Chapter 865

The two Emperor Zhen woke up and turned around. Seeing the ancient holy ancestor in front of them, their expressions changed.

A good face is ugly.

"Why is the Supreme Patriarch actually here?"

"Damn it, kid, you are crazy, you dare to provoke the Supreme Patriarch, get us out of here quickly."

The two of them became anxious for a moment, their faces turned ugly, it seemed that their faces were pale, and they just looked at them with such a fluctuating expression.

It was really ugly.

The two of them don't want to die here.

The power of the ancient holy ancestor in front cannot be resisted by two people.

The faces of the two were filled with fear, but they didn't want to be killed here together with Chu Tian.

It will be a very miserable death, when the time comes, there will be no hope at all, and it will be completely wiped out.

Thinking of the opponent's strength, all of this fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and it was Chu Tian who curled his lips.

Just watch over here.

There was a little light in those eyes, looking at the two of them, without thinking.

"The two of you don't want to die, so lend me the ancient demon realm. Only when the two ancient demon realms are combined can I help you get rid of him."

"No, no one will run away today."

Chu Tian's words really made the two of them look very ugly.

Even more angry, he gritted his teeth and looked over with a straight face of anger.

Facing Chutian, he shouted directly.

"Boy, don't think about it."

"Damn it, why did we lend you the Ancient Demon Realm? It's simply impossible."

Chu Tian curled his lips, but his expression was calm: "Okay, since you don't want to lend it to me, now, let's wait for death together."

Previously, Emperor Zhen had threatened him directly, wanting to die with him.

Up to now, Feng Shui took turns, and it was Chu Tian's turn to threaten the two.

He was very clear that the two Emperor Zhen absolutely did not want to die here.

Sure enough, upon hearing Chutian's words, the two Emperor Zhen looked at each other with extremely angry faces, and they were also helpless towards Chutian.

The two took a deep breath and had to do as Chu Tian said.

"Okay, we will temporarily lend you the Ancient Demon Realm, but don't try to get our Demon Realm."

"We are just borrowing your supernatural power temporarily so that you can control our ancient demon realm for a while. As long as we don't die, you don't even want to get this ancient demon realm."

Of course Chu Tian understood that as long as the two of them were still there, they couldn't fully control them.

It would take a lot of time to get rid of the two of them.

Right now, the most important thing is the astonishingly powerful ancient holy ancestor in front of him, the other party's supernatural powers of creation.

It's extraordinary.

Absolutely amazing!

Now, we still have to find a way, how to solve this Huang Sheng Taizu, only by solving him can we get this piece of God's Domain.

Chu Tian became more and more thoughtful about the Ancient God Realm.

I want to control this magical power of creation.

Then you must obtain an ancient god domain.

Right now, the two Emperor Zhen agreed to his request.

Without any nonsense, they directly transformed the two people's magical powers into soul energy and injected them into Chu Tian's body.

It was also Chutian who felt a force again.

Emperor Zhen's world-destroying supernatural power is different from Snow Demon's.

There is a big difference between each Mieshi Shentong Occasionally.

I'm afraid the same is true for the Ancient God Realm.

At this moment, Chu Tian's expression changed, and when he raised his head, there was a twinkle in his gaze.

Looking at it this way, the two ancient demon realms can be controlled.

Chu Tian really has the ability to fight the ancient holy ancestor in front of him. After all, the opponent is not the real saint, supreme invincible.

It's just a bit of consciousness left behind, and this bit of consciousness really doesn't have [-]% of its own strength.

If this cannot win, how will Chutian surpass these ancient saint emperors.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Tian felt that Emperor Zhen's supernatural power had been completely penetrated, and he was also under the control of his supernatural power.

The double demon domains appeared directly, but this time, Chu Tian did not use the demon soul to control them.

It was really directly attached to his divine body.

He just wanted to surprise the superficial "saint" in front of him, and let him understand that a person who cultivates demons is not a sinner.

In an instant, Chu Tian's divine body appeared directly.

The appearance of the god body really changed the expression of Huang Sheng Taizu in front of him, with a complicated expression, he looked over in a very incomprehensible manner.

I really didn't expect that Chu Tian actually cultivated two souls.

What surprised him even more was that Chu Tian relied on two ancient demon realms to strengthen his divine body.

"You, what are you doing?"

Seeing Huang Sheng Taizu's surprised appearance, Chu Tian understood very well that his approach has been very successful so far.

With a curl of his lips and a smile, he really had a smile on his face: "I just want to know that the original Tao of the two is the same."

"Even if my god body can also obtain the supernatural powers of the ancient demon realm, I will let you experience the horror of two souls becoming a god body!"

The surging ancient demon energy directly entered Chu Tian's divine body.

It also made Chutian's god body grow directly.

His dual soul and dual cultivation have long allowed the two souls to replenish each other.

Now put the two controlled ancient demon domains into it like this, and it really doesn't take a little effort to completely control them.

This approach directly stunned the ancient holy ancestor in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the energy of the devil soul can be used to strengthen the god body.

This was something he had never thought of before, and it broke his original concept even more.

"No, no, this is possible. The god body is holy, and the demon body is evil. It is absolutely impossible for the two to merge, absolutely impossible."

"My way is not wrong, I am not wrong, why, why, you can fuse two souls, this, this is impossible!"

With an ugly face and a pale face, this time the blow was really not small.

Chutian really did not expect that this would have such a strong blow to the ancient holy ancestor in front of him.

The other party backed away with an unbelievable look on his face.

A pale expression on his face.

It's all to show that he couldn't believe it at all, what he saw in front of him.

It's no wonder that he originally relied on the hatred demon cultivator to pursue the heavenly way he yearned for.

Only then did he have his current strength, and his way of heaven came from those who hated demon cultivators.

He regards cultivating demons as a crime, and he implements this point from beginning to end. No one can change his consciousness.

Relying on this belief, he became stronger and stronger without even thinking about it.

Whether his approach is right or wrong.

But now, Chu Tian's fellow practitioner with two souls showed that the two souls were originally from the same root.

This directly broke his path of cultivation, and it also made his heart shake. For a while, he was confused about his own way of heaven.

It really touched him a lot.

In a trance, he went crazy directly.

"Ahhh, I absolutely don't believe it. I am holy and the devil is evil. I absolutely don't believe that the holy and the devil are the same. This is simply impossible!"

"I want to wipe out the evil in this world, I am a generation of saints, no one can stop me, ahhh!"

(End of this chapter)

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