Chapter 880

"The Guqin Demon seems to have reached the middle stage of the Ancient Demon Ancestor. Wow, if there is a chance to be appreciated by the Qin Demon, maybe I also have the opportunity to practice together."

"Don't even think about it, Mr. Qin Demon is the middle-stage demon ancestor of the ancient times, and he is also a talent of the sky. With only a million years, he broke through a world in the ancient chaotic land, and established a family here. "

"That's right, for millions of years, Master Qin Demon has been the only one who dominates, and in the entire Beixu land, there is no one who can surpass Lord Qin Demon."

"Master Qin Mo is my idol, and the only one I can choose to practice together."

Some young girls also had yearning looks on their faces, and they really adored this Guqin Demon.

The other party came out of the land of chaos, took root here, established the entire ancient clan, and attracted many ancient clans, and only then did the land of Beixu have the richness of the present.

Let the land of Beixu continue to develop, and the various ancient clans are also attached to the Qin Demon clan, and they have developed very well.

No matter what, here, there are still quite a few people who worship and respect this ancient Guqin demon clan.

This is what Chu Tian didn't expect.

It seems that the patriarch of the Guqin Demon Clan is also very good at management.

It can make people so respectful and voluntarily hand over the treasures of the clan.

On this point, it is really necessary for him to study hard.

Chu Tian looked curious, he just wanted to see who the Lord Qin Mo was, but his existence really attracted a few people.

Several guardians of the Guqin Demon just watched over.

Noticing Chutian, a stranger, his expression changed.

Fortunately, he approached with a strange face.

"Which ancient clan are you from?"

The approach of the Guqin Demon Clan drew many people's attention to Chu Tian again.

Feel the eyes of people from the Guqin Demon Clan.

Some people also looked over with suspicious eyes.

Chu Tian pursed his lips, his face was calm, and he said indifferently: "I came from the surrounding area. This time, I only want to meet the patriarch of the Qin Demon clan."

"The surrounding area?"

This got some people whispering.

"Is he an ancient clan who escaped from other surrounding places?"

"It's really possible. I'm afraid he came to ask our Lord Qin Mo for help and let him stay here."

Many people directly confirmed it, and some laughed.

He thinks that Chutian is an ancient clan who escaped from other places, and wants to get the protection of Lord Guqin Demon.

Some people approached and explained to Chu Tian.

"If you really come from a nearby place, this time, as long as you present a tribute that can honor Lord Qin Mo, Lord Qin Demon will definitely let you stay here."

"That's right, Master Qin Mo has a very good heart and will not crowd out anyone. Don't worry, stay here and no one can hurt you."

Several boys and girls patted their chests in reassurance.

It also made Chu Tian smile and didn't say anything.

But right now, not far away is accompanied by an aura falling from the sky.

Everyone here was excited and boiled all of a sudden.

"Master Qin Mo is here, Lord Qin Mo is here."

"Master Qin Mo is supreme and invincible!"

Accompanied by the sound of calling, a middle-aged man fell from the sky really from a high altitude.

The gorgeous silk and satin gown is really decorated with various decorations.

Accompanied by several attendants around him, they were also very imposing, and they fell from the sky with great pomp.

Many ancient clans bowed down one after another.

Many boys and girls were very excited. They looked at this Master Qin Mo with admiration and respect.

Kneel down directly with incomparable piety.

There was no one kneeling, only Chu Tian and his group.

Among the countless kneeling crowd, it is also so conspicuous.

Standing so upright.

It happened to attract the attention of the Guqin Demon Clan in front, and many people looked over and noticed Chu Tian and his party.

His face pulled, and his face was very ugly.

"The people in front, seeing our Qin Demon Supreme, why don't you kneel?"

"Quickly kneel down!"

The voice is loud, and it really has a bit of deterrence.

Lord Qin Mo hasn't spoken yet, but these servants are very mighty.

It also made Chu Tian curl his lips with a little sneer.

"Qin Demon Supreme?"

"That's right, we, Qin Demon, are the supreme beings. If we control this piece of heaven and earth, we must be supreme and invincible!"

A group of people looked arrogant, bragging that Qin Mo really didn't blush at all.

Of course, among these ancient clans, what a terrifying existence the ancient demon ancestors were in the mid-stage.

This is definitely the object they can only look up to, and of course it can be regarded as the Supreme.

It's a pity that in Chu Tian's eyes, this word is not worthy of the guy in front of him.

An ancient demon ancestor with mid-term strength can be called supreme and invincible.

Isn't this funny?

In his opinion, even those ancient demon ancestors did not dare to be called supreme, only dared to be called emperor.

But the person in front of him was so arrogant and conceited that Chu Tian couldn't stop shaking his head.

While Chu Tian shook his head, he didn't want to kneel down at all.

It only made the faces of the ancient Guqin demons look uglier than the other.

It also made a group of boys and girls in front of Chutian pale, with sweat on their foreheads, and they were really afraid of being implicated.

They kept looking at Chu Tian, ​​and someone even whispered.

"Master Qin Mo is right in front, if you want to seek the protection of Lord Qin Mo, you should kneel down quickly."

"That's right, don't offend Lord Qin Mo, otherwise, it's impossible for you to survive here."

"Quickly kneel down!"

A group of people kept persuading.

It's a pity that Chu Tian couldn't kneel down. Looking at Master Qin Mo in front of him, he just lifted his foot, and he really got so close.

Under the eyes of everyone, every step of Chutian made many ancient people hold their breath, and they didn't understand what the person in front of him wanted to do.

Instead, Chu Tian curled his lips and approached with a smile on his face.

"Qin Mo, since you want to be called Supreme, then I want to know why you dare to be Supreme and Invincible, and I also have a trick to ask you."

"I don't know, Qin Mo, can you help me learn this magic trick?"

Chu Tian spoke directly, and the words in his mouth made many members of the Guqin Demon clan look extremely ugly, and they all scolded.

"What are you? What qualifications do you have to ask Mr. Qin Mo, you..."

The words hadn't come out yet, but was interrupted by Qin Mo, who hadn't spoken all the time, raised his hand.

Sensing Chu Tian's sight, this Master Qin Mo spoke directly.

"You have a supernatural power and want to ask me. It stands to reason that you are not qualified to say these things to me. However, this time, this demon ancestor is in a good mood."

"I can help you understand this magical power of yours, I hope you don't let this Demon Ancestor down!"

(End of this chapter)

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