Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 893 Perfect Divine Power Endowment

Chapter 893 Perfect Divine Power Endowment

The goddess Tianma raised her scepter, originally intending to take back her divine power.

Unexpectedly, a force was transmitted directly.

It really made her face change.

"Don't take it back, I'll help you!"

This terrifying force really surpassed her directly, making her a little panicked, and she was stunned for a moment.

He could only watch as this force, which surpassed her divine power, poured into Soria's body.

Let Solia's soul momentarily, that is a direct reorganization.

Under the change of the soul, the immortal soul also changed, originally it was only necessary to form the immortal soul.

However, this immortal soul has undergone tremendous changes.

After the soul-transformed fairy soul, the fairy soul was reorganized again, and under the slow changes, it was obvious that this fairy soul turned into other souls.

Seeing all this, the Tianma Goddess was stunned, almost astonished.

I don't understand at all what happened.

Only the corners of Chu Tian's mouth floated up, with a smile that no one else could see.

No one can detect his small movements.

Here, who can notice his real strength and identity.

Let him make these small movements, really handy.

That is the fairy soul that directly changes the opponent. He wants to show these main gods that he is more powerful than these people in creating immortals.

"I'll give you a little spirit, and help you change your physical body, hahaha, you should thank me very much."

Chu Tian muttered in a low voice, that terrifying divine spirit directly rushed into Solia's body.

Soria's immortal soul was immediately perfected, even more perfect than Taylor En.

Accompanied by this perfect immortal soul entering the body, carrying Chu Tian's spiritual energy, it also changed her physical body, making her whole body emit a dazzling light.

At this moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Sensing Soria's change, she was astonished.

Including the second knight, and the little girl possessed by the Mother Goddess also looked shocked.

Can only see Soria's perfect divine power endowment.

Such a degree of perfection is already comparable to that of the number one knight back then.

That's right, Solia has now crossed the realm of human immortality, crossed the golden fairy, and directly reached the strength of Da Luo Jinxian in the early stage.

Moreover, under the gift of the main god, it can be completed directly in one step.

Not blessed by God the Father, or God the Mother.

"No, it's impossible, she, she has perfectly integrated the divine power of the main god!"

"Perfect 100% fusion, this, this is impossible, in the entire Emperor's Knights, only two people are perfectly integrated, she, she is actually the third person!"

"It's incredible, it's impossible!"

Some people were astonished. Together with the two Taylor brothers and sisters, they also looked at Soria in front of them with surprised expressions.

Soria woke up with a puzzled look on her face, and really didn't understand what happened.

Many people's faces were silent. At this moment, there was really no sound at all.

After all, no one thought that the girl in front of her could obtain such terrifying power.

He surpassed many knights at once, and the 12th knight is definitely not the weakest one now.

Its strength is likely to be in the top five.

What a terrifying number.

The 12 knights represent the 12 main gods, and they represent the status of the main gods.

Being able to be in the front row can help the main god get a lot of status.

If Soria really has the strength to reach the top five, the main god behind the opponent will also follow her and shine brightly.

The mother goddess closed her eyes, and at this moment, she fell into deep thought.

The eyes of the other knights looking at Soria were also shining.

For a moment, someone really raised their hands with a smile on their face and clapped their hands.

"It's too powerful. No wonder no one has inherited the 12th knight for so long. It seems that your main god is for today."

"Your Lord God has saved up a lot of time for today's day. It really surprised me, it surprised me, it's amazing."

"The Solly family, I, the 8th knight, remember, our family will go to your family to greet you today!"

Some people's faces were enthusiastic, and the sudden abnormality also made Solia look strange.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he felt everyone's eyes and sights.

Or attribute all of this to her main god.

Facing Lord Lord God who hadn't left yet, his face was full of gratitude.

It's a pity that she couldn't see the expression of the main god surrounded by the light ball at all.

Lord Tianma couldn't calm down at all.

This result was not caused by her, and it was impossible for her to give Soria such terrifying power.

All this is because of the help of others.

She really wanted to know who this person was.

Looking around, I really didn't feel the source of such a powerful force.

After all, Chutian has hidden his aura, relying on her strength, it is impossible to find out.

And it is impossible for her to stay here and look for it all the time, this is just a clone of her, and it cannot last long at all.

This made her complexion fluctuate, and finally, she took a deep breath.

The search for this person can only be handed over to Soria.

"The Solly family, listen up."

The Lord God spoke in his heart, which also made Soria's face straighten, and her face was very happy.

"Thank you Lord God!"

"No, it's not me who gave you the power, but someone else. I don't understand why he did this, but he must be someone here."

The Lord God's face was serious, and in Solia's heart, he said directly: "Find this person for me!"

Soria was taken aback for a moment before she understood.

She has the current achievements because of other things.

This person gave her divine power and allowed her to inherit the position of knight.

If this is true, the strength of this person can be compared to the main god.

And it was someone by her side.

Let her heart be full of curiosity, look around, and really see who is the main god who can surpass her.

Such a person really exists?
But the Lord God will not joke.

The Lord God put down this sentence, and left directly, making it clear that she was not the leader of this time.

This matter was not done by her.

Soria could only return to her position with a look of doubt.

Let her not think, as soon as she sits down.

Together with the two Taylor brothers and sisters, they really took the initiative to talk to them.

"Soria, have you really inherited the divine power perfectly?"

Taylor En looked surprised, and Taylor Ann also looked over curiously.

Soria clenched her fist tightly, opened her hand, and under the display of divine power, a ball of divine fire burned directly in her hand.

This made the Taylor brothers and sisters feel the perfect control of each other's divine power.

His complexion was completely different.

"Soria, you, the main god of yours is to allow you to perfectly control the divine power, and it took you a few more years?"

Feel the astonishment on the faces of the two Taylor brothers and sisters.

The corner of Solia's mouth rose, she really hesitated, and nodded directly.

The order is very decisive.

(End of this chapter)

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