Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 868 The Power of Heaven

Chapter 868 The Power of Heaven
Huang Sheng Taizu, who was fused with the divine sword, just pressed down directly and continuously.

He wanted to penetrate Chutian, but he said that he wanted to help Chutian purify the root of evil in his body.

This made Chu Tian very upset. This ancient holy ancestor is really shameless.

Doing extremely evil things, but saying that others are the root of evil.

This is simply ridiculous.

Let Chu Tian sneer and feel the opponent's divine sword falling continuously.

It also made Chu Tian bite his teeth directly and lift his hands vigorously.

The pure blood energy of the Yellow Emperor around him also followed Chu Tian's changes, and they really started to circulate quickly.

"I have broken the Heavenly Dao itself of the Holy Grandfather, and I have also seen the world-destroying power of the ancient Demon Great Ancestor."

"All of these are the way of oneself. When you dig out the soul energy, it is the real power of heaven!"

Chu Tian's eyes were shining brightly. At this moment, he really saw through everything, accompanied by his two ancient demon realms.

It is also to assist him with all its strength, and it also has the pure blood of the Yellow Emperor, and it is also driving the surrounding ancient gods.

Give him a hand.

Let Chutian's whole body shine with light.

"The power of heaven, the magical power of creation!"

"Create the chaos of the world, create the world!"

The supernatural power of creation was really directly comprehended by Chutian when no one taught him.

He felt the turmoil in Du's heart, and even made his creation supernatural power appear directly.

This creation of heaven and earth made Chu Tian raise his hand.

Pull the world in front of you directly.

It really directly created a small ancient world.

Yes, he can directly pull out the small ancient world.

It even made the divine sword in the sky fall into his small ancient world.

The little ancient world trembled, it was directly exploded, and the Excalibur was also directly exploded, which reduced a lot.

This small ancient world can withstand several times the thousand-meter sword.

Turn the thousand-meter sword into a hundred-meter giant sword.

The remaining [-]-meter Giant God Sword fell down.

It really made Chutian not hesitate at all, he flew into the sky at once, and when he reached the high altitude, he directly grasped the sword handle.

Lift it up directly.

"I suddenly realized the supernatural powers of creation. Now there are two ancient demon realms, plus your ancient god realm, which can also be driven by me. Can you beat me?"

Looking at the ancient holy ancestor hidden inside the sword body, Chu Tian only sneered.

It's really a joke, and it's very playful.

The ancient holy ancestor hidden in it, at this moment, just wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for Chutian to let him go. Chutian clenched his fist and even punched the blade of the sword.

The entire sword was also instantly smashed to shatter.

With the disappearance of the sword, the remnant soul of the ancient holy ancestor was also directly wiped out.

After the death of Huang Sheng Taizu, the ancient gods also changed.

This time, it was the first time for Chutian to completely kill the remaining souls in the ancient world.

You can only see the trembling of the ancient gods in front of you.

The ancient god's domain that lost its dominion immediately exposed its center, which is also the heart of the god's domain.

In an instant, there is a bright light.

Falling into Chutian's eyes also made Chutian deeply attracted, and he could feel the resonance of his divine body.

Let him step right into it.

As soon as he entered, the long-lost system upgrade sound rang directly in his ear.

"I found a large number of ancient top-quality gemstones, which can be exchanged for divine stones. Do you want to exchange them?"

"A large number of ancient artifacts have been checked and put into the warehouse. Please ask the host to sort them out."

"It has been checked that a huge amount of divine stones have been put into the host system. There are a total of 3 million divine stones!"

Not to mention the top-quality gemstones, I never thought that there are 300 million hidden divine stones, what a huge number this is.

It really made Chu Tian look excited.

In addition to this divine stone, top grade gemstones can also be exchanged for divine stones.

Let Chutian exchange it directly without even thinking about it.

"Get 5 million ancient god stones!"

In one click, all of them were exchanged directly, and they immediately got 5 million god stones.

This amount is indeed astonishing.

Not to mention, in addition to these sacred stones, Chutian also got some ancient artifacts, all these things added up.

It's all a windfall.

Of course, except for the things in these countless ancient gods.

The biggest gain, of course, is the authority to dominate the ancient gods in front of him.

Under the light in his eyes, Chu Tian also directly felt the birth of this ancient god domain.

Born from chaos, under the magical power of creation.

Show your might!

It is also half of the credit for opening up this chaotic battlefield.

It has witnessed countless battles hundreds of millions of years ago.

I even participated in it and witnessed the disappearance of many ancient demon ancestors, as well as the ancient saint ancestors.

It's a pity that it can only witness all of this, and it has no consciousness, and it can only let other people control its life and death.

There is not a single choice for it.

What can be done is to keep all of these things.

It made Chutian feel the glory of the chaotic battlefield hundreds of millions of years ago.

It also made Chu Tian sigh, the remnants of these ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors are really extremely rare.

Its strength is really less than 5% of the original.

Even this Huang Sheng Taizu was enraged in the end, and directly merged with the divine sword.

It can only exert [-]% of its original strength.

As for Chu Xue who was attached to his ancient demon domain, and Emperor Zhen, the strength of the two of them.

It is less than 3% of the strength.

It seems that it will take a long time for him to surpass these ancient demon ancestors.

No matter what, now Chutian has obtained the Ancient God Realm.

What he had to do was over, and he just wanted to get out of here.

Go back to Chaos Street and see what happened to the three major alliances on Chaos Street.

However, before returning, Chutian still planned to do one thing.

The whole world changed.

Chu Tian took control of the Ancient God Realm and walked out of it directly.

The temperament has obviously changed a lot.

After all, after seeing the strength of the real ancient demon ancestor and saint ancestor, Chu Tian also had a new understanding of himself now.

The perception of all this also stabilized his mind a lot.

After several battles, Chutian also learned a lot.

Including the supernatural power he comprehended to create the world, the creation of heaven and earth, this supernatural power is still very weak.

Without the help of the two ancient demon domains, he would not be able to exert his strength at all.

His supernatural powers of creation can only be said to be half a bucket of water.

Or there is not even half a bucket of water. Chu Tian, ​​who understands this, feels very peaceful.

He is very clear that he still has a long way to go in pursuit, and right now, he still has to open the door to the battlefield of chaos.

This time, he wanted to change the entire chaotic battlefield, intending to directly destroy the gate of the entire chaotic battlefield.

He who obtained the Ancient God Domain also has this strength.

(End of this chapter)

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