Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 863 Two Ancient Demon Domains

Chapter 863 Two Ancient Demon Realms
"When the time comes, the entire ancient Huang clan will disappear, so what descendants can you find?"

"But now, I can protect your family, your family will not be wiped out, and the whole family will survive forever because of my protection."

Chu Tian looked over at a glance, and the words in his mouth clearly moved the face of the ancient holy ancestor in front of him.

A face is very complicated, very strange to look at.

It fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Chu Tian didn't even think about it, and continued: "Give me the sanctuary, and I can keep your family safe and sound. As long as I am still alive, your family will continue to exist."

It is obvious that Chu Tian's words moved the ancient saint Taizu in front of him a little bit.

It's just that when those eyes stared at him, they really didn't believe it.

"How can you prove that you will walk the talk?"

Looking over with a serious face, it was obvious that he didn't trust Chutian.

By handing over the sanctuary to others, the next clan can be preserved.

It was impossible for him to think that even if Chutian got the sanctuary, there was no need to protect his family.

This made him not believe that Chu Tian would do this at all.

Nor will the sanctuary be taken out.

Seeing the other party's expression and distrust also made Chu Tian frown.

I really couldn't help but said: "It seems that no matter what I say, you won't believe it. Since Tathagata has come, then there is no need to talk nonsense."

Yes, use strength to prove what he said.

This is a conversation that only the strong can have.

Without even thinking about it, Chu Tian directly displayed the ancient demon realm.

Now even if Emperor Zhen couldn't fully use his ancient demon realm, Chu Xue was there to help him.

It is also enough to let his strength fully display.

In an instant, the Ancient Demon Realm appeared, and Chu Xue also noticed a person in front of him.

Seeing the ancient holy ancestor in front of him, his face changed, and his face changed unsteadily. It really had a complicated and very special face.

"Holy Emperor Supreme?"

That's right, only the Yellow Sage and Taizu in front of him can have the title of Supreme Sage Emperor.

He is the master and leader of the entire chaotic battlefield.

It is also the nightmare of countless ancient demon ancestors. In order to avoid the pursuit of this holy emperor, they kept running away.

The fear of the ancient saint Taizu comes from the heart.

Seeing the ancient holy ancestor in front of her, her face changed, and she also looked ugly, and her face was very pale.

It was the first time Chu Tian saw the expression of fear.

Unexpectedly, these ancient demon ancestors would also be afraid sometimes.

It also proves that the identity of the person in front is not simple.

The ancient holy patriarch glanced over and looked at Chu Xue alone behind Chu Tian, ​​his expression slightly moved.

I really couldn't help but said: "God Snow Demon, I didn't expect that you are still alive. Even our ancient Huang clan can't suppress you."

"This is indeed my disappointment. If I still have the strength, you would not be able to live here now."

With his eyes fixed, he hated the ancient demon ancestor very much.

After discovering Chu Xue's existence, she couldn't bear it long ago, and said directly to Chu Tian.

"Since you want to protect our ancient Huang clan, you shouldn't be with this kind of person. The ancient demon ancestor is a sin. Her existence will bring destruction to this world!"

"What you have to do is to destroy them, and you shouldn't be so friendly with her, don't you understand?"

Looking at it seriously, the words in the mouth and the expression on the face are really not joking.

Chutian only saw it in his eyes, and his expression changed.

They all looked strange: "Hundreds of millions of years have passed, I don't know what happened to you, but now, cultivating demons and cultivating gods coexist, this point has long been different."

It's a pity that the ancient saint Taizu in front of him who heard his words really didn't compromise at all.

With his face pulled, he really looked ugly.

"Both coexist?"

"This is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible."

"I absolutely do not allow this kind of thing to exist. Since the ancient demon ancestor is a sin, eliminating all original sins in this world is my way, my way of the saint!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and roared.

Obviously, seeing the ancient demon patriarch, and even hearing the words of Chu Tian's coexistence, made the saint patriarch in front very angry.

This seemed to touch his bottom line, and it just made him go crazy.

With a roar, it was clear that the ancient holy ancestor had changed.

The whole person reveals a kind of colorful light covering the whole body, appearing like a god, just floating in front of Chu Tian.

Constantly floating high in the sky, staring directly at it.

Glancing at Chu Tian, ​​his eyes fell on Chu Xue who was behind Chu Tian, ​​his face was ice-cold, as if he was looking at him with a kind of icy gaze.

"Sin is unforgivable, you destroying this world is the greatest sin, absolutely unforgivable!"

"Creating supernatural powers, creating the world with a thousand swords!"

After finishing speaking, he directly raised his hand, and the sky and the earth shook. At this moment, the divine sword was formed directly, and it was really floating around him, and it was really as thick as a handful.

An amazingly powerful sword.

As the divine sword spun, it locked onto Chu Xue.

Chu Xue's expression changed drastically, she looked at the other party's Excalibur with a clear expression of fear.

Whether it's the fear of the ancient Huang Sheng Taizu, or the fear of the other party's creation supernatural powers.

The power of the supernatural power of creation, on top of her supernatural power of destruction, cannot be resisted by relying on her current posture.

He could only watch helplessly as the divine sword surged towards him for a moment.

When he got in front of her, he even wanted to go through her body.

It also made her complexion change.

Zheng didn't know what to do, so he stepped forward alone, without even thinking about it, and stopped in front of her.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he directly blocked all the divine swords with just one move.

Chu Tian, ​​who was covered by the demon body and demon armor, barely resisted the opponent's sword of the gods.

The strength of this Huang Sheng Taizu is not weak, and the supernatural power of destroying the world is also very amazing.

Chutian's magic armor was also somewhat damaged.

It only made him frown. It seemed that without the strength of the ancient demon ancestor, it would be difficult to compete with the Huangsheng ancestor who only had soul consciousness in front of him.

Noticing Chutian's movements, Huang Shengtaizu in front of him looked even more ugly.

Gritting her teeth, she looked angry: "Why did you help her, who is she to you?"

"You are colluding with the ancient demon ancestor. It seems that you want to become the evil in this world. Do you want me to be wiped out together with you?"

The expression on his face was very indifferent, and the words in his mouth only made Chu Tian curl his lips, and he really looked at it unwillingly.

"You keep saying that it is evil, and you want to eliminate it directly. In my opinion, you are also evil itself."

As soon as the words came out, Huang Sheng Taizu's face completely darkened, he gritted his teeth, and looked angry.

"What are you? How dare you slander me like this. The source of evil is about to be removed. You can't stay."

(End of this chapter)

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