Chapter 964
The screaming sound attracted one person.

When Wu Yucong arrived, his face really changed.

Seeing the members of his ancient clan being completely swallowed by the black cloud, his white face turned red with anger.

"Five Elements Yue, you dare to touch our people!"

As soon as Wu Yucong appeared, only the corners of Wu Xingyue's mouth floated up. He really didn't even think about it. He took back the black cloud and didn't intend to grow up with Wu Yucong in front of him.

All he wanted was to disgust the person in front of him.

They came here just to disturb the Wuyu God Clan.

"It's not our fault, but if they want to do something, I just fight back casually."

"Also, brother Yu, if you make a move, it will violate the sacred revelation. Are you really planning to do it?"

Wu Yucong is about to explode.

Unexpectedly, the five elements in front of him were so disgusting.

It made his face turn red and black, and he raised his hand, not knowing what to do for a while.

On the other hand, Wu Xingyue laughed loudly, looking at Wu Yu Cong in front of him, his face was extremely smug.

"Shengqi said that before the election of the Great Sage, we can't fight each other. Otherwise, we will violate the holy revelation and be punished by the Holy Heaven."

"However, now that I'm doing something against your family, shouldn't this be considered a violation of the sacred revelation?"

Wu Yucong was speechless, his expression was indifferent as he watched several brothers of his own clan die tragically.

Gritting his teeth, in the end, he still swallowed this breath.

This made Wu Xingyue even more proud.

The smile remained the same, his gaze swept away, and in an instant, it really fell on the person behind Wu Xingyue.

"Hahaha, Wuxingyue, you little junior sister is not bad, why don't you let me infuse her with the Qi of the Five Elements Holy Devil to improve her physique."


Wu Yucong's face changed, and he wanted to say something.

But the opponent had already made a move, and the aura of the Five Elements Saint Demon really turned into a black cloud and floated over directly.

The speed was so fast that Wu Yucong had no time to react.

Wait until he reacts.

In an instant, the black cloud entered the body of the junior sister behind him, making his junior sister's expression extremely ugly.

Kneel down directly, trembling all over.

This made Wu Yucong's face change drastically, and he really didn't know what to do.

Wu Xingyue laughed out loud.

"As long as you kneel down and beg me, I will let you go, otherwise, within 1 minute, she will be swallowed by my black cloud."

"It's up to you, do you want to ask me?"

With a bright smile on his face, he just watched over.

The words in his mouth and the expression on his face really made Wu Yucong's face turn green.

It also made people from the Five Elements Saint Demon clan laugh out loud and stare at the past.

If Wu Yucong knelt down directly, it would be a big joke.

At that time, Wu Yucong would have no face to hang around in the City of the Great Sage.

But if Wu Yucong didn't kneel, then the black cloud of the Five Elements Saint Demon mentality would definitely swallow up the junior sister behind him.

Under the ugly face, in the end, Wu Yucong could only take a step forward.

Really intend to retreat.

However, just as Wu Yucong was about to kneel down, a voice came directly from behind.

The voice was very calm.

"This little black cloud, do you still need him to solve it? Before my soul, all demons retreat!"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he was really a little spiritual, and he directly scattered the black cloud of the little junior sister behind Wu Yucong.

The sudden appearance of Chu Tian changed Wu Yucong's expression.

Not to mention Wu Xingyue in front of him, his face was also changing, and his eyes were fixed on him.

I really don't understand why Chutian is here.

Moreover, he could actually raise his hand and directly disperse his black cloud.

Wasn't this kid trembling with fear when he was on the street before?

"Boy, it's actually you. You ran away last time, but this time, you really dare to come!"

Gritting his teeth, the five elements surpassed, that was called an anger, clenched his fists, and looked over with a look of anger.

As soon as Heiyun raised his hand, he wanted to swallow Chutian completely.

Chu Tian looked over with a smile, and was not in a hurry to do anything, but said with a bright smile on his face.

"I advise you not to do anything, but you said that before the election of the Great Sage, if the candidate directly makes a move, he will be punished by the Holy Heaven!"

Chu Tian's face was extremely bright, but the words in his mouth made the faces of the two of them change drastically.

He looked over in disbelief.

At this moment, he noticed a person behind Chu Tian.

It was Taihuoqing, who was originally the candidate of the great sage of the Taihuo clan, but now, the candidate of the Taihuo clan has changed directly.

Such an outsider was found.

Only let the five elements surpass, and the whole body trembled with anger.

"Taihuoqing, what do you mean by this? You actually invited outsiders to participate in this Great Sage Candidate. If you do this, aren't you afraid of the Holy Heaven's punishment?"

Taihuoqing straightened his face and looked over.

He really said with a serious face: "Sheng Qi never said that outsiders should not be allowed to participate in place of our ancient clan."


Wu Xingyue's eyes widened.

On the other hand, Wu Yucong laughed out loud, his face brightened.

Just laughed out loud.

It was really a big laugh.

"Hahaha, Sheng Qi really didn't say that the Five Elements are Yue, I think you really dare to do it, he doesn't say that he can solve your black cloud, he is still the candidate for the Great Sage."

"You are not afraid of Holy Heaven's punishment, can you take a look?"

The corners of his mouth floated up, and he looked over with a smile on his face.

This made Wu Xingyue's face change, and he was speechless for a moment.

He stared at him angrily, clenched his fists, and finally relaxed.

After all, he was really not sure whether Chu Tian's identity would be recognized by Sheng Qi.

If he really agreed, he would probably be punished by the Holy Heaven if he made a move now.

Then it's not worth the loss.

Wu Xingyue stopped directly, but Chutian would not stop.

He who had locked it long ago really laughed, and said calmly with a smile: "Oh, if you don't want to do it, then it's up to me."

"What happened in the morning, I haven't settled with you yet, but I want to see what qualifications you have to shout in front of me."

As soon as Chu Tian opened his mouth, as soon as the words came out, the faces of the two of them really changed.

Wu Xingyue's face was extremely ugly.

On the contrary, Wu Yucong's complexion changed drastically and he called out directly.

"Wait, don't make a move. The candidates of the Great Sage fight each other, and they will violate the punishment of the Holy Heaven."

Chu Tian laughed, and said with a bright smile: "I didn't say, I want to do it myself. Since he can play tricks, of course I will."

"Divine soul possessed, demonic possessed, dual souls control the body!"

At this moment, the energy of Chutian's twin souls rushed into the bodies of the two followers beside Wu Xingyue in an instant.

Before the two attendants could react, Chu Tian's twin soul energy directly occupied all the souls in his body.

Being controlled by Chutian is even more controlled by Chutian.

With the aura of Chutian's twin souls, the expressions of these two people changed drastically in an instant.

The soul energy in the body also directly surged.

This made Wu Xingyue look at all this, and his face changed greatly. He really didn't expect that Chu Tian would do such a trick.

"You, you bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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