Chapter 867
The pure blood of the Yellow Emperor's clan was also known to Chu Tian.

The Huang Sheng Taizu in front of him is really not the first generation of the Holy Ancestor, even if the ancient gods do have a little relationship with the first generation of the Yellow Emperor.

His blood runs through him.

But in the final analysis, he was not the first person among the ancient Huang clan to become the holy ancestor.

It also made Chutian understand that as long as he got the pure blood of the Yellow Emperor, he could even control this piece of ancient gods.

Surrounded by Huang Shi's blood, Chu Tian directly saw through the secrets in this ancient god's domain.

Let the light in his eyes shine brightly, and the soul energy erupting in his hands surges up even more violently.


Surrounded by the pure blood of the Yellow Emperor, the entire Ancient God Realm moved with him.

The soul energy rushing up, resisting the opponent's 5000-meter divine sword, even sharpened the divine sword bit by bit.


In an instant, the divine sword was directly reduced by 1000 meters, and the speed was so fast that it did not stop at all.

Under the control of part of Chu Tian in the Ancient God Realm, the power of the twin souls is even more astonishing.

Directly relying on Chutian's hands, it emerged and wrapped the giant sword, causing the giant sword to be continuously turned into ashes.

After 1000 meters, another 1000 meters.

This giant sword that pierces the world is short, less than a moment.

It really is only 1 meters long.

With such a size and length, it is no longer possible to destroy the entire Chaos Battlefield.

It also made Huang Shengtaizu's face pull, he didn't expect that his descendants would actually hand over the pure blood to other people.

This made him stare angrily, gnash his teeth, and burst into anger.

"As a member of my family, I actually help other people. I understand now that you people shouldn't be kept at all."

"As my descendants, but it violates my purpose, you all have to die for me!"

At this moment, the entire Huang Sheng Taizu rushed forward, without even thinking about it, and directly merged with the remaining divine sword that was less than 1000 meters away.

It's really a spin for Excalibur to get the consciousness and soul of Huang Sheng Taizu.

The entire huge sword also swelled instantly. Although it did not increase in length, it was originally as wide as a hill.

Now it is like a huge mountain.

Standing between the sky and the earth, and at the bottom of it, Chu Tian raised his hands and used the energy of the two souls to hold it up.

Seeing Huang Sheng Taizu's actions.

Huang Shi's face was the ugliest, looking at the ancestor who went berserk.

They really planned to bring their ancient Huang clan along with Chaos Battlefield, and destroy them directly.

In her ancestor's view, the entire ancient Huang clan had been driven by evil. In order to punish these people, he would rather wipe out all members of the clan directly.

The actions of this sage, the great ancestor, were enough to chill the hearts of the entire ancient Huang clan.

He also noticed the opponent's movements, and looked at the increasingly heavy Creation Sword in the sky.

Chu Tian continued to sneer even more: "You keep saying that you are doing it for your offspring, but it seems that you are only doing it for yourself."

"For the sake of the heaven in your heart, you can abandon everything else. Even if you leave this ancient god domain and find an heir, it's only for the sake of your sacred heart. It's really ironic."

Chu Tian now understands that the other party's way of heaven is only the inner sage who pursues the essence.

It is also because he regards spiritual cultivation as the most fundamental sage.

Everything is for him, the saint of heavenly reincarnation.

As long as there are other saints who hinder him from cultivating the reincarnation of heaven, he will attack directly without leaving any room.

All these saintly performances are really his stubbornness.

In the final analysis, he was willing to hand over the ancient demon realm to future generations, in the end, it was also to pursue the true way of the Sacred Heart.

If possible, he would find a suitable heir and let the other party inherit his strength.

Maybe, he can get a chance to break through the bottleneck.

Complete the final Sacred Heart Breakthrough,

Also complete his ultimate way of heaven!
Unfortunately, all of this was destroyed by Chu Tian.

Chu Tian's appearance, as well as the displayed dual cultivation and dual souls, directly angered him and disrupted his way of the Sacred Heart.

While letting his three views explode.

Even the way of the Sacred Heart, there is also a little deviation.

The current him, no matter what, it is impossible to achieve a breakthrough in the bottleneck.

This made Chu Tian sigh even more.

"It seems that you ancient holy ancestors are no different from the devil ancestors. You pursue the sacred heart and the way to destroy the world."

"What's the difference between you and them? You have to get rid of everything that hinders your way of the Sacred Heart. Hundreds of millions of years of tragic battles are all because of you. Don't you think that countless people from the ancient gods and demons, Those who were killed were all true saints?"

Chu Tian questioned with a look on his face.

The other party provoked the battle not because of the evil done by the ancient demons, but because he pursued the Sacred Heart and made Chaos Street a battlefield for himself.

After all, he is only for himself.

Before his Sacred Heart, all demon cultivators are sinful, and only by getting rid of the sinful.

It can strengthen his Sacred Heart of Heaven.

Now, it was directly seen through by Chu Tian.

This Huang Sheng Taizu really gave a cold snort, without any sense of regret.

"There is nothing wrong with my pursuit of the ultimate sage of the way of heaven. To get rid of the root of all evil in this world and not let it breed again, there is nothing wrong with my way of heaven."

"Destroy all the roots of evil in the world, and from then on, there will be no more evil in the world."

Hearing the other party's words, Chu Tian burst out laughing.

There was really a smile on his face, looking at Huang Sheng Taizu in front of him, he laughed.

"Interesting, it seems that the root of evil is just what you think in your heart. It's no wonder that if you don't regard demon cultivators as evil, who can complete your power to fill the heavens."

"You forcibly turned cultivating demons into the root of evil, and you are so determined in your heart that this can also complete your ultimate way of heaven, and let the saint's way of heaven be fully supplemented. If you do this, is the real evil itself?"

That's right, this guy really implicated all the demon cultivators and forcibly positioned them as sinners.

Just for the "Sacred Heart of Heaven" in his heart.

It was because of his Sacred Heart and Heavenly Dao that he wiped out countless ancient demon clans, probably millions of people, all died in his hands.

This is all for him to fill his ultimate heaven.

This is what makes him so powerful.

This guy is really an extreme.

Even if he was pointed out by Chutian, but now he doesn't think that everything about him is wrong.

After all, his Sacred Heart of Heaven is perfect, and it is impossible for Chu Tian to break through it with a few words.

"Hmph, I don't need you to judge my way of heaven. You, a fellow practitioner with two souls, also buried sins in your body, so let me help you get rid of all of this."

(End of this chapter)

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