Chapter 864

The mask of this complete saint was torn off.

It is also directly angry, and it is his root cause that he cannot tolerate demon cultivators.

Whether it's his soul consciousness or deep in his heart, he hates demon cultivators very much.

Originally, cultivating gods and demons are two pros and cons.

It's the same root, but it's a pity that the ancient holy ancestor in front of him really doesn't want to understand.

It is precisely because of this blindness that he is very arrogant, and he has the strength to despise all demon cultivators.

This is why he can become so powerful.

Watching the ancient saint Taizu get angry directly.

As soon as Chu Tian gritted his teeth, he didn't even think about it. Under the control of the ancient demon realm, he was also displaying the magical power of destroying the world.

Even if he doesn't have Chu Xue's fusion now, he has already controlled a bit of world-destroying supernatural power.

If you can't play [-]%, you can also play three cities.

It's better than that, now sit and wait.

"World-destroying supernatural powers, the demon body destroys the world!"

After finishing speaking, in an instant, the energy of the demon soul in the ancient demon realm gathered on him.

It also strengthened Chutian's demon body.

Let Chutian's demon body expand in an instant, forming a pair of huge armor.

It really surpassed his body and directly resisted in front.

Blocked the terrifying sword of the gods ahead.

Boom boom boom!
The sword of the gods struck under Chutian's huge armor, but unfortunately, it really didn't shake Chutian's current armor at all.

All this fell into the eyes of the ancient saint Taizu in front of him, his face changed, and his face was very ugly.

Just look at it with such a strange face.

The change in his face was really cold.

"Supernatural Ability to Exterminate Worlds, you are not mistaken, you are also a demon cultivator, damn it, you will be with our ancient Huang people."

"You must die, root of evil, you must die!"

In a fit of rage, seeing Chutian's world-destroying supernatural power completely enraged the ancient holy ancestor in front of him.

That crazy, crazy look scared Huang Shi who was on the side.

She didn't see at all that such a crazy ancestor with red eyes was completely different from what she thought.

It made him even more confused. After discovering Chutian's identity, the ancestor glanced over and landed on her.

His face was icy, as if he was staring at him indifferently.

That's called a cold look.

"It was you who brought him to see me. As my descendant, why did you stay with these crimes?"

"It's ridiculous, I actually help you improve your abilities, you are a person who helps evil, you don't deserve my help at all!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, he really hit Huang Shi directly.

As long as people who are with demon cultivators, in his view, they are sin itself.

Get rid of it without any nonsense.

With that finger movement, the Excalibur formed directly and pierced towards Huang Shi.

It never occurred to her that her ancestor's face would be extremely ugly to Huang Shi who did it to her, and she froze in place, completely terrified.

Chu Tian's expression froze, watching the actions of the Huang Sheng Taizu.

As soon as the whole person rushed forward, he once again caught the opponent's divine sword directly.

"The people of the ancient Huang clan are all mine now, and I don't allow you to touch my people."

Chu Tian's face was icy cold, and he just looked over with a icy expression.

Feel Chu Tian's sight, and that cold gaze.

Huang Sheng Taizu, who was gnashing his teeth, was obviously very angry.

"Damn it, our family has fallen to this point. I don't believe it at all. You must be persecuting our family. Ahhh, I will never let you go!"

Looking at the mad ancestor, Huang Shi's face was ugly, her whole body went limp, and she couldn't believe what she saw in front of her eyes.

"Ancestor, Lord Ancestor?"

That expression of panic and uneasiness fell in Chu Tian's eyes.

Chu Tian pouted.

His face was calm, and he said indifferently: "It seems that your ancestor was not a real saint. He hated demon cultivators so much. In my opinion, he is really pathetic."

"No wonder he died here hundreds of millions of years ago."

For a while, Huang Shi really couldn't say a word.

After all, Chutian saved her.

The ancestors already wanted to kill her, and Huang Shi's heart was shaken by feeling the ancestor's hatred for cultivating demons.

Is it really wrong for her to choose to believe in her ancestors?

Billions of years have long passed.

As Chu Tian said, cultivating demons and cultivating gods is the same. They have changed their views a long time ago.

The pros and cons of cultivating demons and cultivating gods are also the same.

It really doesn't make a difference.

But the ancestor in front of her, with such an incomparably hateful and angry face, also deeply shook her heart.

Especially the ancestor in front, when he raised his hand, he wanted to destroy her together.

"Creating supernatural powers, this world is indestructible, how can the world be created, the divine sword destroys things!"

The moment he finished speaking, a sword pierced through the sky and the earth.

This sword is really huge, just like this towering under the sky.

It also made Chu Tian look at the huge sword in front of him with a complicated expression.

This divine sword is actually composed of the opponent's supernatural powers, which is very surprising.

The power of the Excalibur is terrifying.

The aura emanating from it, the aura that destroys the world and suppresses all directions, is stronger than the two ancient demon ancestors.

The supernatural power of creation is under the supernatural power of destruction.

However, the roots are the same.

Destroying first and then creating again, what the other party did was really no different from that of the ancient demon ancestor.

Watching the other party sacrifice the divine sword directly.

Chu Tian also sneered, looked at the huge divine sword in the sky, and said with disdain: "Your supernatural power of creation is nothing more than that, destroy first and then create."

"This is exactly the same as the world-killing supernatural power!"

Huang Sheng Taizu gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Shut up!"

The voice was loud and called out.

He even waved his hand directly.

The sky and the earth were shaken, and it was just this sword that slashed at Chu Tian.

This sword directly opened a huge gap in the entire ancient demon realm, and hit Chu Tian's demon body.

Chutian's demon body trembled, and it was almost split open.

I have to admit that this remnant soul of Huang Sheng Taizu is powerful.

If this continues, if he can no longer gain the power of the ancient demon ancestor, it will be difficult to compete with the yellow saint ancestor in front of him.

Chu Tian glanced and landed on Chu Xue. It's a pity that Chu Xue is really trembling now.

Shocked by the divine sword in front of her, she could no longer play a role.

It really made Chu Tian sigh.

Thinking about whether to leave here today.

But with a glance, he noticed the two clones of Emperor Zhen.

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth was raised, but without thinking about it, he went directly to the two clones of Emperor Zhen and woke them up.

"The ancient saint Taizu is in front, you don't want to die here, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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