Chapter 876
The purge of the minor leagues went very smoothly.

A total of eight small alliances were completely wiped out by Chu Tian, ​​and there was no mercy for any of them, as long as they were determined to be destroyed.

Chutian must be directly destroyed together with its ancient world.

In this way, the entire chaotic street is a mess, and the traces left behind are also shocking.

And this result also caused many demon cultivators and god cultivators of the ancient clan in Chaos Street to know that the three major alliances have not run out of fuel.

In addition to the ancestors of the three major alliances, there is also a person with amazing talent and strength against the sky. He does his best to protect the three major alliances.

Named God Chu!

Chutian has paid off eight ancient alliances in a row, which also counts as giving these rebels a huge lesson.

But now it has been a long time, and Chu Tian cannot be allowed to stay any longer, in order to ensure the stability of the three major alliances.

Chutian gathered all of them together, led by Hui Bing, so as to ensure the safety of the three major alliances.

After ordering some things, Chu Tian even left the Ancient Demon Region here.

The ancient demon realm controlled by Chu Xue can be controlled temporarily for a period of time, but after a long time, it cannot be controlled by her.

So Chutian must come back within twelve hours.

Otherwise, the Ancient Demon Realm could not be controlled, and Chu Xue would be directly affected.

Knowing this, Chu Tian only wanted to return to the mortal world, and only waited for the next day to come as soon as possible.


Early morning.

At daybreak, Chu Tian went directly to the land of ancient gods and demons. There are still many things waiting for him to deal with, so he can't sneak away.

Originally, he planned to teach these small alliances a lesson, as long as there were betrayers, none of them could be left behind.

He didn't expect that when he arrived, someone would come over and speak directly.

"Master Chu God, there are more than 20 representatives of the ancient alliance clan and want to meet you in person."

"see me?"

"Yes, my lords would like to speak to you."

Chu Tian felt that this person was interesting, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He walked out without any nonsense, he wanted to see what these people were doing.

In the hall, this is a house created by the ancient demon realm, and the entire facility is also very gorgeous.

Originally, it was controlled by Chu Xue, and it was constructed. Now Chu Tian is not in a hurry to take back the control, but just wants to see what plans those people have.

In the middle, the big ornate dragon and phoenix chair was empty, and the surrounding people stood on both sides, with extremely complicated expressions, looking at the front with uncertain expressions.

A group of people appeared in Chutian with different expressions, some were happy and some were ugly.

It's just that the changes in these people's faces have nothing to do with Chutian.

Chu Tian, ​​who just passed through the crowd, sat on the big chair in the middle, with a calm expression, looking around the front calmly.

With a sneer on his face, he didn't speak. The group of people in front of him felt Chu Tian's gaze, and their expressions were extremely complicated.

After such a strange silence for a while, someone took the initiative to speak.

"Master Chu God, our alliance clan was originally a joint organization. This time we know that we have done something wrong..."

Just in the middle of the sentence, before he finished speaking, a voice sounded directly.

A cold snort came from the crowd.

"Hmph, it's ridiculous. You want to regret now. What did you do before? Could it be that your apology now can make up for it?"

"That's right. The alliance organization is headed by the three major alliances, and it is also the root of the order. Now you are breaking the order, which cannot be forgiven in the first place."

This group of people is really divided into two groups, one group is those who want to show weakness and surrender, and cover up this time.

On the other hand, the big and small alliances that had never betrayed in the first place would not agree.

Originally, these betrayed the rules of the entire alliance, but now they want to get over it so easily, how is this possible.

This is absolutely intolerable, absolutely impossible.

All of them looked angry, and there was chaos under the glaring eyes. Chu Tian looked at all this.

Really didn't say a word, just watched quietly, from beginning to end.

The corners of his mouth floated up, allowing the people in front of him to keep making noise until finally someone from the three major alliances spoke.

This quarrel is really impossible to stop.

"Master Chu God is here, whenever it's your turn to interject, shut up!"

With a roar, the voice was loud, and it really made the group of people in front of them shut up immediately.

They all looked over nervously, staring at Chutian, waiting for Chutian to speak. After all, Chutian alone has the final say in the three major alliances.

Sensing everyone's eyes, Chu Tian curled his lips and smiled endlessly.

Looking at the group of people in front of him with a smile, he said loudly.

"I'm not interested in you at all, but I want to know who and where is the leader this time?"

This time it was all caused by those ancient clans, and Chu Tian has not yet caused any trouble for these culprits.

This is absolutely impossible. The minor leagues have all been taught a lesson. Of course, these people cannot let one go.

Pulling down Chu Tian's face, his face was full of ice.

Everyone felt Chu Tian's face, and they dared not show their anger.

Looking around, Chu Tian couldn't even think about it.

"Tell me the guide this time, and lead me to find their alliance. I can let the past go, as for other alliances."

With a curl of his lips, Chu Tian let out a cold snort, and the words still sounded, causing a group of people in front to scramble for the first.

"Master Chu God, I can tell you everything, please give our alliance clan a chance."

"We, we are willing to take the adults to find where they are, and beg the adults to let our family go."

Many people opened their mouths directly, willing to tell Chu Tian all of this.

This is also the only way to preserve their alliance clan. It is impossible for Chu Tian to ignore the alliance that has not contributed and betrayed.

Chu Tian, ​​who stood up directly, didn't even want to speak.

"I will define the system of the alliance family, and I will redefine it, from big to small, three points are chaotic."

"The first division can freely enter the realm of chaos and control everything."

"The second division dominates the chaotic four directions, driving the chaotic world and things."

"The third division is divided into various places in the Chaos, which is also the most fundamental existence of the alliance, absorbing the ancient clan."

Chutian intends to let the Ancient Demon Realm dominate the entire Chaos Street, and make the Ancient Demon Realm a holy place.

Only the alliance he trusts can freely enter and exit here, and follow the way of heaven in this piece of heaven and earth.

This is intended to give a chance to many talented people, who can have the opportunity to enter the essence of the life of the ancient demon ancestor.

Chutian intends to give these people a chance to see the power of heaven, which is considered a gift.

He will not limit the growth of the alliance. If someone with amazing talent can surpass him, he will be more happy.

As long as this person can be used by him!
(End of this chapter)

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