We said yes, forever

Chapter 3 Rich Wedding

Chapter 3 Rich Wedding (3)
Ding Dong immediately felt his scalp tingle, standing on the street at a loss, hesitating for a long time, thinking of the current embarrassing situation, he felt a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, miss, something happened, I broke up with him, so the wedding photos are also It's pointless, I want to return it, can you refund me the deposit?"

The girl over there was obviously taken aback, but fortunately she was very calm, smiled very apologetically, and quickly said: "I'm really sorry, Miss Ding, of course the deposit can be refunded to you, I wish you to find true love, please be sure to pay attention when the time comes." Come to our studio again."

"It must be." Ding Dong blushed and smiled awkwardly at Da Malu, until he hung up the phone, he felt that he was really ridiculous and pathetic to the extreme.

I've been in a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend for a year, and I've been waiting for him to come to this city, and he finally came, and his son is gradually able to accept her, and he's about to get married soon, but fortunately, he was spotted by the buyer because he copied a famous painting from a famous artist After the deduction, the other party said loudly, if he does not pay the money, he will be handed over to the police, and he will face three to five years in prison.

Ding Dong stared blankly at the road with cars coming and going, complaining about himself for a while, and then he simply gritted his teeth and stopped complaining. At this stage, the marriage matter is put on hold, and it is important to rescue Brother Kuang first.

He is such a talented man, he is already frustrated enough, how can he accept the disaster of imprisonment, it will destroy him, Ding Dong decided to find a way to rescue him, if it is impossible, he will have the cheek to ask her parents borrow.

On this day, Ding Dong was searching for news related to Qin Yuan and Ai Mingmei, and found that the two were really in love with each other. Qin Yuan was rich and handsome, and he was the man that high society ladies wanted to marry the most, but there was no scandal. Concentrating on his career, he is a well-known workaholic. He often works overtime until late at night. Occasionally, he will be photographed having dinner and dating with some famous ladies.

There are always good magazines speculating that he has an underground lover, and they even set their sights on Rina, his right-hand man who is always with him.

Just when rumors and rumors were flying all over the sky, Qin Yuan's Destiny's Child finally surfaced, appearing in people's sights with a high profile.

The daughter of Jiarui Group, Ai Mingmei.

The ladies of the upper class were surprised. Jiarui was on the verge of bankruptcy. Marrying Ai Mingmei would not help Qin Yuan's career, but would become a burden for him. Said it was a burden.

Love can make the careerist Qin Yuan let go of his calculations. For the public, this is a topic in itself, and they look forward to such a combination out of love.

Ding Dong browsed through these news, thinking in her mind, if she could sneak into the wedding scene and take some exclusive photos, then maybe she would have nothing to worry about in the past few years.

She decided to do everything possible to sneak in and try.

The wedding was held in the Qin family's top seaside hotel. Ding Dong racked his brains and thought for a while. It seems that there is a younger sister of a college classmate who works as the lobby manager there. Maybe she can help to find a way, and hope suddenly ignited in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the flame of hope was quickly extinguished.

After making a phone call, her classmate told her that her cousin had gone abroad to settle down as early as last year, so naturally she couldn't help her, so when she hung up the phone, Ding Dong felt a little desperate for a moment.

Life always throws a thunderbolt over your head in a mischievous way when you are drenched, scaring you out of your wits in the rain.

In the afternoon, the people holding Brother Kuang called, and Ding Dong answered it tremblingly.

"Miss Ding?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Has the compensation been collected?"

Where is Ding Dong choking, and it took him a long time to reply with difficulty: "No, there is still a little missing. Please... please give me a little more time, I will definitely make it all up, please don't send my boyfriend to the police."

She held the phone anxiously, her heart was beating fast, and she held her breath waiting for the answer from there.

The man's rigid and ruthless voice left no room for discussion: "Miss Ding, if you can't collect the compensation within the agreed time, I can only send Wu Kuang to the police. His fraud has caused my boss to suffer heavy losses." , I can’t explain to overseas customers at all, and I’m willing to settle it with you in private, but because he is a disciple of Master Xie Zide, without this relationship, our boss will not show mercy. Ms. Ding, my boss has limited patience, I hope you can do it yourself ,goodbye."

