Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 875 Who Can Dominate

Chapter 875 Who Can Dominate
The reason for all this is caused by Xuanhuang Supreme.

The Xuanhuang Supreme caused the chaos of the three major alliances this time, and also caused the commotion this time.

In the final analysis, the purpose of the two ancestors, Xuanhuang Supreme, is also for everything on the chaotic battlefield.

The life and death of the entire alliance is really not on his mind.

Chu Tian scoffed at this kind of approach. It is impossible for him to use the alliance as a stepping stone like that ancestor to let him go forward.

All he has to do is let him bring the entire alliance up together.

Only when the alliance grows stronger with him, can his path become more and more open.

Although what he seeks is the number one in the way of heaven, there are some people who can let him see where the way of the way of heaven is.

This time, through some things in the chaotic battlefield, Chu Tian really understood a lot.

No matter how many ancient holy ancestors or the ancient demon ancestors did it, they gave a lot of feelings.

All these feelings are combined one by one to open up a new path for Chutian.

This path was also opened up by himself, which is completely different from others.

So Chu Tian didn't want to abandon these people in front of him.

"I know you have complaints about me, and you are also very unconvinced. Why can I be your leader?"

"Now I don't want to talk nonsense, and everything I do will prove to you that I am stronger than your ancestors, and I can dominate the major alliances on Chaos Street!"

Chu Tian's words caused the group of people in front to remain silent.

No matter what, here, no one can refute Chu Tian's words.

Now the ancestors of the alliance are no longer here, and only Chu Tian can change the current situation.

They also really want to see what kind of abilities this person who killed the ancestor of their alliance in the chaotic battlefield has.

Seeing that the group of people in front of him did not refute, Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction.

A smile brightened on his face.

In any case, being able to control the three major alliances is still a very good thing.

Chu Tian really yearned for such a great right to completely control everything in his hands and control everything.


Since it is necessary for Xuanhuang Supreme to understand his strength and feel his ability.

What Chu Tian wanted to do was, of course, let Xuanhuang Supreme's people see how he compares with his opponent's ancestor's strength.

All of this is to make the three major leagues believe in his ability.

The thing to do right now is to remove all those who hindered the three major alliances this time.

There will be a huge cleansing operation in the entire chaotic street.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian didn't stop for a moment, he took Hui Bing together and headed towards various places in Chaos Street.

Now the three major alliances have stabilized.

It was also time to counterattack. This time, many small leagues were involved in this battle.

In order to teach the little league a lesson, Chu Tian would of course make trouble for each family.

It really took a group of people to the place where several small leagues are located.

The sky in the entire chaotic street was filled with darkness.

It is densely covered in the sky, and it really looks like a huge black fog.

Chu Tian and his party covered the sky, and they just watched under the dazed, astonished gazes of everyone.

A person came from a high altitude and landed directly in front of the crowd.

This small league is also Chaos Street, a league with a bit of reputation and a fairly good development.

It's a pity that they chose the wrong path now.

With full momentum, Chu Tian just descended here directly.

Accompanied by his great momentum, there was really a rumbling sound, which made the surrounding world move accordingly.

"Your alliance disrupts the order of the streets of chaos. For the order of the streets of chaos, I, as the clearer, must clear you all."

Chu Tian called himself the clearer, clearing up the order of the entire chaotic street.

Redefine the rules.

The tone was very arrogant, and the voice was loud, accompanied by the aura of the whole body, causing changes in the world.

It's all people feel, I really can't breathe, and for a while, I'm all stunned.

Looking at Chu Tian who was so powerful, all of them had strange expressions. For a while, they really couldn't say a word, not a single word.

Chu Tian let out a cold snort, and when he raised his hand, the whole world was completely turned into thunder.

There is no leeway, no scruples.

Just let Shenlei fall completely from the sky.

Boom boom boom!
The divine thunder that exploded really fell to the ground in one piece, bombarding the surroundings, blasting all the sounds.

It destroys everything around it.

That, together with the world of the entire minor league, was destroyed, and there was nothing left.

Many people looked over, their faces were ugly, and they were really frightened by this scene.

Watching a small league, the world with it was completely destroyed.

What a terrifying power this is.

Who the hell is this guy?

Looking at Chutian, he noticed a group of people behind Chutian, and then realized that there were three major alliances standing behind Chutian.

Obviously, Chutian is one of the three major alliances, and the new leader, this time, the ancestors of the three major alliances have all kinds of problems.

If they can't come out to solve this matter, everyone thinks that the three major alliances will directly weaken.

Unexpectedly, a person suddenly appeared out of the sky, with amazing strength, and even with great supernatural powers.

It shook the surroundings, and once it made a move, it was so decisive.

All of this, in the eyes of many people, makes people look extremely ugly.

At least the people here looked at Chu Tian with a sense of awe.

With a calm expression, Chu Tian wiped out the alliance in front of him, and also directly watched the crowd who were watching around.

These people are still people who have not caused trouble, and they are also people who cultivate gods and demons in the streets of chaos.

Chutian's voice was loud, and he said proudly: "The three major alliances, I will protect them. I just tell you that the structure of the Chaos Street Alliance will not change."

"No one can shake the status of the three major alliances!"

The faces of the people around changed, but they looked excited. The popularity of the three major alliances is still good.

Many ancient clans, as well as other large and small alliances, are also very willing. The three major alliances maintain the current situation.

No change is what they want to see more.

Hearing Chu Tian's words made these people even more happy and cheered.

Those who want to maintain the current situation will definitely support Chutian with all their strength.

Winning over these people is also Chutian's goal.

Otherwise, why would he help the three major alliances? The three major alliances have a lot of trust. This force cannot be completely abandoned.

With this force, Chutian can better stabilize the status of the three major alliances.

(End of this chapter)

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