Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 851 Give You My Surname

Chapter 851 Give You My Surname

"Devil Heaven Destroys the World!"

As soon as she raised her hand, the female devil god, it really made the sky tremble.

Under the violent shaking of the entire sky, endless magic flames directly descended on the Patriarch Taiyin who was rushing towards him.

Generated directly from the entire ancient demon domain, it can burn the surrounding sky directly.

In this piece of heaven and earth, there is nothing that cannot be burned by this magic flame.

You can only see the ancestor Taiyin in front of you for a moment, being involved in this magical flame.

It made his complexion change drastically, and his instant reaction was also very good.

He really raised his hand and enveloped himself in his own ancient demon realm, trying to avoid his demonic flames.

Even if he can't display the ancient demon realm, he can still hide in his world.

This was originally his last resort to save his life, but he didn't expect it to be used directly now.

The whole person disappeared directly and entered his own world. He was originally relieved.

But who would have known that this magical flame came overwhelming.

It really directly shattered his world.

There is a huge gap between his world and the earth.

In the eyes of everyone, even the two patriarchs Sun and Moon Tonghui were shocked.

He could only see the ancestor Taiyin who had escaped into his own world and disappeared completely, and that day was also burned into a hole.

This hole is constantly enlarged and burned, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Like a circle of protection surrounding him, it was also completely burned by the flames.

He appeared whole, and now he has a look of despair.

"No, no, it's impossible, impossible!"

After saying this sentence, he was completely swallowed by the world-destroying flame.

The ancestor Tianyuan not far away was terrified, and now he is completely dumbfounded.

Don't say that these people's faces changed drastically.

Even Chu Tian frowned.

The strength of this world-destroying flame really surprised him. This is probably the real strength of the ancient demon realm.

Also 100% power.

Only the Demon God, who is the true master of this ancient demon realm, can control it.

Even if he takes control, he can only exert [-]% of his power.

Now he understands that this ancient demon ancestor really doesn't brag.

It was the opponent's strength that allowed him to understand the true height above the ancient demon ancestor.

This is completely beyond Chaos Street, those old ancestors.

It also made Chu Tian look contemplative and glance at the female devil God in front of him.

Nodding his head, he said calmly, "Very well, I understand your strength now. From now on, I can give you a way to survive, and leave your little consciousness in my world."

"However, I must restrict your actions. Without my order, you cannot leave this world!"

Sensing Chutian's gaze, the Demon Goddess also nodded.

It was really a smile: "Of course!"

I always feel that this female devil god is really planning something on him, and has some idea.

But he, Chutian, is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Looking at the past with a pair of eyes, the face was very calm and said: "Very well, I will set the rules for you now, and at the same time, I also want to rename you."

The female devil god was stunned, and she was really surprised: "Name it?"

"Yes, you were originally a member of the ancient snow demon clan, and you were also called the Snow Demon God, but you are not now, you are just another person reconstituted within my world."

Chu Tian looked over with a smile on his face, "From then on, you have nothing to do with the past, you only thought of me, so I should be considered your vassal, like your parents. "

The female devil god's face pulled, and she really didn't look good.

But Chutian didn't want to let the female devil God in front of him like this, and his smile remained the same.

As soon as he raised his hand, the voice was very crisp: "From now on, of your Chu God Clan, I will give you a new name of Chu Xue."

"Chu Xue obeys the order and must not violate my consciousness. Without my order, you cannot leave here. I will only give you [-]% of the power of the ancient demon realm. At the same time, I will also give you the right to practice!"

Like a ban, Chu Tian turned the rules of heaven and earth into laws and directly applied them to the other party's body.

It all made the expression of the Snow Demon God in front of him change, and he could feel Chu Tian's words being transmitted into her body like strands of force.

Now she can't even regret it.

From now on, she will change to another name, Chu Xue's name, which will always be with her.

She didn't expect that she would be so controlled by others.

Chutian's control of the female demon god also shocked the ancient snow demons, and now they understand Chutian's strength.

The ancient snow demon clan also bowed to Chu Tian again and again.

"Long live Lord Chu God, our ancestors won the confidence of our Snow Demon ancestors."

"My lord, please help us regain our abilities!"

Chu Tian smiled, but he didn't mind, and helped the opponent regain his strength.

Anyway, from now on, this female devil god will become his own person.

He also believes that he can surpass the opponent before the opponent regains his strength.

At that time, even if the female demon god wants to resist, he will still be able to suppress her.

Thinking of all of this brought a smile on his face.

Now he just wants to learn all the supernatural powers of the other party completely, to be able to control an ancient demon ancestor, and to aspire to the highest position, to be revered as the existence of the Venerable Great Emperor.

This is absolutely something no one else can do.

How could such a thing be let go.


Once the ancestor of Taiyin died, he noticed the terrifying forces brought by Chutian's control of the Holy Land.

The ancestor Tianyuan didn't dare to resist either, he really took the initiative to admit defeat.

He just begged Chu Tian to spare his life.

Originally, Chutian didn't want to agree, but the words of the two ancestors, Sun and Moon Tonghui, still made him plan to let the guy in front of him go.

"God Chu, I think we should let him go. Now the two Xuanhuang Supremes are the focus of our attention. It doesn't matter whether he lives or not."

"Yes, we can ask him to cooperate, and when the time comes, after leaving this chaotic battlefield, he can also help us re-plan the chaotic streets."

The two elders are thinking about what will happen after this time the matter is resolved.

If they leave this time, the entire Chaos Street will definitely be even more sensational.

At that time, to change the pattern of the three major alliances in Chaos Street, we will need the help of several ancestors.

This ancestor of Taiyin Tianyuan is also the most authoritative member of the opposing Taiyin Tianyuan Alliance.

Keeping him can also help them and control the entire Chaos Street.

Anyway, the ancestor Tianyuan in front of him couldn't do anything, Chu Tian was still willing to let him go.

Hand it over to the two Sun and Moon Tonghui Patriarchs.

And now, he has gained the faith of the ancient Snow Demon Clan, and he also intends to attack the Ancient Wind Demon Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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