Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 968 The gap in strength

Chapter 968 The gap in strength

The sooner the five elements couldn't bear it, he was already furious yesterday, and today he just wants to get back the share of yesterday.

His face straightened, he clenched his fists, and his whole body trembled.

In an instant, the demon body appeared again, without retaining his strength.

He just wanted to tear the guy in front of him into pieces.

"I want to see if you can break my demon body!"

He stared at him with an angry face, the demon body really surged up crazily, with a layer of miasma enveloping him completely.

It's like the whole person is transformed into the energy of a demon soul.

There is no entity, but it is like an erratic white cloud, just floating directly into the sky.

As soon as the five elements come up, it is such a big killer move. Today, you have nothing to watch all this.

There was a bit of a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wu Xingyue is really angry, and now, together with his perfect demon body, the perfect holy demon mentality is also displayed.

I am afraid that the purpose is to put Chutian to death.

He looked at Chu Tian who was standing there, as if he hadn't changed a bit in response to the change of the opponent's form.

It really made Wu Yucong shake his head and sigh.

Now he really doubts whether this kid did it on purpose.

Wu Xingyue was completely enraged, and he, who had turned into a cloud of demonic spirit, really flew around Chutian, completely enveloping Chutian.

Wandering round and round is also besieging Chu Tian densely and densely.

Wuxingyue's devil soul energy continued to proliferate.

Originally, his perfect demon body was to fuse himself, transforming himself into the aura of the demon soul, into this miasma that devours people.

When these miasmas rise up, they can completely devour people.

Even together with the divine soul and demonic soul, they must be digested.

Feeling the spirit of the other party's demon soul constantly approaching.

Chu Tian really frowned, very displeased with this guy's trick.

"It's a mystery, your demon body is nothing more than that, it's really Xia Hui's conspiracy."

The demon body hides the physical body, and it completely traps him in the entire demon body.

The demon body turns into a cloud, turning into these countless miasma of demon souls, which not only traps the opponent in it, but slowly devours it.

Another purpose, of course, is to directly hide his demon soul and his physical body.


No one can hurt him.

If she couldn't find him, how could she hurt her demon soul and body.

The other party's idea is good.

If I don't have Yucong for a while, I really have no way to start.

But Chutian was different. Chutian's strength was originally superior to them.

Not to mention, Chu Tian, ​​who went to the Western Gods Realm once, controlled the power of the original god.

The strength is even higher.

He noticed the opponent's tricks, and he had a purpose.

They couldn't help but sneered.

Just raising your hand like this doesn't really take a little effort.

As the other party constantly surrounds him, the demon soul is also hidden in it.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, he grabbed it.


There was a loud sound, and it really took an instant to pass through the miasma, and just grab the opponent directly in his hand.

With a tug, it was completely brought out.

Five Elements Yue Demon Soul was divided, and his face really changed.

Unexpectedly, when Chu Tian raised his hand, he could actually catch his demon soul and separate his demon soul from his body.

Such a strange move only made his face horrified.

"You, you can't, how did you do it?"

The demon soul was separated directly, only Wu Xingyue, who had a physical body, had an ugly expression on his face, but he still didn't leave the miasma surrounding Chutian.

Chu Tian stared at the trembling demon soul of the Five Elements.

He also laughed: "Your tricks won't work in front of me. I've seen a lot better than you. You don't have the right to play this kind of tricks in front of me."

As soon as he raised his hand after speaking, he wanted to destroy the opponent's demon soul directly.

This made Wu Xingyue's face change drastically. If his demon soul disappeared, his strength would be greatly reduced.

Not dead or seriously injured.

This is not what he wants to see.

With an extremely pale face and an ugly face, he quickly raised his hand.

Immediately shouted: "Wait, you, don't mess around."

"Damn it, you have the ability to break my holy devil's mind, don't attack my devil soul, you despicable guy!"

The other party screamed in panic.

Chu Tian frowned, and he couldn't stop sneering.

"I'm despicable, your holy demon mentality is inferior and despicable, hiding the body, not to mention the demon soul."

"Your miasma has many side effects on cultivating gods and demons, but it can only do nothing to you. I'm afraid you also want me to be contaminated by your miasma and controlled by your miasma?"

Chu Tian opened his mouth and said that he really saw through the other party directly.

For a moment, Wu Xingyue was speechless.

The devil miasma formed by his devil body is like this.

Being able to completely devour the opponent, but inflicting a little damage on him is also his bottom-line strength.

Now being seen through by Chu Tian really made his voice sink.

Without any concealment, he said directly: "Yes, then do you dare to touch my miasma?"

"If you dare, you have nothing to do, I am willing to take the initiative to admit defeat and give up. Our entire five-element holy demon clan is also willing to make you the new great saint!"

The voice was loud but trembling.

I was really afraid that Chu Tian would not dare to come over and directly destroy his demon soul.

Now he just wants to gamble.

Bet that the guy in front of him is arrogant and conceited, dare to touch his incomparably confident demon body miasma, when the time comes, this kid will die.

Thinking of all this, the physical body hidden in the miasma really laughed out loud.

How could Chu Tian understand the other party's plan.

Hearing the other party's words, he really curled his lips, and mocked in a cold voice: "What you said, you think I will count."

"No, it's not good for me if you believe me or not, you unintentional holy demons, but I'm willing to accept your challenge and let you understand what despair is!"

While speaking, Chu Tian stepped forward as soon as he lifted his foot.

Seeing what Chutian did, Wu Xingyue was very excited, his face brightened with excitement.

The physical body also appeared instantly, and surrounded by the miasma of the demonic body, it surrounded Chu Tian.

Even as Chutian approached, without even thinking about it, a gust of wind was blown up.

Just like that, Chu Tian was completely swallowed up.

The gust of wind blows away, and the miasma, together with Chu Tian, ​​disappears in an instant.

It just disappeared into the air.

The miasma retreated at once, but Chu Tian was not seen either.

Wu Xingyue got his own demon soul again, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The smile is bright and the laughter is very loud.

"Haha, you found it yourself, you found it yourself."

The people around looked at all this with astonishment.

After all, being surrounded by the miasma, I really don't know anything about the situation inside.

(End of this chapter)

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