Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 870 Who Can Dominate

Chapter 870 Who Can Dominate
Under ten thousand swords, no one can escape.

The return of Chu Tian will definitely cause a huge storm in the entire Chaos Street.

This time he is very different. With countless opportunities, he has gained strength beyond the ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors.

Obtaining the Ancient God Realm and the Ancient Demon Realm at the same time made Chutian's strength even higher. In this chaotic street, only he can despise everyone, who dares to despise him.

He is back, and the alliance rules of Chaos Street must be changed.

At this moment, the chaos in front of Chu Tian's eyes had all subsided, and those who survived were already stunned, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

He could only watch as Chu Tian raised his hand, that was bringing people from the Chaos Battlefield into this land.

After finally leaving the chaotic battlefield and being able to step on the vast land of ancient gods and demons, the faces of these ancient people were very excited.

When they came out with Chu Tian, ​​they were all excited.

"Master Chu God, this is the land of ancient gods and demons hundreds of millions of years later, who are these people in front of us?"

"Yes, what is the alliance they are talking about, why do they want to do something to us?"

"Didn't your lord say that the battle between the ancient gods and demons has long since ended?"

All of them looked curious, very puzzled.

Unfamiliar with this piece of world, they can only look to Chutian for answers.

He stared at the longing and puzzled guys in front of him.

Chu Tian curled his lips and said loudly: "I have taken you out of the place of imprisonment."

"What you have to do now is to use your own eyes to find the answer, to find the way forward for your entire family. This is what you have to do."

What the ancient clans in front of them will become depends on their own choices.

Now, Chutian brought these people into another world.

Here, there are countless powerful ancient clans, and these ancient clans are obviously much more powerful than the descendants of the ancient clans.

If they can't grow their clan, they can't survive here at all.

It was meaningless for Chu Tian to rescue them.

However, he believes that no matter what these people say, they are all descendants of the ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors, and they cannot be confined to this, nor can they be curled up in that small world forever.

It is precisely because of the existence of that extremely narrow world that limits the growth of these people.

Maybe give them time to witness their strength.

No matter what, this has to be found by themselves.

Chu Tian's words also made everyone indifferent. As Chu Tian said, only their own clan can find their way.

It is impossible for others to help them.

Right now, Chutian still has his own affairs to deal with, so it is impossible to control these people.

In order to check the situation of Sun and Moon Tonghui, Chu Tian also set off directly to the place where Sun and Moon Tonghui was located.

The speed was so fast that it was like flowing light. Chu Tian arrived here in less than a minute.

At the same time, I also saw that the enchantment here has long been damaged.

No one noticed his arrival at all.

Chu Tian, ​​who frowned, stepped in directly. Accompanied by his entry, he really saw that this piece of heaven and earth was full of tragedy.

Under the countless remnants of souls, it was really a mess.

The whole place was devastated and there was no way to find a whole piece of it.

Moreover, the number of remnant souls in this place is clearly the same as the sun and the moon, and countless people have been killed.

There were many casualties, which led to the current result.

As soon as Chu Tian entered, someone really noticed him, and they immediately surrounded him.

These remnant souls with only a little consciousness left, their faces were very excited, and they came in front of Chu Tian.

I cried directly.

"Master Chu God, you are finally back. This time, our three major alliances are in trouble. Ice God and Patriarch are forced to the point of helplessness."

"My lord, please go quickly, the chaotic streets are in chaos, please go there quickly, my lord."

His face was full of anxiety, but he was still in a hurry.

It also made Chu Tian frowned, stared at the past with a glance, his face was serious, and he didn't even want to ask.

"Now, where did they go?"

A few remnant souls said directly without any nonsense: "Now, they have destroyed our clan, and the next one will definitely be the Taiyin Tianyuan clan. I'm afraid Taiyin Tianyuan won't last long."

"So, it is very possible that they have already reached the Xuanhuang Supreme."

It seems that it is necessary to go to Taiyin Tianyuan to have a look.

Chutian really did not expect that the two elders of Sun and Moon Tonghui had returned, and one of the ancestors of Taiyin Tianyuan had survived.

It will happen like this. It seems that some people have been plotting for a long time, and this is definitely not a temporary idea.

