Chapter 849

The junction of the two ancient demon races is also the border of the Gale Wind Holy Land.

Here, the two ancient demon ancestors used their respective supernatural powers, only to make this piece of sky burn into black and red.

It is even more shrouded in the surrounding area, and the demon domains of the two great ancient demon ancestors collided, and the world within this piece of heaven and earth is not stable.

The two forces are entangled with each other.

It was also him who let Chu Tian see it, his brows wrinkled, and his face changed.

Without even thinking about it, I just raised my hand.

A surge of power surged in his hand, coordinating with his ancient demon realm, directly enveloping him.

"Unfortunately, the Demon Realm of the Ancient Demon Great Ancestor cannot be compared with the Ancient Demon Realm I got."

"I change the law of the rules of this world, the magic domain changes the sky, and the rules!"

As soon as the sky trembled, it really shook the two demon realms in front of them, and the two demon realms felt the approach of a powerful force.

That was a direct retreat. At this moment, the Demon Realm of the two patriarchs, Taiyin and Tianyuan, was also instantly repelled by Chutian's Ancient Demon Realm.

It really took back the sky at once.

Reappearing in front of them is a huge change in this world.

Like a huge layer of black curtain, once again all the sky is shrouded in it.

The endless sky fire that was originally burning was also extinguished directly.

The divine thunder that was originally thunderous and thunderous was instantly reduced to ashes.

The supernatural powers of the two were forced.

They all made Taiyin Patriarch and Tianyuan Patriarch look at the person with a pair of eyes, and looked at the visitor with a very unhappy expression.

I just want to see who dares to disturb their competition.

At a glance, I saw a large group of people coming towards this side.

Apart from the members of the Ancient Snow Demon Clan, there were obviously other ancient Clans.

The arrival of the three ancient protoss also made the two of them frown, not too much panic, but a little puzzled.

After all, they knew how powerful the ancient clan was, so they were really not afraid of these ancient clans.

I just don't understand why so many ancient people gathered here.

Who the hell is leading these people and what are they doing here?
The strength of the person who enveloped the world in one hand really made the two of them jealous.

He could only stare helplessly at the front, and Chu Tian just walked over.

The appearance of Chu Tian obviously caused the most obvious change in Taiyin Patriarch's face.

Surprised, even more strange.

"It's you, boy, what are you doing here?"

Glancing at Chu Tian, ​​Patriarch Taiyin really smiled sarcastically.

"It's ridiculous to want to stop us even without the strength of the ancient holy ancestor!"

Hearing Patriarch Taiyin's words, Patriarch Tianyuan on the side also snorted coldly.

With a wave of his hand, it was really loud.

"Boy, this is not something you can intervene in, go away!"

The two were so defiant, which also made Chu Tian feel ridiculous.

Could it be that both of them couldn't see that his ancient demon realm completely enveloped them.

It even directly repulsed the two of them.

Like blindness, it can only show that these two people are really stupid to the extreme.

Chu Tian was indifferent, looking at the two people in front of him, he really swept his eyes, and his eyes fell on Patriarch Taiyin.

He curled his lips into a smile, and said with a continuous smile: "Our previous competition is not over yet, this time I come here, I want to end the previous competition."

"You despise my strength. Now, I will prove to you that I can surpass you. The entire Chaos Street is also under my control. Only one clan can be left behind for the Alliance clan!"

Chu Tian's arrogant tone only made the faces of the two people in front of him change.

Not to mention Patriarch Taiyin, Patriarch Tianyuan also looked unhappy.

"Taiyin, what's going on with this kid, do you know him?"

Taiyin let out a cold snort, and said directly: "I think it's very possible that he is the new guy from Riyue Tonghui."

"I got the remains of the battlefield, and now I don't know what method to use to enter here, and dare to take care of our affairs."

Hearing Patriarch Taiyin's words, Patriarch Tianyuan also frowned.

He glanced across Chu Tian's body.

He also nodded directly and said: "Okay, since this is the case, let's put our affairs aside first, and deal with this kid first."

"The competition between us can be put aside for the time being."

The Taiyin Patriarch laughed, and it really couldn't stop smiling.

"You don't need Tianyuan to do it, I can solve it by him alone."

"Before, I let him go, but I didn't expect that he would dare to find him. This time, I can't continue to let him go. He wants to die, so I have to fulfill him!"

There was a smile on his face, and it was really a smile on his face.

Just staring at Chutian, locking Chutian's hands.

Stepping forward, his ancient demon domain also reappeared.

Obviously, they all want to push back Chutian's ancient demon domain directly.

It's a pity that with his movement, he really discovered that he couldn't use the ancient demon realm at all.

It really made his face change, and then he noticed that Chutian's world is really different.

"You, what kind of world are you?"

Noticing that Chutian had forced the two of them back from the Ancient Demon Realm, he also asked him to look around the sky and see that the sky was dark.

Also felt a pressure.

The other party's face finally changed.

This made Chu Tian laugh.

"It seems that until now, you have finally noticed what the world I got, I will tell you now."

The two really made a big mistake.

If the two of them were a little on guard and realized how powerful he was in the ancient demon realm, they would turn around and leave, and exit the ancient demon realm.

It's really hard to say the outcome.

After all, Chu Tian is just a person whose strength has just surpassed the early stage of the ancient ancestor.

With his countless supernatural powers added up, he can only compete with an ancient holy ancestor in the middle stage.

It is impossible to compare, to reach the realm of the late ancient holy ancestor and the ancient holy ancestor, or the ancient demon ancestor.

It's just that he is in the ancient demon realm, within the rules of the world set by himself.

He has absolute mastery.

With the movement of one of his fingers, the surroundings really changed.

"Mo Mietian, I will change the rules."

"I don't want this world, I only want this realm of nothingness, with the demon as my avatar, I will create the body of the demon!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian instantly let the body of a demon appear in front of him.

It's really like his real person.

It's just that the expression on his face was so cold and heartless, and the aura revealed made the Taiyin Patriarch in front of him fight a cold war.

"You, what are you trying to do?"

Chu Tian curled his lips into a smile, and the smile continued: "I used the rules of heaven and earth in the ancient demon realm, and used the entire ancient demon realm to create my avatar, which has the same strength as me."

"It is even more capable of perfectly controlling the ancient demon realm, existing in this world, and in this world, it is almost invincible!"

Chu Tian's words made Patriarch Taiyin snort coldly.

I really don't believe it: "You think you can just let it go, and I will be afraid of you. I don't care what kind of avatar you are, or how many you come, you will die."

(End of this chapter)

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