Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 869 Leaving the Chaos Battlefield

Chapter 869 Leaving the Chaos Battlefield
Before the gate of the chaotic battlefield.

This huge door blocks the two worlds, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

When Huang Sheng Taizu opened up this world, I am afraid that he had counted all the people of his clan.

Whether it was unintentional or intentional, his Sacred Heart and Heavenly Dao had indirectly harmed many descendants of the ancient gods and demons.

Sealing it all inside made it weak and weak.

It is really impossible for these people to be compared with those in the Chaos Battlefield.

However, Chu Tian still planned to take these people away, and he was still looking forward to the potential of these people.

How to put it, in these ancient clans, the blood of the ancient demon ancestors and holy ancestors flowed.

Give them a little chance, maybe they can grow up a lot.

With this expectation, Chu Tian also planned to take these people away directly.

Looking at the front gate of the battlefield, he took a deep breath and raised his hand directly.

At this moment, heaven and earth resonated.

Between the whole world, a divine power really gathered.

Accompanied by the gathering of all of Chutian's soul energy.

It is really in front, forming a huge sword.

Excalibur is not as huge as the ancient Huang Sheng Taizu, and it is only a kilometer long.

But it can also be regarded as amazing in width and shocking in momentum.

The three ancient gods and one ancient demon behind Chutian all looked shocked and admired.

On the contrary, Chu Tian frowned as he looked at the divine sword formed in front of him.

He always felt a little strange, and this feeling really made him very unhappy.

"I didn't expect that even if you are dead, some things you left behind are still causing trouble. Gods and demons are incompatible. It's ridiculous. Are you trying to stop my path of dual cultivation and dual souls?"

Chu Tian's face was not happy, and when he curled his lips, it was called disdain.

When he condensed the divine sword, he used both the energy of the divine soul and the energy of the devil soul.

However, in the end, the energy of the devil soul completely disappeared, and all that was left was the pure energy of the soul.

This is clearly a problem left over by Huang Sheng Taizu.

It really prevented the energy of his two souls from condensing the divine sword.

This made him look unhappy, even more unhappy.

Without even thinking about it, it was the appearance of the ancient demon realm. He didn't talk nonsense. He used the ancient demon realm to bring his demon soul energy and directly forcibly injected it into his divine sword.

Chi Chi!

The entire Excalibur trembled unceasingly, letting out mournful cries.

Hearing these mournful cries really made Chu Tian feel refreshed, and he just wanted to laugh out loud.

This feeling is good, even if the other party can suppress his devil soul energy, don't try to completely suppress it.

As long as there is a chance, Chutian will continue to inject.

This made the entire Excalibur grow bigger and bigger as it rotated, and in the end, it directly grew to a length of 2 kilometers.

And besides the bright colorful light, there is also a dim black halo covering it.

Chu Tian was very satisfied with the result in front of him.

Nodding with satisfaction.

Now is the time to do it.

"Ah, open it for me!"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, Kong Kong raised the huge divine sword just like that.

The movement of the divine sword caused tremors between heaven and earth.

The front door seemed to follow Chu Tian's movement, shaking directly, maybe it was frightened.

Accompanied by Chu Tian's cry, the sword went down.

It really hit the door ahead.

The whole door trembled.

The gate of the chaotic battlefield, which was directly split open and blocked for hundreds of millions of years, also disappeared instantly, and the whole world shook directly.

As soon as the gate connecting the two worlds is opened.

The three ancient protoss and one ancient demon all looked excitedly, excitedly, and looked over excitedly.

They waited for this day for too long.

Hundreds of millions of years of time and brilliance have made them forget long ago that they wanted to go out.

It never occurred to them that one day they would really be able to leave here.

At this moment, the door to the chaotic battlefield was opened.

Chaos Battlefield appeared before Chaos Street.

It was revealed that the current location was actually the most central part of Chaos Street.

Everyone looked at the sky, and a huge door opened directly.

Many people stopped what they were doing and looked at it with astonishment, unable to recover for a long time.

Chu Tian also noticed that the street in the center of chaos was full of people.

I really didn't expect that the central area of ​​Chaos Street would become so chaotic.

Looking over at a glance, I really noticed that there are thousands of people fighting in front of him.

It only made Chu Tian frowned.

"Who are you? This is the territory of the Alliance family. What are you doing here? Which alliance are you from?"

Chu Tian glanced over and couldn't help but speak directly.

At this moment, many people came back to their senses, looked at Chu Tian, ​​and many people were red-eyed.

Facing Chutian's question, they all looked unhappy and just stared at them.

That is called indifference and coldness.

"What are you? The things here have nothing to do with you. Get lost."

"Yes, boy, are you tired of living and want to take care of our affairs, I advise you to go away in the end."

"Now the entire chaotic street, the alliance does not exist long ago, and our several ancient clans want to rule the chaotic street."

It seems that the reason for the chaos has something to do with several alliances.

It's no wonder that the ancestors of the three major alliances all entered the battlefield of chaos, and there were really many casualties.

Not to mention, the ancestor of the alliance has been missing for so many days, it is impossible not to be discovered, which also caused some people to directly riot.

I want to take advantage of this opportunity to directly drag down several major alliances.

Many ancient clans thought they had strength and started to make trouble here.

I'm afraid they don't even know what happened in the chaotic battlefield.

Who is Chutian?

Looking at the group of people in front of them with displeased faces, it is really a kind of contempt, it is a cold gaze.

Just let Chu Tian curl his lips, and with that casual movement, the whole world also undergoes tremendous changes.

"It's ridiculous that some of you can make trouble in this world."

The ancestors of the three major alliances are not there, and it is really a group of demons dancing wildly, especially these ancient clans who have no strength at all, really dare to make trouble in Chaos Street.

Just let Chu Tian lift it casually.

That is to make countless divine swords appear in the sky.

This divine sword is only half a meter long, but there are tens of thousands of them.

It also made a group of people see in their eyes and notice Chu Tian's strength, which made everyone's face change drastically.

If you want to escape, it's too late.

He could only watch helplessly as the divine sword rushing forward pierced through them directly.

Together with their bodies and souls, they were also directly destroyed.

Not a single person remained.

(End of this chapter)

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