Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 967 Competition Begins

Chapter 967 Competition Begins

Great Holy Temple.

The original position of the Great Sage is enshrined here, but unfortunately, the statue of the Great Sage has long since disappeared, leaving only the position of the Great Sage.

Not even his name was left.

A huge tablet represents the existence of the former Great Sage.

After all, it was tens of millions of years ago.

Who still remembers the demeanor of this great sage?

There is one thing, the Great Saint Hall in the Great Saint City has always existed, and it is also the symbol of the Great Saint City.

Everyone who arrives at the Great Saint City must pass through the Great Saint Hall.

Dedicate his faith to the Great Sage, and his loyalty will become the power of faith, condensing the entire city of the Great Sage.

As long as anyone can get the position of the new great sage, he will definitely get this countless power of faith.

This is also a very conspicuous reward.

Chu Tian looked at the Great Saint Hall, which covered an area of ​​one mile, and was already densely packed with people.

This time the Great Saint candidate will affect the entire Great Saint City.

Come here, I want to know, of course there will be many candidates for the new great sage.

Everyone wants to see the birth of the new great sage with their own eyes.

He also looked over eagerly, and the heated discussions continued.

Discuss who will be the new great sage this time.

"If you want me to say, the new great sage, the most suitable candidate, except for Wu Yucong, no one else can be."

"Hmph, Wu Xingyue's strength is not bad, he should be number one in round strength, and he is the best candidate for the new great sage."

"Wu Xingyue has a bad personality. If he comes to be the new Great Sage, our Great Sage will not be at ease."

"Haha, we have a good relationship with the Five Elements Saint Demon family. If they can control the new Great Sage, it will be of great benefit to us demon cultivators."

Some people quarreled, and the topic among the crowd was Wu Xingyue and Wu Yucong.

These two are important idols.

The most suitable candidate to become the new great sage.

Many people think that if the new Great Sage is really going to be born, it is very likely that he will be born among these two people.

It's just that when everyone was discussing, they really saw a special person who walked forward directly.

The complexion of each of them was changing, but they looked puzzled, and they stared at the past with very puzzled eyes.

I really can't figure it out, the Taihuo clan, at this time, will actually change candidates?

"What's going on, those guys from the Vulcan Race, actually changed candidates?"

"This is a matter of course. Originally, Taihuoqing was not the Five Elements at all, and Wu Yucong's opponent was looking for death."

"No matter who the Taihuo Clan changes, they are looking for death. It is simply impossible for the Taihuo Clan to get the position of the new Great Sage."

These people laughed loudly and kept mocking.

In their view, it is impossible for Chutian to help the Taihuo clan to get the position of the new great sage.

The Taihuo clan, what ability and reason do they have to compete with the other two ancient clans.

It is impossible to compare with the two big ancient clans.

Some people planned to watch a good show, but they didn't notice it.

Wu Xingyue, who walked up to the middle of the great hall with Chu Tian behind, had an ugly expression on his face.

He can still remember what happened yesterday, and he clearly understands that Chutian's strength is stronger than he thought.

This time, he really did not expect that the Taihuo clan would find such a difficult opponent.

Not to mention, there is another deadly opponent on the side.

No jade cluster.

Wu Yucong had already raised his feet and stepped forward, standing directly beside Chutian decisively, expressing his position.

His eyes fell on Wu Xingyue in front of him.

Wu Yucong, who curled his lips, also said indifferently: "Wu Xing Yue, I advise you to get out of here quickly, you are not our opponent."

Obviously, Wu Yucong has made up his mind to take the lead in driving Wu Xingyue down directly.

He can't let the Five Elements surpass and take advantage of it.

The position of the new Great Sage must never be handed over to him.

Wu Xingyue's words made Wu Xingyue's expression extremely ugly.

It was really because of this sentence that he became angry directly.

"Wu Yucong, you are really shameless, you actually teamed up with this kid to deal with me."

"Okay, I'll use my Five Elements Saint Demon mentality to fight against the two of you. I want to see what skills you have, and drive me down."

Seeing the other party's confident face, Wu Yucong pouted and looked over with a sneer.

He really wanted to do it directly, but was stopped by Chu Tian with a shout.

"Wait, I didn't say that I want to join forces with you."

As soon as Chu Tian spoke, Wu Yucong was taken aback and looked over with a complicated expression.

His face really changed: "Now the two of us work together to deal with the guy in front of us. You can put aside the fight between you and me."

"I can help you get him down, it will be good for us both."

Persuaded earnestly.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian shook his head directly, and looked over with the corner of his mouth raised.

He smiled and said, "No, I'm not talking about this matter, but, he just needs to let me handle it."

Chutian's self-confidence made Yu Yucong look shocked.

He couldn't believe it at all, what he heard.

"You, you mean, you handle it alone?"

"of course."

Chu Tian's face was full of confidence, and he just stepped up like this, with a confident look on his face.

"If you suspect that I didn't come from the sky cliff, I can prove it to you."

"I did come from Tianya, and when I came to the city of the great sage, I just wanted to pursue my way of heaven. Now I find that I am more interested in this new position of the great sage."

Chu Tian focused his eyes and looked serious: "So, I've decided on this position."

Chutian's words reached the ears of the surrounding people in a moderate manner.

Many people were surprised when they heard Chu Tian's words, and it was because of Chu Tian's words.

"Have you heard, this guy, actually, actually said that he came from the sky cliff."

"Impossible, no one can walk across the sky cliff, no one has ever succeeded."

"It's a joke. He thought that saying that on purpose would scare people, and he didn't even think about who the person in front of him was."

Many people don't believe that Chutian walked through the sky cliff and arrived here from the sky cliff. This is simply impossible.

Tianya can pass, what kind of strength is that.

If they really have the ability to cross the sky cliff, even if the Five Elements Yue plus Wuyu Cong join forces, they cannot be the opponents of the person in front of them.

They really didn't believe that Chutian had such strength.

Everyone's welcome glances and eyes fell on Chu Tian.

Chu Tian stepped forward unhurriedly.

With a serious face, he directly locked the five elements in front of him, and said in a cold voice.

"I let you run away last time, but this time, you can't run away."

The words were very short, which also made Wu Xingyue laugh.

"Boy, you think you can scare me like this. You said you came from Tianya, but I want to see what kind of strength it is to pass Tianya."

(End of this chapter)

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