Chapter 850
Chu Tian's words made the Taiyin Patriarch in front of him change his face.

It is also completely unbelievable that the guy in front of him can actually get the Holy Land.

It is simply impossible to win the ancient demon realm!

They spent a lot of effort and did a lot of things in order to seize the Holy Land, but until now, they have made no progress at all.

Why can a kid who just arrived at this place get what they want.

They will never admit this kid.

Patriarch Taiyin, looking at Chu Tian's incarnation, really let out a cold snort, without even thinking about it, he rushed over directly.

"I don't need Moyu, I can settle you down, kid, no matter what tricks you play, this place is not something you can make a fuss about."

After finishing speaking, he rushed over in an instant, and directly attacked Chu Tian's avatar.

Along with the movements in his hands, he punched and shook the surroundings.

Obviously, Chutian's avatar also moved all over.

The entire Ancient Demon Territory is for his body, and in this piece of world, everything can be completely under its control.

Chu Tian could control the ancient demon realm by himself, but he wanted to see how powerful the ancient demon realm was.

Only then did the entire Ancient Demon Realm be converted into a concrete human being.

The appearance of his incarnation is also one of them.

More importantly, it still depends on his avatar, who completely controls the Demon Realm, what changes will happen.

Anything can make him see the real strength of the ancient demon ancestor.

He can only see a little remnant soul of the ancient demon ancestor, but he has never seen the real ancient demon ancestor God himself.

This also made him very regretful, so he didn't want to take the initiative to drive the ancient demon domain.

It is only intended to let the ancient Demon Realm generate a little consciousness to control the entire Demon Realm and achieve 100% full play of the Demon Realm.

Of course, even if the ancient demon domain has consciousness.

Its initiative, as well as the rules and laws of the entire Demon Realm, are all in Chutian's hands.

He is not as stupid as the ancient demon ancestor of the previous generation, who separated all the demon souls.

Although this approach can break through the limit, it cannot be controlled.

It is absolutely impossible for Chutian to do this.

Right now, this is why, he wants to directly transform into a demon clone.

However, with the movement of the Demon Realm Avatar in front of him, Chu Tian really didn't expect it.

I'm afraid this is beyond his expectation.

The avatar who was exactly the same as him, but with a different momentum, seemed to be completely evaporated under the blow of the ancestor Taiyin in front of him.

It really turned into a cloud of gas, and just disappeared into the Demon Realm.

Patriarch Taiyin really thought that Chu Tian's incarnation couldn't resist a single punch.

Only Chu Tian frowned, feeling a little abnormal in the ancient demon realm.

It really almost made him use the rules of heaven and earth directly.

"Impossible, I really didn't expect that you would be so stubborn. It's no wonder that the Demon Realm is where your body is originally."

"It's a pity that your body and soul have been destroyed by me, and what is left can only be regarded as a little consciousness. With this little consciousness, what can you do?"

Looking at the incomparably pitch-black ancient demon realm in front of him, Chu Tian let out a cold snort, his expression really a little displeased.

The soul of this ancient demon ancestor is really difficult to deal with.

After the main body, the demon body and the demon soul were separated, there was still a remnant soul left, and now the remnant soul was destroyed by him.

But until now, there is still a little consciousness remaining in this ancient demon realm.

Relying on this awareness, he regained Chutian's incarnation.

The incarnation of Chu Tian who had turned into gas changed again, and a woman appeared again.

This woman is really beautiful.

It is also very dazzling.

It's not the charm of this woman to just let everyone look at her for a moment.

It's the gesture of this woman.

The ancient Snow Demon Clan, all of them looked terrified, and couldn't help but knelt down in one piece.

"Master Ancestor!"

"Ancestor God, long live God!"

That's right, the goddess who was originally eliminated by Chu Tian was also resurrected.

It's a pity that she only used Chutian's ancient demon realm incarnation to live in Chutian's ancient demon realm temporarily.

Right now, she has woken up, feeling that her form cannot be controlled.

It is also noticed that the entire ancient demon domain has been completely reorganized, which can only be proved.

Her plan failed completely, and the Ancient Demon Realm still fell into the hands of others.

A pair of eyes took a deep look at Chu Tian. At this moment, the expression on his face changed, but he did not have the previous arrogance.

It's an exclamation.

"I didn't expect that I still lost. Maybe he was right. My recklessness led to another defeat, just like when I was separated from the demon soul and demon body hundreds of millions of years ago."

Hearing the other party's words, Chu Tian curled his lips with a really calm expression.

"Oh, since you understand that you have lost now, why don't you hurry up and leave me."

The ancient witch god looked at Chu Tian again, with a smile on her lips.

There is really a gleam of brilliance: "This is impossible, the consciousness I left behind with great difficulty, I don't want to be wiped out, and I can feel it."

"You don't want me to die. If you want to surpass yourself and get stronger than them, you must keep me. Only I can let you show all this."

A confident woman, she really speaks with confidence.

As if seeing through Chutian, Chutian frowned and moved his fingers.

As long as he has a thought, he can make the consciousness in front of him disappear.

However, he didn't do that, maybe just like what the woman in front of him said, he wanted to see the true strength of this ancient female devil god.

At the same time, it is also very clear that the other party is completely controlled by him, and he is not afraid of what he will do at all.

Because, even this body of the woman in front of him was given by him.

He controlled the Ancient Demon Realm, as long as he survived, it was impossible for this Ancient Demon Realm to be transferred to other people.

Putting down the raised hand, Chu Tian also calmed down.

"Okay, in order to prove the value of your being alive, I want to see if you can deal with this guy in front."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Patriarch Taiyin not far away.

Glancing at Patriarch Taiyin, the Demon Goddess really had a look of disdain.

"With him, it's just my ability to move my fingers. You give me part of the control of the ancient demon realm. In my hands, he can't live for a second!"

This extremely arrogant tone fell completely in the ears of the ancestor Taiyin in front of him.

His face pulled, and his face was not good-looking.

It is the Taiyin Patriarch with an angry face.

It was about to explode.

"What are you? I'm in your hands. I can only live for a second. Your tone is worse than this guy. You really want to die!"

Gritting his teeth, his face was full of anger.

That is to come directly without thinking.

The female devil god didn't even look at it, but just took a deep look at Chu Tian.

Leave a sentence: "Remember your commitment."

(End of this chapter)

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