Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 866 The Choice of the Yellow Clan

Chapter 866 The Choice of the Yellow Clan
The roaring ancient saint Taizu looked angry, gritted his teeth, and stared at Chutian with an unsteady expression.

He yelled angrily.

The words in his mouth, as well as the expression on his face, all indicated that he was completely insane.

It seems that the ancient holy ancestor in front of him was hit too hard.

Now it has entered a state of madness.

Desperately driving that magical power of creation, it directly smashed at him.

"Wan Jian creates the world, ah ah!"

With a roar, at this moment, in the sky, the sword that pierced the sky and the earth fell directly.

There are really thousands of giant swords, just falling down like this.

A divine sword weighs [-] tons, and it can even level a radius of [-] meters.

Not to mention, there are thousands of giant swords now.

Falling down like this, that kind of scene is like destroying the entire chaotic battlefield.

That's right, this ancient holy ancestor was furious, even if he only had [-]% of his body's strength, he was enough to drive this [-]% of his strength.

Destroy the entire ancient demon realm.

Such a terrifying supernatural power really made Chu Tian look eager.

He looked at the Excalibur that was already in front of him in the sky.

As soon as he raised his hand, he let his huge god body rush forward.

The divine body directly resisted the opponent's divine sword.

When it was hit directly, it was even more shattered abruptly.

The sound was so loud that the entire Excalibur was completely canceled out.

It's a pity that the ancient holy ancestor in front of him has not changed at all, and the roaring voice has not stopped.

Now he has lost his mind, he doesn't agree with Chutian's double cultivation, and he wants Chutian to be wiped out, otherwise, this will completely hit his heart of heaven.

At that time, he will only be devastated.

Now he can only rely on going crazy and killing Chu Tian to make up for his loss of a little bit of the heart to pursue the way of heaven.

"I don't admit it, I absolutely don't admit it, the source of evil, I must get rid of it, you must die!"

"Excalibur fell into the world, fell into the world!"

Above the sky, all the incomparably huge swords really gathered together in an instant.

Countless divine swords are directly fused to form a giant sword that can shake the world.

Just like that, it was erected in the sky of Chutian.

This can be regarded as Huang Sheng Taizu's last strength, and he will use the supernatural power of creation to the limit.

And finally came up with this trick, Excalibur Creates Heaven and Earth.

With this sword, Chu Tian was really worried. Together with this piece of heaven and earth, the entire chaotic battlefield would be directly pierced.

Chu Tian couldn't stop sighing, and he could only get out of the two souls and two bodies, and directly resisted between the heaven and the earth.

Now we must directly block this divine sword, otherwise, the Chaos Battlefield will be destroyed, and the Chaos Street will also be affected.

At that time, I don't know how many people will die under this divine sword.

Thousands of people, probably more than that.

It is impossible for the several major ancient protoss and ancient demons left in the chaotic battlefield to survive.

Together with the ancient clan in Chaos Street, I am afraid that many clans will also be wiped out.

This sword fell so truly, directly piercing through it, that it was really possible to turn tens of thousands of people into ashes.

No matter what, Chu Tian could only raise his hand and forcefully use the triple defense to directly resist the opponent's divine sword.

With a resounding sound, the divine sword struck Chu Tian's huge divine body first, and the entire divine sword was tens of thousands of meters long, which was reduced by 1.1 meters.

Together with Chutian's divine body, they also constantly cancel each other out.

In less than a moment, Chu Tian's divine body disappeared directly, and the entire divine sword was reduced by thousands of meters in length.

The [-]-meter length continued to fall, and hit Chutian's huge demon body armor again.

The demon body armor, soaring to the sky, completely protected Chu Tian's head in the sky.

It even cancels out with the Excalibur of thousands of meters.

In the sky, there was a loud sound.

The entire Excalibur trembled and was continuously reduced from the high altitude, and together with the colorful light, it also disappeared slowly.

The Excalibur's length was reduced by 2000 meters, which made Chu Tian's demon body disappear.

But the entire Excalibur has at least 6 kilometers left, such a size.

It is impossible for Chutian to ignore it, as the body of two souls is canceled out.

Now he only relies on his physical body, plus his supernatural powers, and he alone can offset the remaining divine swords.


Chu Tian raised both hands, facing the divine sword in the sky, and lifted it up.

A ray of light flashed across the entire sky.

Chu Tian, ​​who gushed out the energy of the divine soul and the energy of the devil soul, absorbed everything around him.

The place where it meets the Excalibur is like a black hole.

It really absorbs everything.

Gusts of wind blew by, and everything was completely absorbed into this piece of heaven and earth.

The gust of wind that surged up was really involved along with everything around Chutian.

Chutian's eyes didn't change, but he raised his hands directly, without any relaxation.

With countless supernatural powers, the divine sword that allowed him to offset it was getting longer and longer. The 5-meter-long divine sword was really reduced to half, only [-] kilometers in length.

This scene fell in the eyes of Huang Shi who was not far away, and his face changed.

Noticing Chu Tian's expression, she was also touched now.

Confronting the ancestors, Chu Tian was definitely the first person who dared to do so.

The ancestors are the supreme saints, and only they can understand what this title represents.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, only the ancestors dominated the entire chaotic battlefield.

Even if you don't have all the strength now, only [-]% of it, but this [-]% is devastating.

But now, Chu Tian was able to resist completely, which already made Huang Shi's expression fluctuate.

Compared with the ancient Yellow Clan, Chutian's talent is unmatched. For hundreds of millions of years, no ancestor or descendant can reach the same height as Chutian.

It also made her grit her teeth and look at the ancestors in front of her.

With her eyes fixed, she really didn't even think about it.

"My lord ancestor forgive me, but this time, my lord ancestor will do it first."

"It's not that our ancient Huang clan doesn't want to serve our ancestors, but our clan must demand survival, so now I'm willing to use my blood to help you undo the restriction of this ancient god's domain!"

As soon as the words came out, the face of Huang Sheng Taizu in front of him changed, and he looked at it strangely.

Looking at Huang Shi's determined face, she bit her finger without even thinking about it.

Under the pool of blood.

It really gathered little by little, forming a trickle, flying towards Chu Tian.

Completely wrap Chutian in.

Enveloping Chutian completely, it also made Chutian feel the blood surrounding him, and at the same time, the surrounding scenery also changed.

Obviously, Huang Shi relied on his pure blood of the Yellow Emperor's clan to help him integrate into this ancient god realm.

If the Yellow Emperor's family is pure, they will be able to control this piece of heaven and earth.

From now on, this piece of ancient god domain can also be driven by Chutian.

(End of this chapter)

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