Some people have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Chu Tian also wanted to see who these people were.


The Taiyin Tianyuan was in a mess.

Now the heaven and earth enchantment of the entire Taiyin Tianyuan has long since ceased to exist, and this ancient world has also been completely swept away and turned into ruins and deserts.

And it was the enemies outside the alliance who did all of this.

A powerful ancient clan.

The establishment of the alliance, in the final analysis, is also to gather many small and medium-sized ancient clans and unite them together to form a force.

This force originally complied with the rules of the ancient land of gods and demons.

It also broke many laws, allowing the small and medium ancient clans to have the strength to surpass the big ancient clans.

This has long made some big ancient clans very dissatisfied.

It is precisely because of the existence of these alliances that many powerful ancient clans did not occupy any position here, and even left here directly.

Go to other places to develop, but that's the case.

There are still many people who long for this place.

In the chaotic battlefield, there are countless secret treasures that are coveted. If there were not these alliances, these great ancient clans would have long wanted to seize them.

It is precisely because of these alliances that several ancient saint ancestors and ancient demon ancestors were born.

These existences beyond the ancient holy ancestors and ancient demon ancestors are attached to the three major alliances.

Let these ancient clans not dare to act rashly.

But now it is different, the three major alliances entered the battlefield of chaos, and three people died, and only three people remained.

The remaining three people were also damaged in strength, which gave the Great Ancient Clan a little hope, which made them unite directly without even thinking about it.

The purpose is to attack the three major alliances and carve up the entire Chaos Street.

Hui Bing understood this point very well. Looking at the leaders of the ancient clan in front of him, he gritted his teeth and looked angry.

"You bastards, hundreds of years ago, you left Chaos Street a long time ago. I didn't expect that you have been peeping here."

"The Ancient Feather God Clan, the Ancient Qin Demon Clan, if we had known earlier, we should have eliminated you and left no one alive. Our hearts were indeed relented back then!"

The ancient Feather God Clan and the Ancient Qin Demon Clan, these two big clans were driven away from the chaotic battlefield.

Although they haven't stepped here for many years, they still have a lot of eyeliners, which made them discover this excellent opportunity.

The ancestors of the three major alliances are all trapped in the chaotic battlefield, and the situation is uncertain.

This is definitely a good opportunity to attack these alliances.

Gathered to attack the three major alliances, there are more than a dozen early and mid-stage ancient saint ancestors, and countless early and mid-stage ancient demon ancestors.

With such a large number without the ancestors of the three major alliances, it is impossible to suppress this situation.

And now even if the ancestors of Sun Moon Tonghui had returned, the two ancestors were injured in the chaotic battlefield. Such injuries made it impossible for the two ancestors to fight against the group of people in front of them.

This has become an overwhelming situation, and it is also a situation that Sun and Moon Tonghui cannot change. Even Huibing did not expect it.

The two patriarchs of Sun Moon Tonghui couldn't cope with the current situation even when they came back.

She really doesn't know how to change the situation right now, and now she already feels a kind of despair.

This kind of despair made her face pale, and she clenched her fists, making her face ugly.

"Even if the ancestor can't cure you, I won't let you go."

No matter what, she will never back down.

Right now, she can only lead the entire Sun and Moon Tonghui forward and make a final resistance.

It's a pity that the strength of Sun and Moon Tonghui is really not the opponent of these ancient clans.

The end was also very tragic, and I could only see that one after another they were all buried in the hands of the other ancient clan, more than a dozen ancient saint ancestors and demon ancestors.

The whole scene was spectacular and amazing.

Seeing the people of the same brightness of the sun and the moon all die at the hands of each other, Hui Bing's eyes were red and he had a crazy expression.

It's a pity that she can't do anything about it, even her ancestors are not these people, what else can she do.

The dozen or so ancient saint ancestors and demon ancestors in front of them laughed triumphantly, and their voices were also very harsh.

"The three major alliances must be the day of your fall today, and the era has been led by you for thousands of years."

"Now it is the world of our three ancient clans. From now on, we will be the masters of Chaos Street, and we will change everything."

A few people haha, their complacent looks when they got up from college, their expressions are very rampant.