"Hey, hey..."

The other side quickly hung up the phone, Ding Dong was at a loss for a while listening to the beeping voice on the other end of the phone, she looked out the window and sighed silently, she was only 24 years old, others were still squandering their youth carefree, She has to bear this for no reason.

Ding Dong's eyes were dry, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

I met Sheng Kuang at the art exhibition of his teacher Xie Zide. Ding Dong and his classmates encountered heavy rain while shopping, so they had to hide in the art gallery in the city center. In order to pass the boring rain time, they bought tickets to visit the art exhibition. After standing in front of the painting for a long time, Wu Kuang came up and enthusiastically acted as an interpreter for them. It was hard to look directly at her smiling face while explaining.

This is how it all started.

Ding Dong originally thought that Wu Kuang was an artist who was passionate about everyone, but he repeatedly emphasized to her that he had a soft spot for her from the first moment he saw her, as if he had been hit by the arrow of Cupid, the god of love. If he misses him for a moment, he will regret it for the rest of his life, that's why he mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation. God knows how afraid he was of being stared at by her at that time.

Ding Dong was moved by his maturity and thoughtfulness. Although he later confessed that he was divorced and had a son, Ding Dong resolutely stayed with him despite his parents' objections, and his heart was full of longing for the future life.

She wants to cry but has no tears, obviously happiness is so close, but why does she see a long abyss lying in front of her happiness, she tries her best to cross this abyss, but how difficult is it?She is exhausted.

In the afternoon, I went to pick up Mai Mai from the kindergarten, but Ding Dong was late again, and the little guy was a little unhappy, with his mouth perverted, and he didn't answer any questions he asked.

Taking the little guy to eat his favorite ice cream, the little girl finally showed a happy childlike face, and beat her hard. Although Ding Dong felt pain in his heart, seeing him eating so contentedly, the smile on his face seemed to be satisfied. After seeing the whole world, I no longer feel bad about my wallet.

The wind at night was very comfortable on the face, and the chaotic thinking was also released. Ding Dong simply took Mai Mai and walked home. The children did not object, and seemed to enjoy the short time of holding the adults to look around.

"Dongdong, when will Dad come back? Will I come back on my birthday?"

Ding Dong hesitated for a moment. One month later it will be the child's sixth birthday. At that time, brother Kuang should be able to come out, right?

"I don't know, maybe I can come back. Your father is very busy. He has to hold art exhibitions in many places, so that more people like him and make more money. Isn't that great?"

The kid drooped his head, "But why didn't he call me? Does he miss me?"

"He misses you..." Ding Dong used a very unconvincing excuse, "It's just that there is no phone in the place where he goes, um... the place where he holds the art exhibition is an island, so there is no way to contact us."

"Oh." The child was depressed and did not continue to ask, Ding Dong was slightly relieved.

The two walked slowly to the alley where they lived, only to see a luxurious silver sports car parked conspicuously at the entrance of the alley. Such a high-end car is rarely seen in this kind of dilapidated alley. Ding Dong just took a second look and saw The car door opened, and a pair of slender and beautiful legs comparable to a model stepped out of the car. The ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes stepped firmly on the dirty muddy ground, just like what appeared in the movie. The owner of the beautiful legs was also very gorgeous, expensive dresses, Luxurious bag, exquisite appearance, beauty and car are so perfect and eye-catching, but the only thing wrong is the location.

They shouldn't be here.

As a photojournalist, Ding Dong subconsciously glanced at the other party out of the instinct of love for beauty. He wanted to pass by, but the beautiful girl took off her sunglasses and looked at her. With a smile that seemed to have nothing, with speculations, Ding Dong didn't say anything. Ding Dong looked uncomfortable and looked at the other party again. Just asked with a smile. "Miss Ding Dong?"

Ding Dong turned around in surprise, and when he took a closer look, he found that this woman looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw her in the back of the alley for a while, and the other party knew her name, so she asked hesitantly. ,"Who are you?"

"Sure enough, I'm very forgetful." The beautiful girl smiled coquettishly, raised her eyebrows and walked towards her, "We just met the night before."

The night before, the stern man, the noble girl...

(End of this chapter)

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