Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 951 Chutian wants to sell something

Chapter 951 Chutian wants to sell something
Xueshen Shop didn't know much about the stone in Chutian's hand.

However, no matter what, it was something Chutian brought, and they really didn't dare to refuse.

I had no choice but to follow Chutian's request and plan to take it to today's auction to try out the situation.

This is also a fire street shop, a unique fire dragon auction.

Fear is held on the scales of a divine fire dragon.

This auction also lasted for a long time, and it was managed by several major shops.

The Snow God Store is also one of the supporters.

In addition, in addition to several major shops on Fire Street, many shops on Lei Street also participated.

Cun Ning explained this to Chutian, and brought Chutian to the divine fire dragon scale building.

It is said that the size of this Shenhuolong is extremely huge, covering an area of ​​thousands of meters.

It is even more vast, and it was also buried in someone's hands.

Using its dragon scales, it even carved out the auction venue in front of it.

It was already ten noon.

There are many people coming and going.

When these people gathered together, there was a lot of discussion, discussing who the focus of this auction was.

"I heard that the Vulcan Store has brought a lot of good things. It seems that the people from the Vulcan Store will become the home in the future."

"That's right, there are really countless top-quality goods sold in the Vulcan Shop. They should be the ones who led the auction in the first place."

"In the future, if Vulcan Shop takes the lead, it will definitely make this auction even more prosperous!"

Some people spoke, and the words in their mouths made Cun Ning frown.

She really didn't look good.

His face was strange, and he stared at the past with an ugly face.

For the famous reputation of Vulcan Shop, it really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

The Huoshen shop and the Xueshen shop have always been at odds.

If the fame of Huoshen Shop grows, it will affect Xueshen Shop.

In the area of ​​Fire Street, if you lose your status, you will lose your reputation.

This is a very scary thing.

Thinking of all this also made Cun Ning's complexion fluctuate and complex at the same time.

Unexpectedly, there was a voice not far away.

It really is a mouth, come, just walked over with a bright smile on his face.

"Brother Cun, this time, the Snow God Shop finally came to participate in the daily auction. I remember that your shop said that it would not participate within a week."

"Do you have to find something suitable? Could it be that now that you have found it, you don't need us to lend it to you?"

The corners of his mouth floated up, and he looked over with a playful face.

In the Snow God shop, all the items that were brought out before could not be sold.

As a result, the reputation of Snow God Shop in Fire Street also plummeted.

There were not enough items to support the scene, so the Snow God Shop originally planned to make some adjustments, find good things, and sell them.

However, this time, it happened suddenly, and Chu Tian spoke.

It really made Xueshen Shop unable to refuse, and could only break the original agreement.

This made the person in charge of the Vulcan shop in front of him laugh even more.

Huozhu had a bright smile on her face, and said to Cun Ning again.

"I'd like to see what good things you have in the Snow God store. Let me tell you, the things in our Vulcan store will open your eyes."

"This auction is over, I think, this auction is the home of our Vulcan shop!"

There was excitement in his eyes, and even more joy on his face.

It is absolutely extremely proud and a very proud thing to be able to win the home court of this Vulcan shop.

The home court authority of the auction has great rights.

Not to mention, the influence of this auctioneer, the auction held every day, has long been closely related to many big ancient clans.

It also made the big ancient clan very fancy to the host of an auction.

If Vulcan Store can get a chance at home.

This can totally fly.

Thinking of all this, Cun Ning's expression really changed.

Taking a deep breath, he really gritted his teeth and said with a serious expression, "I promise, this time, Snow God Shop will not let you down."

See Cun Ning's eyes.

On the contrary, Huozhu in front of him pouted and sneered.

There is contempt in the eyes, the expression that does not look at it at all.

"I would like to know, what are you selling this time?"

Cun Ning glanced at Chu Tian, ​​straightened his face, and said seriously.

"This is a precious training fetish prepared for us by an adult. It is definitely an extremely precious item!"

This was the trust in Chu Tian, ​​which made him brag directly about that five-colored god stone that he couldn't see any problem at all.

In any case, the Snow God Store cannot back down a bit.

As soon as Cun Ning showed his aura, it also changed the expression of the people in the Huoshen shop in front of him.

He stared at him intently, and continued to sneer.

"Oh, it's a coincidence that our Vulcan store also has a good artifact for training artifacts that needs to be sold."

"How about, this time, let's compare, whose stuff is more valuable!"

Cun Ning, who clenched his fists, nodded and made up his mind.

Since the two shops have come up with the same kind of things, they must be compared.

Originally, in an auction, too many items of the same type and level were not allowed to be sold.

How to put it, the value of two good items will be divided into one high and one low.

Really high quality can get a perfect high price.

This high price will bring a better reputation to this auction shop.

And the other one, which is of lower quality, absolutely does not have this kind of treatment.

After being hit, people may doubt the strength of the store.

This is a challenge that is absolutely impossible to admit defeat.

Cun Ning understands very well that only by comparing the quality of the items with those of Vulcan Shop, can he not be looked down upon by the other party.

With a cold snort, he also led Chu Tian directly to the front.

As for Huozhu, seeing it in his eyes, he really took a look at Chu Tian.

He spoke to the people behind him.

"Who is this guy, let me find out as soon as possible. It is very likely that what Cun Ning brought this time was found by him."

"I want to know who this guy is."

The subordinates nodded and followed their instructions to investigate this matter.

The auction was about to start, Huo Sun followed Cun Ning into the backstage of the auction, what should I say.

Today is Vulcan Shop, a very important day.

Absolutely can not appear to a little error.

Otherwise, this will affect the future of Vulcan Shop.

He must fully grasp the home of this auction, and there must be no accidents.

He stared at Cun Ning seriously, glanced at Chu Tian, ​​and followed with a complicated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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