Chapter 898

The gust of wind rushed forward, and the holy sword of Igwen's divine power, together with his body, was also caught in a huge gust of wind.

Turned into decay, and in the end, turned into a little ashes.

It just disappeared.

This made the priest behind him stare with his mouth wide open, unable to believe what he saw.

Igwen's whole person actually evaporated in such a direct manner.

how can that be!

What a terrifying power this is, not weaker than the main god.

The power that can make a paladin like Igwen disappear directly can only be achieved by their main god.

Even the Emperor's Knights, the first knight, can't do this kind of thing at all.

The priest's face turned pale, and he took a few steps back. He no longer dared to look directly at Chu Tian.

Shocked by Chu Tian's strength, there was only fear and fear in his eyes.

"No, no, it's impossible. Why did Igwen die? It's impossible for Igwen to die like this."

"Our lord god will not forgive you, our lord god will not let you go!"

Gritting his teeth at Chu Tian with a ferocious face, he roared loudly.

The sound was so loud that it caused the entire church to shake directly.

The priest's words were clearly conveyed to the main god in the Western Divine Court, and the main god was possessed by him.

With the thunder and lightning running through the ceiling of this church, it also made the priest tremble.

The fairy soul was instantly defeated, and was directly replaced by the clone of the main god.

Now it has become a clone of the main god, if the main god leaves directly.

He will also die directly.

This main god is really merciless, in order to be able to possess the opponent's body, directly defeat the opponent's fairy soul.

Forcibly injected a little of his avatar soul into the opponent's body.

Only then did this part of his avatar successfully land on the opponent's physical body.

However, its strength is simply impossible to compare with the main god, and it is probably one-half or one-third of the level.

But the coming of the Lord God, this kind of thing is enough to make the Taylor family and the Solly family panic.

Chutian's strength has already surprised them.

Originally thought that he had won the victory, but who would have thought.

The other party actually attracted the arrival of the main god.

"It's over, no, I didn't expect that this time, the main god of the opponent is also involved."

"Now that their Lord God has come, we can't possibly be his opponents."

The priest's aura changed, and so did the divine power in his whole body.

The terrifying divine power was transmitted directly.

Even Soria was trembling all over. This kind of power made her a little afraid.

There is a heart that wants to bow down.

The voice of the priest in front of him was very different when he spoke, it was an old voice.

Now it is somewhat youthful.

"One-half of my soul has descended here. Do you dare to destroy my church?"

"I am among the twelve main gods, the top five, and the main god of Scorpio. With the power of my scorpion, all of you will be turned into dust. Everyone is dust in front of me!"

Opening his hands, the surge of divine power really made the church tremble.

Together with this piece of earth is shaking up.

One-half of the divine power is already considered powerful.

Together with the surrounding are changing, changing the circle of this world.

With a glance, Chu Tian could see through the opponent's strength.

One-half of the strength is the level of the Da Luo Jinxian. The real strength of the top five main gods probably surpasses the Da Luo Jinxian.

This made Chu Tian very curious, the other party did not rely on the way of cultivation.

Instead, relying on nature, he obtained such a powerful force.

Who gave this?

"Are you the child of the Father God who is in charge of the court?"

Seeing the release of the other party's divine power, Chu Tian didn't feel afraid, instead he took a step forward and asked directly.

The words in his mouth also made the priest frown.

With a cold snort: "That's right, who are you? Seeing my divine power, you are not afraid."

Raising one hand, facing Chu Tian, ​​said coldly: "I want to see how long you can support."

In the sky, the dark clouds are dense, and there are really thunderous flashes.

In an instant, a flame blazed up all around, surrounding Chu Tian.

It's a pity that Chutian really stood there, motionless, without any fear.

Feel the thunder and lightning in the sky, and the flames around.

It only made him sneer, it was really contemptuous.

"Neither Xianlei nor Xianhuo can hurt me a little bit. With this little bit of divine power, can you hurt me?"

"You are born with supernatural powers, but this surprised me. Presumably, this has something to do with your divine court controlling the Father God. I really want to find him."

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian stepped forward, facing the surrounding flames without any fear.

Just passing through it directly, the flames couldn't even burn his clothes.

When the thunder and lightning fell from the sky, it also hit Chu Tian's head, but it was extinguished directly and did not fall on Chu Tian at all.

Accompanied by Chutian approaching.

The Lord God of Scorpio had an ugly expression on his face, and it was of no use to Chu Tian under the use of divine power.

His face was full of shock.

This was something he had never encountered before. It never occurred to him that his divine power was useless before the people in front of him.

"You, who are you, why do you want to see our Father God, damn it."

"Right now I only have half of my divine power. If I can fully exert my divine power, it will definitely not be like this!"

That face was full of unwillingness, and he really thought that it was all because he could only descend to half of his soul now, so that he could not hurt Chu Tian in front of him a little.

If he can descend completely, it won't be the turn of the guy in front of him to be so arrogant.

Of course, it was impossible for him to know that all his divine power was not enough in front of Chu Tian.

And understand the strength of the opponent's main god.

Without hesitation, Chu Tian directly raised his hand, and when he reached the other party, it was caught by Void.

It even forcibly pulled out the soul of the main god in the priest.


The priest screamed and fell down.

Accompanied by the soul of the main god, Chu Tianxuan grabbed it and held it in his hands.

This main god has a look of panic on his face, even if he is only half of the soul, if he is killed, it will affect his main body.

Now he is scared.

"Let go of me, let me go, why you can catch my soul, it's impossible, ahh, let me go!"

Under constant struggle, it was a pity that he couldn't break free from Chu Tian's hand.

He could only be caught in mid-air by Chutian Xukong.

With Chu Tian exerting force with one hand, the soul of the Scorpion God began to twist, and the whole soul trembled constantly.

The huge explosion sound directly shook the church.

Half of the soul of the Scorpio God was pinched and exploded by Chu Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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