Chapter 862

As soon as he entered the real world, Chu Tian could only feel the brilliance of the whole place.

Yes, under the bright sunshine, there is really no feeling of darkness at all.

The only ancient God Realm he had ever seen was the Star God God Realm, and he was kicked out by the other party without taking a second look.

Now, actually stepping into this divine realm gave Chu Tian another feeling.

Needless to say, the Ancient Demon Realm, with the Ancient Demon Realm, the world-destroying supernatural power exists.

Control the rules and laws, dominate the life and death of all things.

This is the real ancient demon domain.

The Ancient Demon Realm is filled with countless dead energy, which is really different from the God Realm in front of it.

Just like the gods and demons are opposing each other.

The air of life and death alternates.

The Ancient God Realm is full of vitality, just like life.

Along the way, Chutian didn't see a dead soul, as if he was in another world, really like another world different from the land of ancient gods and demons.

However, he is still very clear that there will definitely be a soul that controls the domain of the gods and has discovered their presence here.

Chu Tian wanted to understand how much he was aware of, the strength of the opponent, and his personality.

With a glance, he was also looking at Huang Shi in front of him. After all, Huang Shi is also the bloodline successor of the master of the God Realm.

It is very likely that her blood is the purest blood.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to break the first restriction of God's Domain so easily.

And then, Huang Shi proved this very well.

As soon as Huang Shi raised her hand, she directly used her blood again to attract someone to appear.

"The blood of the ancient Huang family, please guide us!"

After finishing speaking, the blood gathered together and really slowly floated up, just like this, it went high into the sky.

Form a giant sphere.

Under the constant rotation, it seems to be calling someone.

Only the pure blood of the ancient Huang clan can attract real ancestors.

Otherwise, even if you can come in, don't even think about seeing this ancestor.

Under Huang Shi's blood, the ancient ancestor hidden in it immediately appeared, shrouded in light.

The aura of this ancestor is really gentle.

Unlike the two ancient demon ancestors I have seen, the aura exuded by this ancestor is really soft and soft.

There is no oppression at all.

It was also for Chu Tian to look over, his expression fluctuating, and he could only see the ancestor's sweeping gaze, which fell on Huang Shi.

There was a kind of calm on his face, and he spoke directly indifferently.

"What's your name?"

The first time Huang Shi saw the ancestor in front of him, he was still a little excited, his face was full of joy, and without thinking, he knelt down and bowed down.

I couldn't help but said: "I am the heir to the patriarch of the 130th clan of the ancient Huang clan. My name is Huang Shi. Forgive me for disturbing the ancestors!"

The ancestor in front of him nodded, without even thinking about it, he just raised his hand.

A ray of light directly shrouded her body.

It made Huang Shi tremble all over, feeling the changes in his body, and his face was even more happy.

Unexpectedly, the meeting with the ancestor in front of her improved her physique.

It made her admire this ancestor even more.

The ancient Huang Sheng Taizu also glanced at his descendants with a calm face.

Shaking his head directly, he said, "It's a pity that your talent is too weak to be my successor. It's a pity, a pity."

It's really regretful to say that.

Chu Tian saw it, especially when he saw that the ancient holy ancestor in front of him actually used his divine power that he had practiced for many years to help him improve his physique.

This is completely self-destructive method.

This made his expression fluctuate. When he stepped forward, he really couldn't help but say: "You are the ancestor of the ancient Huang Clan. I have seen many of you who lived hundreds of millions of years ago, with countless selfish interests."

"But you are very different. I also want to know, what is your essence?"

With a serious face, he just looked at him seriously.

It really made the ancient saint Taizu pay attention and glanced at Chu Tian.

His face was very puzzled: "You are not from my clan, you don't have my blood, why did you come here?"

Before Chu Tian could speak, Huang Shi's expression changed, she lowered her head, and said with a look of fear and uneasiness.

"Please forgive me, my lord. It's all because of me that I brought him here. Please forgive me."

The ancient saint Taizu just looked at Chutian with a curious expression on his face.

Chu Tian laughed out loud, and raised his foot forward, his voice was resonant.

"Of course I came here for you, the ancient great ancestor. I just want to know your essence."

"Moreover, I also want to tell you that your clan is now under my control, and everything about you can be inherited by me!"

What Chu Tian said was very straightforward, and it also made Huang Sheng Taizu shake his head in front of him, and said with a very calm expression.

"No, my sanctuary can only be given to my descendants. Without my blood, you can't get it."

"Even if I know that your talent is amazing, unfortunately, you still can't get what I have!"

Hearing these words, Chu Tian really curled his lips.

He didn't show any weakness.

"Oh, maybe, if I can beat you, I can get your stuff even without your acknowledgment!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian stepped forward without even thinking about it, and directly attacked the ancient holy ancestor in front of him.

The face of the ancient saint Taizu changed, and he noticed Chu Tian's movements.

Really frowning.

A complexion fluctuated, and that complexion was very ugly, and it was also a move against Chutian.

It really didn't directly confront, but backed away.

It also caused Chu Tian's punch to land on his world, and even made a huge hole directly blast out of his world.


With a loud sound, the hole directly expanded.

It really sucked everything around into a hole or something.

Accompanied by the continuous expansion of a hole, it really completely destroyed the surrounding area.

It was also seen by the ancient saint Taizu, who frowned, really upset, everything here was destroyed.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​it's just that he wasn't angry.

Instead, he watched over with a calm face, and said, "You were brought by descendants of my family, and I don't want to do anything to you."

"Please stop, as I said, this sanctuary cannot be given to you. This is absolutely impossible."

With a serious face, he is really a complete saint.

Chu Tian laughed out loud.

With a big smile, he just looked over with a big laugh, and said directly: "If you don't give it to me, who can you leave it to, your descendants?"

"In hundreds of millions of years, it is impossible for them now to have the strength to inherit everything from you. When the time comes, they will just disappear into history."

As soon as the words came out, the face of the holy ancestor in front of him changed, and he was really moved.

(End of this chapter)

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