Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 885 1 Return to the Land of Chaos

Chapter 885 Everything belongs to the Land of Chaos
The two holy ancestors looked ugly, feeling the whereabouts of the clansmen, but there was no news at all.

Only then did they understand that the clansmen other than them were also completely eliminated.

They simply cannot accept what they see.

The faces of the two holy ancestors were messy, and their faces were extremely ugly, of course the others needless to say.

Completely shocked by the scene in front of him, he couldn't react.

They stared at him in a daze and astonishment. None of them thought that their clansmen would be completely disappeared in an instant.

What a supernatural power, what strength!
The two holy ancestors both knelt on the ground, terrified by this magical power.

Now the two holy ancestors have completely lost their previous momentum, kneeling on the ground with pale faces.

It all fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Really pursed his lips, fixed his eyes, swept across the crowd, and said loudly.

"I am the new ruler of the Chaos Land. From now on, I will control everything within a thousand miles of the Chaos Land."

"You ancient people, you must obey my orders and let the land of chaos drive you. Do you have any opinions?"

Looking around, it really made everyone shut up.

They didn't dare to say a word, and no one dared to open their mouths. After seeing Chutian's strength, they had nothing to say now.

He could only lower his head and silently acknowledge Chu Tian's status.

The Land of Chaos will definitely dominate this area.

Seeing that the group of people in front of him did not dare to speak, Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction.

For the next thing, you just need to wait for everything that happened here to be spread, and then he doesn't need to take action himself.

Naturally, someone obediently will come to the door, and sincerely surrender to him.

The ancient clan within a thousand miles of the Land of Chaos, upon hearing his words, would definitely come to the door by themselves.

All Chutian had to do was to wait.

And even if they come to the door, some small ancient clans don't need him to deal with it, just hand it over to some alliances to solve it.

Unless there is a powerful existence that surpasses the existence of the ancient saint ancestor or the ancient demon ancestor in the middle stage.

When the time comes, he needs to do it.

But how many such people can there be?
In short, Chutian really didn't need to spend much thought on the remaining matters. He also planned to deal with the land of chaos and leave the land of chaos.

He has other places to go.

But today, the time has come, and he, who had to leave this ancient land of gods and demons, will have the rest.

It is completely handed over to the alliance representatives who follow him to solve.

Chu Tian, ​​who left the land of ancient gods and demons, also returned to the mortal world.


under the light of day.

Chu Tian woke up and turned around. This time, he was not in a hurry to go to the land of ancient gods and demons.

Anyway, the matter in the Land of Chaos has been resolved well, and after waiting for a certain period of time, he can see the result he wants to see.

And the mortal world also needs some things, waiting for him to deal with.

Let him find some people from the Huaxia Family.

I plan to solve the problems of several major forces in the West.

This time, with enough confidence, he came to trouble these three major western forces.

Now, among the three major Western powers, there is only the last veil left.

Apart from the Knights, their Western Divine Court is the last resort. Everything in the Divine Court is waiting for him to uncover.

Instead, let's see what this Western God's Court can do.

Chu Tian's summoning brought together many Chinese families.

This time, the Huaxia family was also very angry in the face of the Western Divine Court's active attack.

Unexpectedly, there are traitors in the aristocratic family, and there are people planted by the Western God Court.

This made them all look very angry.

For this matter, a lot of time and skills were spent, and I planned to explore the truth of it.

No matter what, it is impossible to let the Western God Court do nothing this time, they have to let the Western God Court see that they are not vegetarian.

"Young Master Chu, our investigation this time has already found some people involved in the Western God Court."

"That's right, those sub-gods of the demi-human race are the ones we can understand the most, and the Knights, above the Golden Knights, are all related to the Western Gods."

Hearing these people's words also made Chu Tian curious.

He looked over curiously: "Above the Golden Knights?"

"Yes, Young Master Chu, on top of the Golden Knights, there is an ancient Knights, which is also the pinnacle of their Knights."

"The Emperor's Knights, this knights, has always existed since the establishment of the knights, and the members of their knights were established by absorbing the elites of other knights."

This knight order is also very old, established, and has a relationship with the Western God Court.

According to the information obtained from the investigation of the Huaxia family, those who can enter this knight order are all candidates who are favored by the main gods of the Western Gods.

They were given special divine powers and special identities, and only then did such a knight order be established.

The candidates for the knight order are not innate, but have been continuously eliminated.

That is to eliminate those unsuitable people from other silver and gold knight groups, and only let talented people enter this knight group.

Therefore, in the entire knight order, only the elite remained.

These elites have been appreciated by the main god, and they have also been endowed by the main god, and have become even stronger.

The strength of the Royal Knights is absolutely formidable.

The Emperor's Knights have the ability to destroy the three major western powers, however, the Emperor's Knights also have a weakness.

This point was investigated by the Huaxia family.

"Young Master Chu, the Emperor's Knights are powerful, but among them, the Emperor's Knights are not very stable and harmonious."


Chu Tian looked over curiously.

Someone straightened his face and explained directly.

"In the Western Divine Court, the Father God was originally ruled by one person. However, under the Father God, there are several Son Gods. These are the sons and daughters of the Lord God King. Fight each other."

"So, this has implicated the Emperor's Knights of the Western Knights. Many of the elite knights were also favored by a certain sub-god, who gave him abilities, and only obeyed the orders of this sub-god."

In this way, there is a generation gap with other gods after being bestowed by this sub-god.

There were also conflicts with several sub-gods who had a bad relationship, which led to chaos within the entire Emperor's Knights.

Under the complicated relationship, each knight has his own main god behind him, and there are even more interests.

As a result, there are quite a few weaknesses within the entire Emperor's Knights.

This point has been investigated very clearly by the Huaxia Family.

It really helped Chutian contact one of the members of the Knights under the Son God.

(End of this chapter)

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