Chapter 881

Qin Demon Demon Ancestor looked so proud that he really didn't pay attention to Chu Tian.

He only thought that this arrogant guy in front of him really thought that he had comprehended a very powerful supernatural power.

I want to ask him for advice.

This is a joke at all, no matter how powerful the gap between the two is.

Not enough to watch at all.

That's right, the supernatural powers are powerful, but they don't have enough strength to display them, and they are also scumbags.

The eyes that swept across Chu Tian were so calm and indifferent, and even more calm.

Just walking forward like this, in the eyes of a group of people, his figure is very tall and straight.

In addition to trying Chutian's supernatural powers, he also wanted to spread his reputation once again.

In order to stabilize his position here, as well as the rights that the Guqin Demon Clan has here.

All of these are allowed to be shaken by others.

This is everything that belongs to him, and it is also his territory.

With his eyes fixed, his gaze had locked onto Chutian long ago, and he was ready to wait for Chutian's blow.

Noticing that the Qin Demon didn't take him seriously, he really planned to catch him in front of the crowd.

Of course Chu Tian knew what the other party was thinking.

Since the other party wants to strengthen his reputation, there is only one thing he has to do, which is to let the other party's reputation plummet.

After his face straightened, Chu Tian stepped forward.

As soon as he lifted his foot, the space within a range of [-] meters around him also began to distort and change.

Within the heaven and the earth, like a thunderbolt, it really penetrates the heaven and the earth.

A thunderbolt fell directly, and Chu Tian really disappeared directly, as if he had turned into a thunderclap between heaven and earth.

"The power of heaven, my God Thunder is infinite!"

The voice was loud, and as soon as Chu Tian spoke, the voice came from high in the sky.

It seems to merge into a part of the sky.

Chutian is no longer a person, but the whole sky.

This made everyone's expressions change, looking at the sky, they were really astonished.

Not to mention these handsome men and women of the ancient clan, and the expression of Qin Demon Demon Ancestor also changed drastically.

It never occurred to him that Chu Tian would be so astonishing and supernatural as soon as he made a move.

What kind of supernatural power is this, he really doesn't know at all.

Even he can't figure out where Chutian is now. He doesn't know where Chutian is now.

With a strange expression on his face, he raised his head to look at the sky, and could only see the sky.

The dark cloud was really getting denser and denser, which made his expression straighten.

I only think that this group of dark clouds is the illusion of Chu Tian.

In his opinion, it is impossible for this supernatural power to exceed his expectations.

The other party must have played some kind of trick, playing tricks, and that's why they came up with this kind of trick.

Transforming into a divine thunder and dark cloud, based on this alone, it is impossible to scare him, Qin Demon.

He, the Qin Demon, was not frightened.

"Illusory Divine Thunder Cloud, this is your supernatural power, okay, let this demon ancestor break your supernatural power in one go!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Qin Mo only thought that the dark cloud in front of him was Chutian, and there was no nonsense.

While raising his hand, he smashed the dark clouds in the sky into pieces.

With a loud sound, the entire dark cloud disappeared instantly. However, Chu Tian's figure did not appear after the dark cloud disappeared.

There was no sound at all, and Qin Mo was taken aback.

For a moment, I was completely stunned.

It never occurred to him that he was wrong.

"No, it's impossible. Could it be that you are not this dark cloud, but other dark clouds, and deliberately let this one approach to confuse me?"

His face turned ugly, he gritted his teeth, his eyes turned, and fell on another dark cloud again.

It was really a casual move, and there was nothing left of this dark cloud.

However, it was still the same as before, Chu Tian's figure did not appear, and there was no sound at all.

This almost made Qin Mo go crazy.

With disbelief on his face, he couldn't believe it at all, and blasted away at all the dark clouds in the sky.

"Impossible, it's impossible, you can't fool me, damn it, I absolutely don't believe it, you can't fool me!"

The piano demon under the madness, before turning his hand, made the sky even more gorgeous.

It really hit the dark clouds in the sky, only to let the dark clouds collapse.

The continuous disappearance is also a dark cloud, which was smashed into pieces by him.

However, even if the dark cloud disappeared and gradually turned into pieces, Chu Tian's figure still did not appear.

It seems to have disappeared into this piece of heaven and earth.

The dark clouds were not formed by Chu Tian's illusion at all.

This directly caused the surrounding people to look confused, unable to tell what magical power Chutian was using.

Even Qin Mo was dumbfounded.

The dark clouds have disappeared long ago, and there is no other place in the sky.

But Chutian had long since disappeared. What kind of supernatural power is this?
In order to make him lose a little breath, the whole person disappears directly.

After all the dark clouds disappeared, Chu Tian's voice came from the sky again.

"It seems that you can't break the power of my way of heaven. I didn't transform into dark clouds, but into this piece of sky."

"I become this piece of sky, above all of you, Qin Demon, can you break through my piece of sky?"

Chu Tian turned into the sky instead of dark clouds, which made Qin Mo's face change.

Looking at the sky, gritting his teeth, he really couldn't believe that the guy in front of him could have such amazing supernatural powers.

"How dare you play tricks on me, the devil ancestor wants you to look good."

With a cry, he just raised his hand, without even thinking about it, and punched high in the air.

He wanted to shatter the sky, but he punched out with an astonishing power.

It's a pity that it hasn't rushed to the sky yet, but it was completely dissolved by an invisible force.

That's nothing left, nothing left.

It was as if this punch had disappeared into mid-air very weakly.

Qin Mo was stunned, and his face was even more ugly, he gritted his teeth, and he didn't even think about it, and he used his supernatural powers.

He just wanted to shatter the sky that Chutian had transformed into.

Between his hands, there were countless supernatural powers, which made the whole ground tremble, and accompanied by his countless supernatural powers, he just rushed forward.

When we reached the sky, facing the sky in the sky, there was chaos.

The supernatural powers under constant pressure pulled this piece of sky, and even wanted to smash the sky into pieces.

It's a pity that no matter how amazing his supernatural powers are, how much he can shatter this piece of sky.

The sky remained motionless.

There are still countless supernatural powers of the other party, even if this piece of sky is constantly distorted, there is really no trace of rupture.

Chu Tian's disappointed voice came over.

"It seems that you can't break my world."

Of course, he can change the rules of heaven and earth, can transform into a sky within a range of a hundred meters, and even drives this piece of sky.

(End of this chapter)

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