Chapter 950

Chutian intends to go to Tianya, and the others can't stop him at all.

He also told Chu Tian a little information.

He even accompanied Chu Tian to Fire Street.

Since you want to go to Tianya, of course you have to go through Fire Street.

Fire Street is not far from Feng Street, and at Chutian's speed, the distance is less than ten minutes.

If it weren't for the people waiting for the shop, he would probably be faster.

A group of people went directly to Fire Street. Compared with Feng Street, Fire Street was much more lively.

How should I put it, Fire Street is the central area of ​​the three avenues.

That's right, if people from Lei Street and Feng Street wanted to get to each other's territory, they had to go through Fire Street in the middle.

This also makes Fire Street very prosperous, and many shops also take root here.

The purpose is to turn around the land of several ancient gods and demons.

The people from the Fengjie store brought Chutian to the place.

Sure enough, someone came out to greet him.

A representative of a large shop on Fire Street has been waiting here for a long time.

The person who came was very respectful, and this man, with a bit of humility, just came face to face.

Arriving in front of Chu Tian, ​​he lowered his head and greeted him.

"On behalf of the store management of Fengjie Snow God, welcome to come."

Chu Tian nodded with a calm expression.

The man in front of him glanced at Chu Tian with a strange look on his face.

Obviously, those eyes are very special, after all, Chu Tian's face is indeed very young.

But he heard that the person in front of him is now in charge of Fengjie, but he is the guardian of Fengjie.

Looking at Chu Tian's face, he really couldn't believe it.

A complexion changed, and a strange look appeared on his face, but he was staring at him with complicated eyes.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "We already know about your lord's affairs. I will entertain you here, hoping to give you a little help."

"Good luck, my lord, and pass the sky cliff."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the people behind him started whispering.

"Have you heard, he is really going to walk the sky cliff."

"I'm afraid I want to die. I don't know how many people are buried in the sky cliff in a year. No one can walk through it."

"That's right, if someone can walk over there, we don't have to be isolated here in the land of ancient gods and demons."

The words of several people fell into Chu Tian's ears, which really made Chu Tian frown.

But Chu Tian didn't say anything, but the face of the receptionist in front of him turned pale.

This man also stared at him with an unhappy face.

"Shut up, everyone. The identity of the adults is something that you can say. Moreover, you dare to challenge the people of Tianya."

"It must be one of the best strong men. Losing one of these strong men is a huge loss. What qualifications do you have to ridicule them?"

As he said, where would these strong men be if they didn't challenge Tianya.

Whether it's Fire Street, Lei Street, or Wind Street.

Fame and strength are both in the front row.

It is only for the pursuit of a higher path and greater strength that I dare to challenge.

These people are not stupid, but serious.

Serious pursuit of strength, this is something that others cannot refute.

After the battle of the ancient gods and demons, those ancient clans have long been inferior to before.

Not to mention, they are left behind by the ancient clan.

If it was in the past, this sky cliff was really not seen by people.

But now, it really made the man in front of him hiss.

Looking at Chu Tian with a serious face, he said respectfully.

"I'm here to wish you all the best, and walk through the sky cliff!"

Seeing the loyalty of the person in front of him, Chu Tian nodded, feeling calm.

It seems that only by walking out of that day's cliff can he prove himself.

If he can't get out, he will always be a joke.

Be a reckless person.

Thinking of all this made Chu Tianxia make up his mind!


The person received by the Snow God shop is Cun Ning, who is also one of the managers of the Fire Street shop.

This time, he also got the news and planned to entertain Chu Tian well.

When Chutian arrived at Tianya, he also told Chutian about some things in the fire street.

Knowing the situation on Fire Street also made Chu Tian a little curious.

"Oh, you mean, Fire Street is the central area, with countless small and large vendors, and there are many priceless rare treasures here?"

Cunning nods with a serious face.

This made Chu Tian curl his lips and smile.

Suddenly thought of one thing, this time, if you can really cross the sky cliff and reach the city of the great sage.

If necessary, I really need to prepare more divine stones.

In the land of ancient gods and demons, the god stone is definitely hard currency.

These sacred stones are the cultivation items that everyone needs, and it is absolutely impossible to lack them.

It is also a very precious item.

Presumably, even in the city of the great sage.

This made Chu Tian look pensive, and heard the other party say that the business of the shops on Fire Street is good.

There are many rare treasures come out.

If you can, you can earn some god stones here.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian couldn't bear it long ago, and took out the five-colored god stones he got last time in the Western Gods' Domain.

Originally, he already had a hundred of them in his hand.

However, in order to avoid trouble, let things be rare.

Chu Tian still only took out ten.

"I have something here. I want to ask you to manage the store here and sell it for me."

Hearing Chutian's words, Cun Ning was also taken aback. He didn't expect that Chutian would actually have something to buy.

It is definitely not easy for such a big man to come up with something.

This made him pick it up carefully, and he really held it in his hand, looking at the colorful stone that shone with divine light.

For a while, he couldn't feel the divine power in the divine stone.

And a stunned expression.

"My lord, don't you know this is?"

Seeing the puzzled expression on the other side's face, Chu Tian finally understood, some people from the land of ancient gods and demons.

It is impossible to understand the power of the original god.

And this stone is hidden very deeply.

This made Chu Tian speak directly to the other party without even thinking about it.

"You need to trust me once. Only those with strength can see the value of this stone. I need you to help me auction these ten pieces together."

"Pricing, I leave it to you!"

Chu Tian's words also made Cun Ning smile bitterly.

However, this is also the request of the guardian of Fengjie.

The identity of the other party, it is impossible to make a joke.

This made him take another deep look at the Five-Colored Divine Stone, and nodded his head, ready to be prepared.

With the strength of the Snow God Store, it is necessary to find a large auction and get the stones in hand to be auctioned.

It's very simple, very easy.

As the central area of ​​the four ancient lands of gods and demons, there are absolutely many auctions here on Fire Street every day.

Due to the sale of many precious items, many rich and powerful people will come to buy the items they need!

(End of this chapter)

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