Chapter 844
He didn't want to be destroyed, this was a hard-won spiritual knowledge.

As a demon soul and demon body, he also spent countless times to have the current self-consciousness.

If the spiritual consciousness is destroyed, he is like being killed.

It really made him not reconciled, so he conceded defeat and looked ahead seriously.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he noticed the movement of the ancient female devil emperor in front of him.

Now he has no other choice.

Only half of the ancient demon realm can be handed over to Chutian, so that Chutian can quickly defeat the ancient female devil emperor.

Thinking of all this, the demon body and demon soul really retreated quickly.

In front of her, the face of the ancient female devil emperor changed, making her look ugly.

They all retreat quickly.

In an instant, he rushed into his snow mountain statue.

At this moment, the world changes.

It was also the ancient female devil emperor in front of her who couldn't keep calm at all, and her face was full of anger, under a look of anger.

He yelled out angrily.

"Damn, you can do this, ah, my ancient demon domain, it is impossible to give it to other people!"

Under the frantic roar, it's a pity that she couldn't stop her demon body's plan at all.

Whoever wants it, her demon body cultivation is really not much worse than her current one.

If the other party insists on going against her, it is impossible for her to stop it.

She could only watch helplessly as her demon soul and body directly handed over the ancient demon domain to Chu Tian.

Half of the ancient demon domain turned into a shining ball of light with variable size.

Just come so directly.

Really slowly entered Chutian's body.

It even made Chutian's eyes flash past, as if everything around him had changed into a vast and endless starry sky.

Yes, within the chaotic endless starry sky, there is only a little light shining.

This light ignites the entire darkness, and directly creates the world.

formed life.

This is Haohang's incomparable rules of life and death.

Only by breaking the law of life and death in the world can the real God Realm and Demon Realm appear.

The life in this piece of heaven and earth is controlled by Chu Tian.

If Chutian wanted to, he could turn half of the ancient demon realm into a starry sky and re-establish new rules of heaven and earth.

Just like that ancient heaven.

Like the gods in heaven, they can also be born in this world.

However, half of the ancient Demon Realm still has limited strength.

The entire starry sky seemed to be divided into two, which made Chu Tian vaguely feel a layer of shackles binding him.

It prevents him from comprehending the mysteries of the ancient demon realm, and can completely control the ancient demon realm.

The strength of half of the ancient demon domain is really less than half.

To be precise, half an ancient demon realm is only equivalent to a big ancient world.

It is comparable to the existence of battlefield relics.

This made Chu Tian frowned. Now he understood that two and a half ancient demon realms could not be recombined, so it was really useless.

He also learned that the ancient female witch Taizu in front of her was completely bluffing.

No wonder, even if he helped other dead souls get their bodies, they didn't dare to fight him.

The strength of half of the ancient demon domain is really much worse than imagined.

Knowing this, Chu Tian's eyes froze. Now that he also has this ancient demon domain in his hands, he is really not afraid of the woman in front of him at all.

Just let him lift his foot, he really stepped forward, the light in his eyes, the expression on his face.

Let the ancient female devil emperor look ugly in her eyes.

He stared angrily at the demon soul and demon body that had lost the ancient demon realm.

The demon soul and demon body were really pale, and he lost his shelter, which made him completely unable to recover.

Can only breathe more than.

He also gritted his teeth and stared at him unwillingly.

"My lord, this time, I abandoned the ancient demon domain because of the common dream in our hearts. At the beginning, you let me get spiritual knowledge, and it was only to surpass myself!"

"Despite everything, just to surpass myself, you let me get spiritual consciousness. Everything I practice and fight with each other is also caused by you. I really admire you for the you back then!"

With a serious face, he looked over with a serious face.

The ancient female devil emperor still had a look of unwillingness, gritted her teeth, and looked angry.

"That's right, I didn't expect that you would give our things to other people, you let me down so much!"

Mohun Moshen shook his head, and said calmly, "No, master, I abandoned Demon Realm just because I want to challenge myself. Originally, my spiritual knowledge was also obtained because of you, your challenge back then."

"I also want to complete it now. I want to practice from not having the Demon Realm to regaining the Demon Realm. I want to surpass myself!"

The expression in the eyes and the words in the mouth really made the ancient female devil emperor's complexion extremely complex.

Feel the serious expression on the other side's face.

It seemed that it was useless to say anything, it could only make her stare at Chu Tian angrily, her face was full of anger.

"Even if you get the Ancient Demon Territory, don't try to easily defeat me. I will let these dead souls all over the sky become your hindrance!"

"I can't stop you, and you don't want to come out of the Snow Mountain Sanctuary, why don't you all come and be buried with me!"

Shouting out loud, the maniacal laughter burst into loud voice.

Really laughed out loud, accompanied by trembling around.

Countless souls of the dead drifted to this place because of her.

She knew very well that she had no hope of winning.

If Chutian was allowed to get her things for no reason, she would never be reconciled.

She wants to destroy it all.

The purpose of attracting countless ancient dead souls here is to prevent Chu Tian from succeeding.

"I will smash the ancient demon realm into pieces and give it all to these dead souls. You didn't really want my demon realm hundreds of millions of years ago. Now, I will give it all to you!"

After speaking, he raised his hand, and Chu Tian really couldn't stop the other party's movements.

He could only watch as the maddened ancient female devil emperor really shattered half of her ancient demon realm.

Countless shattered fragments really floated between the sky and the earth like starlight.

It also made many dead souls notice that the face of the dead soul changed, it was rushing madly.

Directly robbed the fragmented world of this ancient demon realm.

These fragmented worlds were divided into hundreds of pieces, and hundreds of dead souls got all of them.

If Chutian wants to regain half of the ancient demon realm, he must win against these hundreds of dead souls.

But now, hundreds of dead souls have obtained the fragments of the ancient demon domain, and they all have clearly changed.

Only one fragment of this ancient demon realm can restore them a lot of strength.

Even if they can't reach the heyday, it's enough to restore their spiritual consciousness.

All the souls of the dead were overjoyed. Under the current situation, it is really impossible to simply give up the fragments of the Demon Realm in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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