Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 894 Two Great Paladins

Chapter 894 Five Holy Knights

That concludes the round table meeting.

Of course, it is simply impossible for everyone to leave and go back directly.

Now both the 11th and 12th knights have been chosen.

Another amazing thing happened, this time the celebration party was also very grand.

These Westerners, what is it really, like to throw celebration parties.

In the middle floor of this building.

Everything was prepared in the first place, and the important person at the banquet this time was still Soria's perfect control of divine power.

Soria's perfect control has the strength to surpass the position of the top 5 knights.

All this made many knight families keep an eye on them.

Not to mention, the second knight also went to Soria, so he had to send someone to take the initiative to approach him.

"Miss Soria, now you can perfectly control the divine power, your power is enough to win the top five of the Emperor's Knights!"

"Yes, the position of the five great knights can change the status of your family, and can also give you the glory of the main god. You must fight for this position."

"Now, the lord of our second knight has said that if Miss Soria wants to get the position of the five great knights, can he help?"

The second knight's initiative to show favor, of course, also has a certain purpose.

The five knights of the emperor's knight are also the people with the title of five paladins.

The meaning and strength of this representation are different.

The candidates for the five paladins must be the five most powerful knights in the entire knight order.

They represent the Lord God behind them.

To become one of the five great paladins is to be recognized by God the Father.

At that time, the Father God will definitely show up, and even get the approval of the Father God, granting him the title of Paladin.

This is a great honor to the entire knight family and the main god behind it.

It is definitely an important position for the Royal Knights.

But now, many people are agitating Soria to snatch the position of the five great paladins.

Soria already has this strength and qualification.

All this fell into the eyes of the Taylor brothers and sisters, and they really looked envious.

Now the 12th knight is not what it used to be, it really soared into the sky.

Hear what people say.

Soria was also a little bit moved, her face was changing, and she clenched her fists.

I really couldn't help but said: "Whether it's for our family or for our main god, I will definitely get the position of paladin."

"However, I don't need the help of your second knight. I have other people to help. With him, it will definitely help me get the position of Paladin!"

His face was proud and even more serious.

As soon as these words were spoken, only a person not far away changed his face, and that person's expression was very unhappy.

The look in his eyes was even more icy cold.

There were also people who heard Soria's request to gather the second knight, and their expressions instantly fell.

"Miss Soria, you have to know that the second knight represents half of the power of the paladins. Now, two of the five paladins are subordinates of this lord."

"Yes, this lord took the initiative to win you over because he favored you, but now you actually refuse this lord's invitation!"

Several people's faces pulled, with a cold expression on their faces.

The words in the mouth made Solia curl her lips, and she really said the same.

"Hmph, I, Soria, don't need his help. You used to look down on me and our family. I don't care about you at all!"

With a displeased face, she still knew very well that these people helped her because they saw her as useful.

Back then, these people were the loudest at mocking her.

Soria's refusal caused many people to leave sullenly.

Seeing all this, the two Taylor brothers and sisters couldn't help but get closer.

With a serious face, he said: "You gathered the invitation of the second knight. This time, I'm afraid your family will also be in trouble."

"How about this, our Taylor family is willing to help you, our Taylor family also wants to get the position of paladin."

The two Taylor siblings took the initiative to approach, and they really became enthusiastic.

Seeing it in his eyes, Chu Tian really felt it was funny.

It seems that the Taylor family is the same, seeing Soria's strength is good.

I also want to win over Soria and the Soli family.

This made Chu Tian look at Soria in front with great interest, to see what Soria was going to do.

Soria hesitated for a while, looking at the two Taylor brothers and sisters in front of her.

Really nodded directly, no nonsense.

"Okay, I will go back and tell our family that I really hope to cooperate with you, and then we will take the position of paladin together."

Soria's words immediately cheered up the Taylor brothers and sisters.

Being able to join hands is the last thing.

Chu Tian curled his lips, seeing the faces of the two Taylor brothers and sisters, he really couldn't help walking forward.

After Solia left directly.

I couldn't help but speak.

"Aren't you looking down on the 12th knight, why are you taking the initiative to join forces now?"

"Could it be that you are not sure of getting the position of paladin yourself?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the two of them looked dull, and they really looked strange.

Tylern shook his head and sighed, "It's impossible for me to get the Paladin position. After all, there are only five positions."

"If a new paladin is really born, someone must come down. This is a life-and-death struggle. I can't succeed. Only Soria has hope."

Taylor Ann also had a strange expression.

"Soria is really lucky this time. I don't think the main god thought that Soria could perfectly integrate divine power!"

Chu Tian smiled, but didn't say anything.

Of course it is impossible to tell the two that this is exactly what he did.


The banquet is over soon.

After the parting of the crowd, it was also under the cold eyes of the second knight.

Chu Tian followed the two brothers and sisters of Taylor back to the old house.

And at the same time they arrived, someone really came to the Taylor family first.

This is the Solly family, together with Soria, there are many people who came to the Taylor family.

In the living room, let's talk.

Soria and the Soli family were very surprised to learn one thing from the Taylor family.

"What, your lord god, has you recruited a Chinese from the east to reverse the current position of the twelve gods?"

"Can this Chinese man really change the situation of the Emperor's Knights?"

There was a strange look on his face, and the Suo Li family all looked skeptical.

Instead, Soria's face changed, and she became a little pensive.

At this moment, just a few people were talking about the Lord God of Tianping.

Chu Tian had already walked into the room with him, attracting the attention of many people, under the introduction of the Taylor family.

Only then did the Suo Li family know that Chu Tian was the Chinese person who was found by the God of Heaven Ping to change the status quo.

"No way, your Lord God, will you find him alone?"

"Is his divine power very powerful? Why can't I feel anything from him?"

(End of this chapter)

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