Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 848 Obtaining the Ancient Snow Demon Family 1

Chapter 848 Obtaining the Ancient Snow Demon Clan

Obtaining this ancient demon domain, Chu Tian's status also instantly improved.

The current him is capable enough to challenge the ancestors of the three major alliances.

Right now, the members of the ancient Xuemo clan in front of them all respectfully respected Chutian as the superior of the entire clan.

As for, they have another Venerable.

They have long been left behind.

Who wants Chutian to take down their holy land and inherit everything from their ancestors.

In this way, Chutian is definitely the first person they want to believe in.

Feel the sincerity of the group of people in front of you.

It also made Chu Tian curl his lips into a smile, and just looked over with a smile on his face.

Facing the group of people in front of him, he said directly: "I heard that there is an outsider in your ancient snow demon clan, who is respected by you as your lord, isn't it?"

The ancient Snow Demons all nodded their heads.

Without hesitation, he replied directly.

"Yes, my lord, the strength of this outsider is against the sky. We want to ask him to help us, so we respect him as your lord!"

"He helped us fight against other ancient clans, but he did his best, and now he is still helping us against the ancient Fengmo clan!"

Chu Tian frowned, his complexion really complicated.

"The ancient wind demon clan and your ancient snow demon clan are both ancient demon clans. Why do you want to fight each other?"

Logically speaking, these two great clans had a close and friendly relationship as early as hundreds of millions of years ago.

But now they suddenly turned against each other, which really made Chu Tian unable to understand.

There is nothing unusual about the ancient Snow Demon Clan.

As soon as they raised their heads, they all said seriously.

"We did this only to revive our family."

"If we can destroy the ancient Fengmo clan and strengthen our ancient Snow clan, we are willing to betray them."

"If it was the ancient Fengmo clan, when it came time to make such a choice, they would definitely make the same choice."

These people are really very real.

Now compared to those hypocritical friendly relations, it is better to keep and grow our own clan.

This is the most important thing, which makes them not regret it at all, betraying the family that was once an ally.

Take action against the ancient Fengmo clan.

They even want to snatch the holy land of the ancient Fengmo clan.

Looking at the group of people in front of him, he felt no guilt at all, which made Chu Tian shake his head and sigh incessantly.

He stared at him with fixed eyes, and spoke directly.

"Okay, since that's the case, I want to know, who are you going to choose between the Venerable Lord and me?"

"I can tell you that I don't agree with that Venerable Lord. We can't do one thing together. So, I just want to know, who will you choose?"

The face is serious, the eyes in the eyes.

It also made the faces of the group of people in front change.

They looked at each other, they all clenched their fists and said seriously.

"My lord got the Holy Land because he inherited the last wish of our ancestors. We believe in everything about our ancestors!"

"That's right. The ancestors led our clan to grow stronger. We also believe that as long as there are things from the ancestors, we can bring our entire ancient snow demon clan back to life."

After all, these people did not trust Chutian's strength.

Instead, he believed in the ability of the ancient Snow Demon Emperor.

Because the Snow Demon God's ancient demon realm was in the hands of Chutian, they chose Chutian without hesitation.

If this ancient demon domain is taken away by others again.

Of course they will regret it.

Chu Tian, ​​who understood this very well, also laughed.

Anyway, we all use each other.

As long as he can control the current situation and strengthen himself, he is of course willing to cooperate with the group of people in front of him.

Chu Tian nodded, without thinking about it, and continued, "Okay, since that's the case, I just want to tell you that I also have hatred for the ancient Fengmo clan."

"I also want their holy land. From now on, I want you to help me snatch the holy land of the ancient Fengmo clan!"

The ancient snow demon clan in front of them straightened their faces, and without thinking about it, they all agreed.

There was no hesitation on that face.

Now, the entire ancient snow demon clan can be said to be under his control.

This point, I am afraid that even the two ancestors of Taiyin and Tianyuan would not have thought of it.

Now it was finally his turn, Chutian, to intervene in this dispute.


As for Chutian, he did not go to Xuanhuang Supreme, but planned to continue to go to the ancient Fengmo clan.

It is the ancestor who made the two suns and the moon shine together, and I am very puzzled.

"God Chu, Xuanhuang Supreme is in the limelight right now. What we have to do now is to quickly attack the Xuanhuang Supreme and the two ancestors' limelight."

"Yeah, Xuanhuang Supreme, the two old things, got the Holy Land, and now they are in control of the situation. If I don't do anything again, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Both of them had complicated expressions on their faces, and even more serious ones.

The expression and look on that face fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Only Chu Tian shook his head and said seriously.

"This is not the time yet. Since these two ancestors have obtained the Holy Land, with us, it is really impossible to win against them."

After speaking, he glanced at the two ancestors in front of him.

The injuries of the two patriarchs, Sun and Moon Tonghui, have not recovered, and they just transferred the Qi of the two souls to Chu Tian for a certain period of time.

It also consumed a lot of their divine soul and demon soul, which also caused the two of them to recover.

It's really a matter of a day or two.

If the two elders can't recover, Chu Tian is the only one who can fight.

Relying on Chutian's current strength, it is simply impossible to defeat the two ancestors who have won the Holy Land.

Now, they can only take the second place and start with the two Taiyin Tianyuan ancestors who have not yet obtained the Holy Land and are really fighting each other.

Of course, there is another point, that Taiyin Patriarch, but he has had enemies before.

Chu Tian is a person who holds grudges very much, and he will never forget this grudge.

Whatever you say, you have to get it back from the other party.

That's why, he wants to take the lead in mobilizing the two ancestors of Taiyin and Tianyuan.

I just want to let the Taiyin Patriarch know that the current him is different from before.

This time, he has the absolute strength to intervene in the chaotic battlefield and the holy land dispute.

Chu Tian's face was serious, and he brought the ancient Snow Demon and the other three major ancient gods to the territory of the ancient Fengmo clan.

At that junction, the two ancestors of Taiyin Tianyuan had an internal dispute because of a holy place.

It took a while for the two ancestors to fight each other, and they couldn't stop.

It was so dark.

It also caused a lot of losses to the two ancient demon clans, and the losses on both sides were also extremely tragic.

Up to now, thousands of people have been lost.

This battle really can't stop for a long time.

Until Chu Tian led a group of people and appeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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