Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 845 The Anxious Female Demon God

Chapter 845 The Anxious Female Demon God

"Snow Witch God, your ancient demon domain is finally in our hands."

"Half of my spiritual consciousness has recovered, and I will be able to regain my strength in a thousand years."

"Hahaha, this ancient demon realm is really powerful. A piece of fragment can restore a trace of my dead soul to my spiritual consciousness. It's too powerful."

"Goddess, we want to thank you, but it was a big mistake for you to help us recover our spiritual consciousness. We haven't asked you to avenge the hatred hundreds of millions of years ago!"

Many people directly targeted the ancient female devil emperor.

After all, billions of years ago.

Their souls were destroyed, their bodies were broken, and only a trace of remnant souls remained, all of which were done by this ancient female devil emperor.

Even now, she divided the ancient demon realm into fragments and handed them over to them.

Still can't calm their anger.

Everyone's faces were very cold, and they really didn't remember the kindness of the ancient female devil emperor in front of them.

The souls of the dead who got the fragments of the ancient demon domain all rushed forward.

Directly tore this ancient Witch Great Emperor into pieces.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian frowned. He didn't expect that this ancient female devil emperor was looking for death for herself.

It also made Chu Tian shake his head. He really didn't like the hundreds of dead souls in front of him.

These dead souls really have ancient demon ancestors and ancient holy ancestors.

Together, the other party, the female devil god, presumably did the same thing hundreds of millions of years ago.

From the looks of it, the battle between ancient gods and demons was not so simple.

Chu Tian's complexion changed, he looked at the hundreds of dead souls in front of him, and directly tore the ancient female devil emperor into pieces, his eyes turned and fell on Chu Tian and the others.

They are in charge of it all, and of course no one else is spared.

Especially in Chutian, there is something they need.

"This guy has obtained half of the Ancient Demon Realm of the Goddess, if he is killed, he can snatch half of the Ancient Demon Realm!"

"If I get half of the Ancient Demon Realm, I can be resurrected, well, this half of the Ancient Demon Realm is mine!"

"its mine!"

A group of people became anxious, their faces changed, and they rushed over directly.

I really didn't even think about it, and came in front of Chu Tian.

Hundreds of dead souls surrounded Chu Tian.

At this moment, the three ancient protoss who followed Chu Tian all came to their senses.

Seeing the actions of their ancestors, their faces changed.

It's really a complex expression.

"Ancestors, we, we are your descendants, you, you really want to do this?"

"All ancestors, please let us go. We are the descendants of the ancient Xiangshen clan, the ancient Star God clan, and the ancient Huang clan."

"Old Ancestor, please raise your hands high!"

Many people's faces were ugly, and they really knelt down directly.

It's a pity that none of the hundreds of dead souls in front of them were moved.

It's no wonder that they died hundreds of millions of years ago, how could they think that their descendants could survive.

They don't believe what these people say at all.

"It's ridiculous, what evidence do you have to say such nonsense, and dare to pretend to be our three great gods."

"Yes, hundreds of millions of years ago, countless gods fell, and we have long been reduced to bones. No one is spared in this chaotic battlefield. Who can leave descendants?"

"Do you really think that these deceitful words can make us give up?"

All of them had bad faces, but they couldn't believe that these people in front of them were their descendants.

It also made the 3000 people behind Chutian look ugly.

They are also very clear that it is very difficult to convince these ancestors.

After hundreds of millions of years, the ancestors probably never thought that they could survive.

And unexpectedly each strength is so weak.

Chu Tian looked ahead and let out a cold snort. He didn't care about the ancient ancestors.

All he knew was that the fragments of the ancient demon domain were neatly divided into hundreds of pieces.

To reconstitute this half of the ancient demon domain, it is necessary to get all these hundreds of pieces together.

It is also for Chu Tian to lock on the hundreds of dead souls in front of him, and every fragment cannot be let go.

As long as one fragment is missing, this ancient demon realm cannot be revived.

This is probably also the plan of the ancient female devil god, since she has no ability to turn the tide.

I don't want to hand over my own things to others, so I will get rid of this method.

The ancient demon realm was directly shattered.

This ancient female devil god really did extreme things.

There are hundreds of dead souls ahead, and it is impossible to resurrect the Demon Realm. If these hundreds of dead souls really win.

I'm afraid the fight will continue.

This will be caught in an endless cycle.

The ancient female devil emperor really had a good plan.

It's a pity that Chu Tian is not such a person who gives up easily.

Even if there are hundreds of dead souls in front of them, they all have recovered a little spiritual consciousness, which is very difficult to deal with.

But the fragments of the ancient demon realm, he wants to get it no matter what.

"You took away the ancient demon domain that originally belonged to me. Now, I want you to return it back. One hundred fragments, not one less!"

"You are also wanted to escape from here!"

After speaking for a moment, he raised his hand directly.

Enveloping the endless world also caused the expressions of the souls to change.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian really set up the next layer of restrictions again in this piece of heaven and earth by himself.

It has been blocked for four weeks, and there is no intention of letting people leave from this piece of world.

It also made the dead soul's face pull, noticing Chu Tian's arrogant actions, they couldn't help it long ago.

"Damn boy, I didn't expect that you would dare to plot against us!"

"If it was our heyday, none of us would pay attention to a guy like you."

"When will it be our turn to be suppressed by you!"

These ancient souls were very angry, as if they were humiliated by Chu Tian.

Make them mad.

After being furious, he rushed over directly.

None of the hundreds of dead souls wanted to escape, they just wanted Chu Tian to die here.

The souls of the dead who have obtained spiritual knowledge are really much stronger.

As soon as he raised his hand, there were all the destructive moves of the ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors.

Let the world change color, let the world destroy this piece of world.

Together with Chutian and a group of people behind him, they were completely wrapped up.

While Chu Tian was dodging, he really had to make a move to protect the more than 3000 people of the ancient god clan behind him.

If it was before, he certainly didn't have the ability.

But now, he got the soul energy of the two ancestors of Sun and Moon Tonghui, and also got half of the ancient demon realm.

Now he really has the strength to fight against hundreds of dead souls in front of him.

It only made him change his face, clenched his fists, and looked at the soul energy that was constantly rushing in from the opponent.

Chu Tian, ​​who flew up, emitted a bright light, which illuminated the surroundings.

It is also a direct reorganization of the world that was originally destroyed by hundreds of dead souls.

With one punch, Chu Tian even punched straight up.

The terrifying power that erupted directly swept across the hundreds of square meters of space ahead.

More than a dozen dead souls are also completely wrapped in it.

(End of this chapter)

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