It's a pity that the expressions of these people didn't last long, and a voice interrupted directly.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Chu Tian also felt it was ridiculous. These ancient clans took advantage of the fire and really thought they could dominate this place.

The three major alliances were established here, and their foundations have been stable for tens of thousands of years.

And these unsuitable ancient clans have been driven away long ago, and now they still want to snatch this place, even if they get it, how long can the situation be stabilized with these guys.

At most, it's only a hundred years.

"None of you are qualified to be in charge of this place and get everything here!"

"The prodigal dog dares to come back, you are so ridiculous!"

Chu Tian laughed loudly, the figure coming from Yu Kong made the expressions of the group of people in front of him change, they were very upset that they were disturbed, and looked over with an angry expression.

"Boy, what's the matter with you here, do you dare to laugh like this to court death?"

"You are the one who is ridiculous. We are here, but you dare to come out and laugh at us. You must never leave here."

"The three major alliances must die, and no one can change the current situation."

These ten people really looked at Chutian with disdain, they didn't pay attention to Chutian at all, and kept mocking and despising him.

Chu Tian just sneered.

After scanning the dozen or so people, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he locked on the dozen of people, and was about to strike directly.

On the contrary, Hui Bing, who was not far away, cried out with an extremely unsightly expression.

"These ancient alliances have been deliberate for a long time. You are not their opponent at all. Hurry up and find Xuanhuang Supreme and ask them to help."

"And notify the elders of each alliance, I will stand up to them!"

It was obvious that Huibing really didn't think Chutian was the opponent of these people, how could Chutian win even if the two ancestors lost.

The strength of more than a dozen ancient holy ancestors and ancient demon ancestors is terrifying. With such a large number, the three major alliances will gather in a short while.

This is very difficult!
It is absolutely impossible!
In this way, she can only rely on Xuanhuang Supreme, and the Xuanhuang Supreme Alliance is the last hope.

She thought very well, but unfortunately, Chutian really didn't have the slightest intention to do it.

Just staring at it like that, with a very calm face, Hui Bing was very puzzled.

Chu Tian did smile lightly, with a loud voice.

"They didn't pay attention to me at all. To solve these people, I alone is enough, and I don't need other shots."

Such rampant words made Hui Bing stunned, unable to say a word for a while.

With a gloomy face, she still wants to talk about this arrogant guy, and pay attention to the current situation.

Unexpectedly, she didn't even open her mouth to remind, Chu Tian stepped forward a long time ago.

This step, like teleporting a hundred meters in mid-air, really made Hui Bing completely stunned.

She hadn't even seen how Chu Tian moved at such an astonishing speed.

Not to mention her, together with more than a dozen ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors in front of them were dumbfounded.

As if stunned, Chu Tian felt a sense of satisfaction.

He has two ancient demon domains in his body and controls an ancient god domain.

Although the dozen or so ancient holy ancestors and demon ancestors in front of him were numerous, they were not enough to see in front of him.

"It seems that I am too strong. You have no ability to resist in front of me!"

Chu Tian's taunt directly enraged the group of people in front of him, each of them was full of anger, so angry that they couldn't handle it.

When he became angry from embarrassment, he immediately acted.

"Damn it, you dare to provoke so many of us."

"A mere Shunpo supernatural power is so arrogant, you will die today."

"It's ridiculous that a small supernatural power can show off."

Some people's faces were cold, and they really thought that Chu Tian's actions just now were like a little supernatural power.

This made Chu Tian feel amused, and looked at the group of people who didn't understand anything in front of him, shaking his head and sighing.

"It seems that you really don't understand anything. This is not supernatural power, but the rules of heaven and earth."

Everyone was stunned, even Hui Bing was also stunned.

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth turned up, with a smile on his face, he raised a finger and said.

"That's right, the laws of heaven and earth, I will re-order the space within a radius of [-] meters."

"Under my feet, a hundred meters is like a millimeter, and only a slight movement is the rule of the world."

Of course, now he can only set rules within a radius of [-] meters, and cannot continue to expand.

Chu Tian's words also stunned the group of people in front of him. Even the ancient holy ancestors and ancient demon ancestors, no one could understand what they said.

This is the gap between realms.

(End of this chapter)

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