Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 886 2 Main Gods Are Involved

Chapter 886
In the Western Divine Court, apart from the Father God, there are only twelve main gods, and most of these main gods are the sons of the Father God.

Everything is controlled by God the Father.

The father god has absolute status and rights, which is incomparable to another mother god.

As for the mother god and the main god, its status is really not as good as the twelve main gods.

Therefore, the entire divine court is controlled by the twelve main gods and the Father God.

It's just that, in recent years, Father God has seldom managed things outside of the court, and these three major western power groups have little to do with him.

This father god is very mysterious, one can only know that the strength of the other party is the pinnacle of the entire divine court.

He is also the creator of the court.

The rest of the big and small affairs are all controlled by the twelve main gods.

Needless to say, the status of the twelve main gods, they all have absolute status among the three major Western powers.

Not to mention the three major powers in the West, other small powers are also inseparable from these twelve main gods.

The Twelve Lord Gods were also the culprits who attacked the Huaxia family this time.

After all, among the twelve main gods, there are many son gods who want to compete for the position of the father god's successor.

It seems to be very clear that God the Father has arrived and needs another heir.

This made Zishen very impatient, wanting to express himself and prove himself, that's why he came to the Huaxia family to make trouble.

They wanted to use the Huaxia family to prove their ability, but unfortunately, they still miscalculated the current strength of the Huaxia family.

I didn't expect that there was actually one person in the Huaxia family who could reverse the current situation in China.


Inside the manor, inside the largest hotel.

This was originally the territory of several major families in China.

And here, people from the Huaxia family also got in touch with this time, the Emperor's Knights were implicated, and they were also related to the Western God Court.

Came here for a chat.

The Huaxia family found out the disputes between the Royal Knights, and through some connections, they also successfully contacted the main god who wanted to cooperate with the Huaxia family.

The Lord God sent a representative, this time, mainly to see if the Huaxia family has the strength to cooperate together.

Yes, this is the main god spokesperson who came to verify the strength of the Huaxia family.

After listening to the words of some members of the Huaxia family, Chu Tian finally understood. It seems that someone will come later.

I really want him to show off a little bit.

Otherwise, these Western Shenting people really think that they are easy to bully in Huaxia.

Knowing this, Chu Tian straightened his face and looked at it seriously.

Under the leadership of the Huaxia family, a few men and women with strong bodies and good figure came in.

A man and a woman with blond hair and blue eyes are very young, and they are also at the forefront.

At a glance, they really know each other very well, like brothers and sisters.

From the looks of it, the two belonged to the same family.

However, Chu Tian saw a special look in the eyes of the blond girl, which also made the corners of his mouth rise.

I really couldn't help laughing.

From the looks of it, the main god's spokesperson this time is also very difficult.

Seeing this young girl also made Chu Tian even more interested in the opponent's Shenting.

Of course, this is not the face of a girl.

I have to admit that this beautiful blonde girl has a very good temperament, with a slender waist and bright white skin, she is also an absolute beauty.

However, Chu Tian had seen quite a few beautiful girls, so of course he would not be very interested.

What he was interested in was something hidden by the other party.

But right now, the two foreign men and women had already walked to the front, and when they saw Chu Tian, ​​their faces straightened.

Instead, he sat directly in front of Chu Tian without any restraint.

The blond girl didn't speak, but the blond boy took the initiative to speak.

"We are members of the Taylor family. My name is Taylor Ann, and she is my younger sister, named Taylor Ann. Our Taylor family is the Royal Knights, the successor family of the No.11 knight position."

Hearing this, Chu Tian was stunned: "Inherit the family?"

Tylern nodded, and said with a serious face: "Yes, the successor of the No. 11 knight was born in the successor family. Our family is all for our Lord God to choose a suitable successor."

From the looks of it, Western Shenting really values ​​bloodlines very much.

After all, to bestow their divine power, bloodline is also very important.

Only those with similar bloodlines can give divine power, so this directly establishes a family.

And his spokesperson must be chosen from within this family.

Under a main god, there are also many noble families.

This point did not occur to Chu Tian. It seems that these main gods also like to play the cultivation game.

Let Chu Tian curl his lips into a smile, and glanced at the other girl, but his eyes did not turn away.

Taylor En didn't notice Chu Tian's eyes, and continued to speak.

"This time, we know that many members of the Golden Knights were defeated by Your Excellency, and there was also a spokesperson for the Lord God who was also defeated by Your Excellency here."

"So, our Lord Tianping Master appreciates your strength very much. He came here this time to let us see if you have the strength to cooperate with our Master God?"

Hearing what the other party said, Chu Tian turned around and continued to smile and said, "Oh, cooperation, what do you want me to do for you?"

"Of course it's about the successor of the Father God. Our lord God has already felt that the position of the Father God will be vacant soon. Therefore, this time, we must obtain the position of the heir as soon as possible."

This made Chu Tian curious: "Why, can your Lord God know this thing?"

When he spoke, he really asked the girl.

Taylor En opened his mouth and hadn't said anything, but was interrupted directly by Chu Tian.

"I didn't ask you, I was for her, I want to hear your Lord God himself, what did you say?"

Chu Tian looked over with serious eyes.

Those gazes and gazes really made the faces of the surrounding Huaxia families change, showing astonishment and surprise.

"Young Master Chu, this, this is their main god?"

"We, we didn't realize that this guy is one of the twelve main gods, Tian Ping Lord God?"

The faces of the Huaxia family were uncertain, and they really did not expect that the main god of the other party was here.

If Chu Tian hadn't said it, they wouldn't know anything.

I'm afraid that from the very beginning, as soon as the other party came in, they began to test the strength of the Huaxia family.

The purpose is to verify whether the Huaxia family has the strength to cooperate together.

The girl who heard Chu Tian's words also smiled, but the smile was really weird.

Also a bit uncomfortable with that pretty face.

This is also a matter of course, the real main god didn't come, but he found a messenger who was also a possessed person, and he was able to use this body.

Helping to convey some things can even give a little divine power.

This also surprised Chu Tian a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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