Chapter 860
The two Zhendi in front were both trapped by Chu Tian, ​​looking at the two Zhendi.

Chu Tian's expression was really joking.

"Devil God, you don't want to die with me, it's really ridiculous, your clone is completely different from your consciousness."

When Chu Tian waved his hands, he always had a helpless expression on his face.

This made Zhendi very angry, two Zhendi looked at him, it was called a anger.

"Bastard, let us save money if you have the ability, you bastard!"

When he yelled directly, Chu Tian shook his head directly. It was impossible for him to just let the two of them leave like this.

The two are only half of the ancient demon domain, which happens to be completely controlled.

It is also a good way to imprison the two of them here.

With another ancient demon ancestor by his side, maybe he can get a lot of things.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian still planned to keep the two of them.

Let's see if there is a chance, and if he can get half of the two ancient demon domains, it will bring him a lot of power.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian straightened his face, and that was for an instant, as soon as he closed his eyes.

It directly caused Chu Xue's consciousness in the body to separate from the body.

The appearance of the female demon god was also transformed into a human form with the help of Chu Tian's Demon Domain avatar.

Seeing that Chu Tian trapped the two Emperor Zhen, he also frowned.

He looked over with a puzzled look on his face.

"What are you going to do?"

Emperor Zhen's strength is extraordinary, but their ancient demon realm is also very rare.

Looking at the half of the ancient demon realm between the two, Chu Xue was also a little moved.

In Chutian's eyes, Chutian smiled and said: "I plan to keep the two of them here, and you can see if there is any way to snatch their ancient demon domain."

"Strengthen yourself!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Chu Xue was taken aback. She really didn't expect that Chu Tian would make her stronger.

Looking at Chu Tian with a complicated face, he couldn't help but said, "Oh, are you willing to hand them over to me?"

"You are not afraid, I got their power, from you, snatch the control of this ancient demon domain?"

Chu Tian shook his head, his face was very calm: "I don't think you will do this, and you can't do it at all. Now you just rely on my demon domain clone to live. If you want to snatch the demon domain, you also need to reorganize your body."

"Even if your body is reorganized, you still need to restore a lot of strength to snatch the ancient demon realm. If I were you, I wouldn't do this."

Chu Tian's words made Chu Xue look over with a complicated face: "Why?"

Chu Tian looked serious, looked at the female demon God in front of him and said, "It's very simple, if I were you, I would definitely hide my strength, get my body first, rely on these two semi-ancient demon realms, and secretly give myself strength."

"Wait until the two and a half ancient demon realms are completely digested, and then find an opportunity to leave, so that we can make better use of this opportunity."

That smile and the words in his mouth also made Chu Xue in front of him ponder.

I have to admit that what Chu Tian said makes sense.

It also made her acquiesce directly.

Of course, to restore Chu Xue's strength, Chu Tian also has a way to suppress it.

At the same time, he also wanted to use the hand of the female demon god to get something from the two half-shocking emperors.

Even if the female devil god can recover her strength, he can get a lot of things indirectly.

How to put it, Chu Xue also relied on his ancient demon realm to grow up.

While Chu Xue recovered himself, his ancient demon domain would also be strengthened. This was a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Of course he wouldn't mind the other party growing up.

When the other party regained its original strength, his strength surpassed it by a lot.

At that time, don't even think about getting rid of his control.


Emperor Zhen was trapped, and Chutian's victory was inevitable in this fight.

As soon as Chu Tian appeared, everyone immediately cheered.

All of them looked happy, and shouted out excitedly.

The two ancestors of Xuanhuang Supreme are gone, and the ancient demon domain has also been acquired.

Chu Tian is the master of the entire chaotic battlefield, and he felt a little puffed up when he felt the calling voices around him.

If he can continue to obtain a few ancient demon realms, he can gain a lot of strength.

Thinking of this made him even more impatient to snatch other ancient demon realms.

It's just that the expressions of the two elders, Sun and Moon Tonghui in front of them, changed, which made the two elders tense.

Still in Chutian, he was thinking of robbing the remaining ancient holy land.

On the other hand, the two elders, Sun Moon Tonghui, stepped forward directly, and said seriously.

"Someone moved the statue of the god in our Sun and Moon Tonghui."

"I'm afraid something has happened to several major alliances. We have to leave here first."

The faces of the two elders were serious. It seemed that something happened to the three major alliances, and the statue of the god was passive.

This is definitely a huge thing.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for someone to break through the barrier of the sun and the moon, and even reach the most tight place within the sun and the moon, and touch the statues of the two ancestors.

It is only possible that there is some kind of change within Sun and Moon Tonghui.

It caused a little damage to the gods of the two elders, and the two elders who noticed this, left immediately.

Accompanied by the two of them leaving, it also made Chu Tian look pensive.

He is also very concerned about what happened to the three major alliances and what the Chaos Street has become now.

However, before leaving here, he still wanted to obtain an ancient demon realm first.

Strengthen yourself.

After all, the current him has placed the two ancient Zhendi within his ancient Snow Demon Realm.

This also led to the fact that the ancient snow demon domain could not be used, and he could only obtain another ancient snow demon domain again.

Get it under control, that's all.

Therefore, he did not leave with the old Sun Yue Tonghui.

Instead, go to a place.

The Yellow Sand Holy Land of the ancient Huang Clan was the first place he visited, and it was also the place where he felt the deepest.

What he meant was to take down the ancient god domain within the Yellow Sand Holy Land.

This ancient Yellow Emperor's Divine Realm was something they dreamed of, if they wanted to get it most.

Of course, it was the first choice of the Yellow Emperor God's Domain.

This time, his ultimate yopu power can compete with the spirits in the domain of the gods.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly set off for the ancient land of the Yellow Clan.

The current him only wants to obtain the divine domain of the Yellow Sand Holy Land, no matter who it is, it is impossible to stop him.

In the entire chaotic battlefield, no one can be his opponent anymore.

Except for the souls in those holy places that have been preserved for a long time.

Chu Tian's speed was very fast, and when he felt that the two elders, Sun and Moon Tonghui, had reached the gate of the Chaos Battlefield, he opened the gate and left this place directly.

The current Chutian is also within the ancient Huang clan.

Many people came to greet him, and the entire ancient Huang clan knew Chu Tian's majesty.

A group of people knelt down on the ground, welcoming the new masters of their entire clan.

"Long live my lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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