Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 899 Paladin Competition

Chapter 899 Paladin Competition

Once the main god's soul was destroyed, the opponent's physical body also fell to the ground directly.

All of this only fell into the eyes of the Taylor family and the Solly family, and they looked at it with a bit of awe in their eyes.

What is the origin of this guy who can directly crush the soul of the Lord God?
Even if the other party is only possessed by the main god, such a method and such an approach are still awe-inspiring.

Only now did they understand why the main god of the Taylor family would look for this Chinese man.

The strength of the opponent is already comparable to the existence of the main god.

Up to now, they dare not show any disrespect to Chutian.

All of them looked serious, and looked at them, with a kind of eyes and a solemn expression.

Now, the family of the fifth paladin has become enmity with them, and it is impossible for the main god of the other party to let them go like this.

This time the paladin battle, they must win.

Thinking of all this, the two families are determined.

He walked directly in front of Chu Tian with a respectful expression on his face.

Now, for Chutian, that is very fancy.

"My lord, our two big families want to invite your lord to take part in this battle of paladins."

"My lord's strength is so powerful. This time, paladin, please help us a little bit."

Seeing the entreaties of the two big families, Chu Tian curled his lips into a smile, and agreed without any hesitation.

The existence of the paladins has affected the Western Divine Court, so he has to witness the birth of these paladins.

It is best to find the existence of the Father God.

Now that he has seen the main god of the fifth paladin, Chu Tian really has no interest in the twelve main gods.

Most interested, and only the first Father God of the Western Gods.

It is also the one who created the gods.


The Paladin application was submitted, and it took less than a day to complete.

The competition for the Paladin rankings also started very quickly.

Only the Taylor family and the Soli family participated in the Paladin competition this time.

No one else challenged at all.

Dare to challenge the position of paladin, this is a lot of determination, which can be said to change the pattern of the entire Royal Knights.

As long as the position of a paladin changes, the impact will be huge.

Together with the positions of the twelve main gods in the entire court, they will change.

After all, the representatives of the knight family are the main gods, and the rise of the knight family will also lead to the rise of the twelve main gods.

It will also make the twelve main gods more valued by the father, mother and god.

This is also the most important point.

The final winner of the paladin competition must have the opportunity to meet God the Father.

However, this time, the person who presides over the Paladin competition is not the Father God himself, but the substitute of the Mother God to host this time.

Over the past few years, Father God has not been seen for a long time because of his breakthrough.

The substitute of the Mother Goddess is really an underage girl.

Her talent is astonishing, she can fully integrate the divine power, inherit the divine soul, and even allow the two souls to coexist on her body.

This is absolutely one-in-a-million.

As the substitute of the Mother Goddess, her existence is also the most noble princess of the entire Emperor's Knights.

Of course, all of this is only because of the Father God behind the Mother God.

The strength of the Mother Goddess itself is really not strong, and it is naturally inferior to the top three of the Twelve Lord Gods.

It can only be ranked in the top five among the twelve main gods.

It is also because of God the Father that she has her current status.

It made her even more arrogant.

Inside the cathedral, here is the sacred Shenting Church, and it is also the largest and very ancient church in the entire city.

It was originally an ancient tourist place.

Now because of the Paladin competition, there are only family members of the Twelve Knights left.

Ordinary people are long gone.

All inside and out are family members of the five great paladins to manage everything around them.

When Chu Tian walked in, he also noticed the strange atmosphere.

The two big families who accompanied him received a lot of attention and gifts.

Some people were whispering, and what they were discussing was the strength of the fifth paladin.

"Have you heard that the fifth paladin family was taught a lesson by the Taylor family and the Soli family?"

"What, the paladin family, can still be taught by these two knight families?"

"That's right, the fifth paladin family suffered heavy losses, and their main god also suffered a little blow."

"Could it be that this has something to do with the two major families? Look, it's true that the Soli family has perfectly inherited divine power."

Many people looked dignified, and their eyes fell on a woman.

They all looked at Soria, and really believed that the destruction of the fifth paladin family was entirely due to Soria.

Only Soria is very clear.

This has nothing to do with her at all, it's all because of the Chinese person in front of him.

Now she is sure that she can perfectly control the divine power because of this Chinese person.

It's no wonder that her master god said that. It seems that he helped her fully control the perfect divine power.

It was all because of this Huaxia person, otherwise, she would not have achieved what she is now.

She just didn't understand why this Chinese person would help her.

What is the purpose of the other party?
It surprised her very much, but right now, she couldn't make her think too much.

A person approached in front of them, only let the two families take a breath, each of them really looked very ugly.

The second paladin, Joel Huai, came face to face with such a gloomy face.

A lot of people followed behind, leading a group of people to Chu Tian and the others.

After standing still, the voice was loud, and he raised his hand very loudly, and called out.

"You two big families, do you know the crimes you committed!"

"It's just abominable. You actually attacked the fifth paladin family. You wanted to attack the fifth paladin family before the paladin competition started."

The expression on his face that he asked the teacher about his crime was really full of anger.

Everything is attributed to the two big families.

It is said that the two of you will do it.

Many people's faces darkened, looking at the two families, their faces were very ugly.

Yoelhuai obviously didn't want to let the two families go, so he continued to speak loudly.

"Today, Father Goddess is not here, but Mother Goddess is here, and Mother Goddess will bear witness for me."

"I want to help the fifth paladin family to eliminate the scum of our Royal Knights. We don't need the royal knights at all. The scum will be paladins!"

Directly and desperately discrediting the two families, it really said that the two families are the scum of the Emperor's Knights.

Only the group of people behind were filled with righteous indignation, and they all rushed into anger, and they really yelled out loudly.

"Scum, scum!"

"Get out of the Emperor's Knights, you are not worthy to be paladins!"

"You are not qualified to be a paladin at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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