Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 882 Transforming the Power of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 882 Transforming the Power of Heaven and Earth
It is impossible to be so simple, to be easily torn apart.

As this piece of heaven, he dominates and overlooks all things.

There is a feeling that everything is in control.

Seeing that the Qin Demon is really continuing to use his supernatural powers to hit him in the sky.

This made Chu Tian not even think about it, as soon as the world changed, all these countless supernatural powers were directly swallowed into the sky he had become.


As soon as the wind blew, the countless supernatural powers just disappeared.

It was completely swallowed up by the sky in the sky.

For a moment, Qin Mo was stunned, and his magical powers were not there.

Even with his pale face, he couldn't react at all.

After noticing all this, Chu Tian really pouted his lips with a sneer on his face.

"Relying on you, I can't break my sky at all. It seems that it is impossible for you to resist my supernatural power."

"Let's see, the all-day strength of my power of heaven!"

After finishing speaking, the sky in the sky changes.

Although Chutian can only control the rules of heaven and earth within a range of [-] meters.

However, he can use the rules of this piece of world to drive the surrounding world to follow his rules.

In this way, the linkage triggered is very spectacular.

Surrounded by the high sky, it is one after another, the sky of thousands of meters, immediately began to change.

It was as if Chutian dominated the entire sky.

It also made everyone look astonished, with a look of astonishment, they really couldn't react, watching the changes in the sky.

The sky and the earth within this kilometer range are directly under the change.

In an instant, dark clouds gathered again.

Countless dark clouds appeared, and countless divine thunders just landed directly;
Under the power of the law of heaven, these divine thunders are like the divine thunders that overcome the calamity.

One is stronger than one, and one is stronger than one.

The continuous shooting down will destroy this world even more.

The ground trembled, and the Qin Demon also had a look of astonishment, looking at the countless divine thunders in the sky with a look of surprise.

These divine thunders gathered together and rushed towards him.

It also made his face change, his face was ugly, his face was extremely pale, and he kept trying to dodge.

It's a pity that there are countless divine thunders, such as within a kilometer range, are all Chutian's heavenly tribulation divine thunders.

The divine lightning hit the ground, and the ground was also directly destroyed.

It is impossible for the Qin Demon to escape, so he can only use his ancient demon realm to raise his hand to completely resist the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Thunder in the sky.

Boom boom boom!
There are countless gods and thunders, which hit his ancient demon realm, and directly penetrated his ancient demon realm.

It's really full of holes, it's all a mess.

It also made Qin Mo gasp for breath. He never thought that his ancient demon domain could not resist Chutian's Heavenly Tribulation Divine Thunder.

What kind of magic is this?
What a power this is.

The ancient demon realm couldn't resist, and it was instantly turned into ashes under the strike of tens of thousands of divine lightning.

The entire Demon Realm disappeared immediately, and the Qin Demon was also bitten back, opening his mouth and spitting out blood.

The whole person was injured unclearly.

Qin Mo was injured, which made everyone look shocked.

It never occurred to him that Qin Demon would be seriously injured, and this person really used a supernatural power.

With just one move, Qin Mo was seriously injured and vomited blood.

The people who watched all of this were shocked and couldn't believe what they saw.

And with Qin Mo being seriously injured, he couldn't resist at all.

Only then did Chu Tian stop, and he really didn't directly defeat Qin Mo in place.

On the contrary, when Qin Demon was about to be unable to support himself, he stopped directly and made the Heavenly God Thunder disappear, and the world he controlled also changed directly.

Chu Tian's figure was revealed again.

Occupying the high altitude, facing the Qin Demon, he had a calm face.

Qin Mo's mood can't be calm at all now, Chu Tian's one move has already made him feel the gap between the two, and now he doubts Chu Tian's identity.

Otherwise, why would such a powerful person come over and ask him to experiment with a supernatural power.

This guy is definitely not from here.

Nor are they from the ancient clan around here.

This guy must have a lot of background!

"You, you are..."

Qin Mo turned pale and trembled all over.

That voice can't be uttered soon, and now he is still a little scared.

For a while, they all guessed a possibility.

With such supernatural powers, I still have to come here to trouble him.

There is only one place for people.

The people of Chaos Land!

Seeing Qin Mo's guessing expression, Chu Tian also let out a cold snort, the voice was loud, and he said proudly.

"Qin Demon, you dare to collude with other ancient clans and disrupt the order of the entire Chaos Land. Do you know what mistake you made?"

"You colluded with many ancient clans, colluded with many holy ancestors and demon ancestors, and had a lot of impact on the land of chaos. If it weren't for me, the entire land of chaos would definitely be in chaos. You made an irreparable mistake. What do you think? suffer death?"

Chu Tian's voice was loud.

As soon as the words came out, everyone reacted immediately.

Originally thought that Chutian was from another ancient clan, but now it seems that Chutian came from the land of chaos.

This time I came here to settle accounts with the Guqin Demon Clan.

The Ancient Qin Demon Clan was enraged to the land of chaos, and someone came here to teach the Ancient Qin Demon Clan a lesson.

Let a group of people around look shocked.

There was a discussion.

"What, he, he is actually from the Land of Chaos?"

"He, he said he came for the alliance. Could it be that he is the leader of the alliance?"

"No, it's impossible. It's impossible for the leading ancestors of the alliance to be so young. With his youth and strength, what a genius he is!"

"It's no wonder Master Qin Demon will be defeated. Facing the geniuses in the land of chaos, what is the Qin Demon, and what is the Guqin Demon family?"

"I know that when the Guqin Demon Clan left the Land of Chaos, they were driven out by the Alliance Clan!"

A group of people talked about it, and they all said that the Qin Demon clan couldn't stay in the land of chaos at all.

He couldn't enter the alliance, so he was driven away.

The land of chaos is definitely a holy land, and it is also the existence of strength.

The alliance born out of it has a very powerful reputation.

Many people who understand the power of the Land of Chaos also look at Chu Tian with a kind of awe, that kind of look.

Compared with watching Qin Demon, there is a little more fear and a little more worship.

Being able to drive the alliance organization, and even to help the alliance settle accounts, Chu Tian's identity has made everyone speculate.

Only Qin Mo's face changed drastically. When he heard about Chu Tian's origin, he turned his head without even thinking about it.

Just want to get out of here quickly.

All he can do is to escape directly, even if he knows, the chance of this may not be one percent.

But all he can do is run.

He is well aware of the strength of the Land of Chaos Alliance, not to mention that the genius of this alliance organization can lead the entire alliance.

No wonder its strength is so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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