Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 846 Reorganization of the Ancient Demon Realm

Chapter 846 Reorganization of the Ancient Demon Realm
At this moment, nearly ten dead souls died in Chu Tian's hands.

It also caused the ten dead souls to be directly shattered, and the ten ancient demon fragments also entered his body.

Re-integrate with half of the ancient demon realm in his body.

As a result, the ancient demon domain in Chutian's body became more and more complete.

His strength has improved again.

All of this fell into the eyes of many ancient dead souls in front of them, and their faces changed, which was really ugly.

Looking at him, he was also very jealous of Chutian's strength.

Now they have too little time to get the fragments of the ancient demon realm.

It will take a lot of time to rely on the fragments of the ancient demon realm and practice again.

But now, the guy in front of him obviously didn't want to give them this little time.

It only made the faces of each of them change, and the faces looked very ugly.

Gritting their teeth, the remaining dead souls looked at each other.

It was clear that he didn't want to rush over so recklessly.

These dead souls can really think when they are conscious.

Knowing that they could not win Chutian now, they began to choose to retreat.

"It seems that we haven't recovered our strength, and we can't get half of the ancient demon realm in his hands."

"This kid has countless supernatural powers, and he still has a lot of soul energy blessings on him. It is very troublesome to fight against him."

"We can only leave now, wait until we recover our strength, and come to him for revenge!"

"it is good!"

A group of people nodded directly, turned around, and locked their eyes on the enchantment arranged by Chu Tian.

It is obvious that they want to break Chu Tian's barrier first, and leave here directly.

See these revenants in action.

Chu Tian, ​​who frowned, couldn't help but directly ordered the 3000 people behind him to go on.

"I can't let these dead souls go. If one of them goes away, my ancient demon realm cannot be reorganized."

"Without a complete ancient demon realm, none of your three ancient god races can be saved!"

Chu Tian's words changed the expressions of the 3000 people behind him.

It is very clear that now an ancient demon ancestor has completely controlled the Holy Land.

If even Chutian can't resist, who else can help.

Even if these people in front of them are their ancestors, the most important thing is the survival of their clan.

"Yes, the ancestor died a long time ago. What we have to do now is to keep the family."

"We can't let these people go, the ancient demon realm can't be reorganized, and our three ancient god races will all be wiped out!"

"Damn it, we don't want to be exterminated, ancestors, offended!"


More than 3000 people rushed forward, directly attacking the dead souls without any scruples.

Even if they couldn't kill these undead souls, they could still block their movements.

As soon as the dead soul raised his hand, infinite magical powers hit him.

More than 3000 people also used various magical powers to block the opponent's move to destroy the world of Chutian's enchantment.

Let these dozens of ancient dead souls be very frustrated.

One is very angry.

Very angry face.

"Damn it, you guys dare to block our way!"

"You said, we are your ancestors, but now, you hinder us, you unfilial descendants who betrayed our ancestors!"

"Let us go, what are you trying to do, you bastards!"

A group of undead screamed continuously, their faces extremely angry.

He just wanted to put these 3000 people to death.

It's a pity that among the 3000 people, there are still two capable people, which makes them unable to compete at all.

Even if the two patriarchs, Sun and Moon Tonghui, had given their soul energy to Chu Tian, ​​their supernatural powers were still on them.

Still be able to resist the anger of these dozens of dead souls.

In the entire sky, the divine wind collided, and the divine fire filled the sky.

The sky burned red and was pulled black by the wind.

After being directly frozen by Tianbing.

It was a mess.

Looking at 3000 people, they were at loggerheads with dozens of dead souls.

Chu Tian also rushed over immediately, and raised his hand casually. He, who had accumulated the energy of the two souls, just wanted to get rid of all the dozens of dead souls.

Accompanied by the continuous surging of the energy of his twin souls, it also made the sky extremely dark.

Chu Tian had both hands, one with the Qi of the Divine Soul, and the other with the Qi of the Demon Soul. Those two streams of Qi were entangled together.

It really swept all around, expanding like a tornado.

It also made dozens of dead souls look at it, and their faces were extremely ugly.

They are all in a hurry and want to escape from here as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the more anxious they were, the less they could break through the encirclement of more than 3000 people ahead.

It can only be verified by watching that Chu Tian's twin souls are completely released.

This twin-soul energy, like a tornado, really swept everything around.

All the dead and living things were hung into the wind and torn into pieces.

With Chu Tian's thought, he rushed towards dozens of dead souls.

I just want him to wipe out these dead souls.

He completely used up the soul energy, which also made this wind more and more fierce.

The dead soul felt the horror of the wind of the twin souls.

Really want to escape quickly.

It's a pity that even if they wanted to run now, it was impossible for them to get out of this world blocked by Chutian.

"Ah, I'm not reconciled, I don't want to die here!"

"I have just recovered my spiritual consciousness. Give me a hundred years, no, ten years, or one year, and I will be able to regain my strength."

"I'm not reconciled, so reconciled!"

Everyone was crying and howling, and they were really unwilling to let it go.

Unfortunately, no one can turn the tide.

Under Chutian's control, he really didn't intend to let one go.

After all, the souls of the dead here, their essential supernatural powers, are terrifying and astonishing, if they are really given some time.

They can definitely rely on their fragments of the ancient demon realm to be resurrected.

This is something Chu Tian absolutely does not want to see.

Gritting his teeth, he just kept letting the wind of the two souls grow stronger again.

Completely release all the energy of the twin souls.

That completely envelops all the dead souls in front of them.

None left.

The soul of the dead disappeared without leaving any trace.

I am afraid that the souls of the dead in the entire Snow Mountain Holy Land have been emptied by Chu Tian.

When the dead soul who originally obtained the fragments of the ancient demon realm died, the fragments of the ancient demon realm also returned to Chu Tian's body.

In the high sky, where countless dead souls died, there were streaks of rainbow light.

These rays of light are very dazzling, and they are really incomparably bright.

Just like that, he rushed over directly and entered Chu Tian's body.

Let Chutian's half of the ancient demon domain continue to expand, and let Chutian's ancient demon domain gradually complete.

It's like a jigsaw puzzle with only half of it, which is constantly being assembled automatically.

The patterns spelled out are also becoming more and more obvious.

The complete picture was also presented in Chu Tian's eyes.

Let Chutian feel the power of the infinite ancient demon ancestor.

Emerging from it is the power of the ancient demon realm that changes the rules of the world!
(End of this chapter)

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