Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 965 The Battle of the New Great Sage

Chapter 965 The Battle of the New Great Sage

It's a pity that before he was completely angry, the two people around him rushed forward.

Directly coming towards him, it was really in front of him in an instant.

As soon as he raised his hand, one person's spiritual energy was incomparably powerful, and he transformed into a divine sword, which was directly chopped off.

With the piercing voice, Wu Xingyue's complexion really changed.

I didn't dare to take it and backed away.

His face was extremely ugly, he looked astonished and shocked at this subordinate who was possessed by the soul.

He remembered that his subordinates would not be so powerful.

This is all because of Chu Tian.

However, he did not expect that Chu Tian's spiritual energy would be so astonishing.

Possessed on other people, it can actually explode with terrifying strength.

The divine sword missed the target, and the person who raised his hand waved his hand again, and the sword slashed at his entire body.

Only let Wu Xingyue gritted his teeth and raised his hand.

Relying on his Five Elements Holy Demon Qi to block this divine sword.

Unfortunately, it was only when he stopped him that he realized that he had done something wrong.

Relying on his ancient holy demon soul energy, he could barely support the opponent's spirit energy.

This left him no time at all to deal with another controlled body.

A person who has obtained the Qi of the Chutian Demon Soul.

If this guy's devil soul aura is so amazing.

He didn't even know what to do.

The person whose whole body was dyed with the energy of the demon soul clenched his fist, and the energy of the fist surrounded the fist.

The black air that emerged was as heavy as dead air.

The surrounding air seemed to be distorted.

At the same time that Wuxingkong's face changed drastically, and he didn't know how to hide.

The opponent punched directly.

It just landed on him.

It only made him bow his whole body, and a mouthful of blood flew out.

The whole mouth vomited blood, flew out wildly, and landed in the eyes of Wu Yucong not far away, with a shocked expression on his face.

He is very clear that the strength of the Five Elements Cong can be kicked away by someone, and it can fly so far.

What a powerful force this is.

Let him feel a chill.

Only now did he dare to be sure that Chutian's strength was completely comparable to the two of them.

This time, the Vulcan Clan really found a good replacement.

Also noticed a little bit.

There was also Tai Huoqing, with a face full of surprise and surprise, watching Chu Tian directly teach Wu Xingyue in front of him.

Let her see hope, her face is happy, and her face is bright.

Obviously, under the control of Chu Tian's twin souls, Wu Xingyue also suffered.

But he didn't want to be so willing.

He stood up in an instant, almost wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and countless evil spirits emerged from his body.

There was a shout, and the voice was even more sharp.


As soon as the whole person raised his hand, the evil aura was astonishing, and the aura gushed out of his whole body, like a black mist, completely enveloping the person in front of him.

This made the two people in front unable to react.

Swallowed by this cloud of black mist.

It was completely devoured, and there was not even a little residue left.

This made Wu Yucong's expression not far away changed, and he looked over with a strange expression.

Hao Shi said with an ugly face: "Wu Xing Yue, I didn't expect that you would even attack your own people."

"Just drive away the soul energy in their bodies. There is no need to kill them. You are really ruthless."

Just like what Wu Yucong said, just spend a little more effort to get rid of the soul energy in the two of them.

But now, the five elements are more, but it is to save trouble.

It was really a strike, directly devouring the two of them, even daring to kill himself.

How could this not be heartbreaking.

Even Chutian curled his lips and looked over indifferently.

"You really have a lot of evil spirit. Now, I understand what kind of magic way you practice."

Right now, Wu Xingyue, whose demon body has completely merged with his physical body, also has extremely dark eyes.

It was as black as an abyss, and there was an unrelenting evil spirit all over his body.

Enveloping him completely, as long as he has a thought, I am afraid that this whole place will be completely swallowed up.

However, until now, he still remembered Sheng Qi.

He stared at Chutian with a ferocious face, and also gritted his teeth: "You will wait for the Great Sage election in a day's time, and I will crush you to ashes."

After finishing speaking, when he turned around, half of his body turned into a black cloud.

Flee away directly.

The speed was so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a little bit of evil spirit remaining in the air.

Seeing the five elements go farther and farther, there is no mess.

This made Wu Yucong heave a sigh of relief.

How should I put it, if there was a real quarrel just now, it would be impossible to hold onto this part of him.

I don't know how many people will be affected, which is what he doesn't want to see.

Watching Wu Xingyue leave, but he didn't chase him.

His eyes still fell on Chu Tian, ​​thinking of what happened just now.

With a grateful expression on his face, he directly thanked Chu Tian.

"Thank you brother for saving me. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid this place would be in ruins."

"I didn't expect this guy to be so hateful. He must not be allowed to win this time in the Great Sage election. Otherwise, the city of the Great Sage will be dead."

With a serious face, he opened his mouth with a serious face.

This Wu Yucong cares about the entire Great Sage City from the bottom of his heart.

This surprised Chu Tian a bit.

He also couldn't help but said: "I don't know about some things about the great sage's election, but I really want to know about the holy enlightenment."

Chu Tian was also very curious about this point.

Since it is Shengqi, let the three ancient clans participate in the Great Sage election.

Then who exactly issued this Holy Revelation?
Why violated the holy revelation, but there is still a holy punishment?

Seeing the other party's terrified appearance, presumably, even the ancient holy ancestors or ancient demon ancestors should be in awe of this Holy Heaven's Punishment.

After all, with Chutian now approaching the strength of the ancient demon ancestor and the ancient holy ancestor.

It is impossible to do it at all, just utter the truth and promise directly, and create some divine revelation of divine punishment.

To be able to do this, it is only possible to be the best among the ancient ancestors.

It is also the existence of those ancient holy ancestors.

This kind of person, Chu Tian knows a little bit in the land of chaos.

Unexpectedly, the city of the Great Saint still exists.

This made him very curious about this matter.

Seeing Chutian's expression, Wu Yucong also understood.

No matter what Chu Tian said, he was also a candidate who had just been elected as the Great Sage, so he definitely didn't know about this matter.

He, who didn't hide anything, took the initiative to speak out and said all this directly.

"This incident happened exactly one month ago. Our three clans received the holy enlightenment respectively, and the voice of the holy enlightenment came from Weitianya."

"According to this voice and the opponent's strength, I'm afraid it is very likely that it is the Yuan Dasheng who was not there before!"

(End of this chapter)

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