Chapter 861
There was a pilgrimage in front of them, and a cry came out, the sound was very loud.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian's expression was very calm.

Just staring at the past, falling on the patriarch, also looking at the patriarch's daughter, there is no nonsense, and he said directly.

"I have lived up to your expectations. This time, I have gained power that can surpass your ancient ancestors. I want to control your holy land."

"What do you have to say?"

Facing Chu Tianhao with a confident expression, together with the patriarch and others, they all lowered their heads, really unable to utter a word.

It is even a direct pilgrimage.

"It's a matter of course for your lord to get the Holy Land, your lord is our family, the new Supreme Supreme!"

"Supreme Supreme!"

That voice also made Chu Tian curl his lips and burst out laughing.

Accompanied by his laughter, there was a girl in front of her, gritted her teeth, and just looked over.

Until now, she still didn't give up.

Looking at Chutian, he couldn't help but said, "The holy land of our ancient Huang clan is not so easy to obtain."

"I'm afraid you don't know who opened up this chaotic battlefield, and why are we at the front of the gate of the battlefield?"

With a cold snort, he looked over proudly.

Those eyes and gazes were clearly telling Chu Tian that they did all of this.

The ancestors of the ancient Huang clan opened up this chaotic battlefield.

Leading a group of people into the chaotic battlefield, the struggle of hundreds of millions of years was also started by the ancient Huang clan.

This holy place is even more unique.

Huang Shi's face was full of pride, and she just stared at her after she finished speaking.

The voice was loud, and without even thinking about it, he continued to speak: "At the beginning, the ancestors brought the holy artifact of opening the sky, and the sacred artifact broke the sky, and forcibly pulled out this piece of heaven and earth. Several ancient gods would follow in his footsteps."

"At this place, with his strength, he directly killed more than three ancient demon ancestors, Lord God!"

Killed three ancient demon ancestors in a row.

This record is also absolutely astonishing.

Chu Tian now has a little understanding of the strength of the ancient demon patriarch who controls the supernatural power of destroying the world.

Even if there is no original strength, only those bodies still have a little consciousness, the opponent's strength is amazing enough.

And what kind of existence is this one who can kill three demon ancestor gods.

Chu Tian is really hard to imagine.

How should I put it, last time, before he arrived at the Divine Realm within the Yellow Sand Holy Land, he just took a look outside.

Can't see things in God's Domain.

Not to mention where the soul is.

However, it is simply impossible for him to give up at this point.

Chu Tian raised his head with the corner of his mouth floating, and looked over like this, with a proud face and said: "So what, I'm sure about this holy place. Let me tell you, it's not just this holy place."

"And you, your clan, are all members of my Chushen clan, including you, your clan, from now on, I will control it!"

Clenching his fists, Chu Tian's words also made Huang Shi's face change in front of him.

Even knowing that Chutian's strength is against the sky, she still has the last arrogance.

It is also the respect for the ancestors in the heart.

It is precisely because of her ancestor's understanding and understanding of his ancestor's strength that she admires her ancestor so much.

It is even believed that it is impossible for anyone to obtain the domain of the gods left by their ancestors.

This is simply impossible.

At the beginning, the ancestor had beheaded three ancient demon ancestors in a row, and the guy in front of him was just the remnant soul of the ancient demon ancestor who defeated him.

What ability, what qualifications do you have to inherit the last wish of your ancestors.

Yes, this is absolutely impossible!
Gritting her silver teeth, Huang Shi took a deep look at Chu Tian, ​​snorted coldly, and said in a calm voice, "Okay, if you want to challenge our God's Domain, I'll let you try."

"I am willing to help you, use the blood of my ancestors to break through this first barrier!"

The God Realm of the Ancient Yellow Clan is very different. To inherit the entire God Realm, the blood of the descendants of the Ancient Yellow Clan must also exist.

There is really a fundamental difference between this divine domain and the two major demon domains.

After all, Chu Tian saw the ancient Snow Demon Realm, the Emperor Zhendi Demon Realm, and the Star God God Realm who rescued the two ancestors of Sun and Moon Tonghui.

There are a little bit of these demon domains and god domains.

The opponent's demon soul consciousness does not want to hand over his things to future generations at all.

Instead, think about how to revive yourself.

Even if these people know that they have descendants, if the descendants can't help them resurrect, they will probably take action and get to know these descendants with their own hands.

But it is cold-blooded and ruthless enough.

And this ancient Huang Clan God Realm seemed to be very different.

It is said that the blood of the descendants can be used to open the enchantment. It really only wants the descendants to enter the realm of the gods.

Could it be that the other party really wants to leave God's Domain to the heir?

In this world, is there really such a saint?
Don't want to resurrect yourself, but only plan to leave it to the heirs of future generations?

Chu Tian didn't believe it, and wanted to see it with his own eyes.


Together with Huang Shi, this time, they brought a group of people to this place.

The outer layer of the Yellow Sand Holy Land was to be broken, and it was only a wave of Chu Tian's hand.

With a wave of his hand, all the yellow sand disappeared directly, and the realm of the gods appeared directly.

The people of the ancient Huang clan who watched all this had long bowed down.

Among them, the most sincere one is Huang Shi, who is the daughter of the patriarch.

As the most sincere member of the Huang family, she also has absolute respect for her ancestors.

"To disturb the dormancy of the ancestors, this time I came here, just to bring one person to meet the ancestors."

After finishing speaking, Huang Shi who stepped forward directly raised her hand.

A little blood spattered out of his hand and landed in the barrier of the God Realm in front of him.

As soon as the enchantment disappeared, it was really within the ancient gods, and it was just displayed in front of everyone.

The bright avenue in front of him also allowed Chu Tian to feel the charm of the colorful divine light, which seemed to attract him and make him walk forward.

This made Chutian lift his foot without any hesitation.

Just go straight ahead.

Attracted by the colorful divine light, he really couldn't help but walk into the God's Domain. Huang Shi looked at Chu Tian's steps with a serious expression.

Also followed closely.

Only two people entered the realm of the gods, and everyone else waited in place.

This time, they all wanted to know whether Chutian could control their ancient god domain.

This determines the future of their clan.

The God Realm of the ancient Huang Clan is absolutely special, among them, the ancestors have left a little information.

In order to open the gate of the entire chaotic battlefield and destroy the chaotic battlefield, one must have the ancestor's domain of gods, and the only way to win this domain of gods is to win.

They can save their family, they are still looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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