than a dozen ancestors.

This made the ancient witch Taizu see it, and her face was very ugly.

She didn't want to see Chu Tian defeat these ancestors, then she would be in big trouble.

She, who is half of the ancient demon realm, doesn't think she will be the opponent of this heaven-defying guy in front of her.

As soon as she turned her head, she locked onto her demon body directly.

Since she couldn't convince his demon body, right now, she just wanted to get the demon body by force.

Even if the power of the demon body is weakened by [-]% in order to get the demon body, she must let the demon body return to her body now.

"The demon body of my Snow Demon God must be controlled by me. If you still dare to resist, I will shatter your consciousness."

"It was I who gave you consciousness, and now I want to take it all back!"

The Snow Witch Great Emperor, whose eyes were fixed, stared directly at her.

Let her demon soul tremble all over, and feel the ugly face of Snow Witch Great Emperor's movements.

It can be seen that even if his cultivation level is smashed, he still wants to get him.

This forced him to grit his teeth, and said to Chutian in front of him, "I will give you half of the ancient demon realm, I can't let her go on like this, I don't want to die here!"

(End of this chapter)

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