We said yes, forever

Chapter 4 Rich Wedding

Chapter 4 Rich Wedding (4)
"Ah!" Ding Dong's mind suddenly flashed, and he pointed excitedly at the beauty opposite, "It's you, Ai..."

It's Ai Mingmei, Qin Yuan's fiancée, the daughter of Jiarui Group.

"Why do you remember me?" The other party asked suddenly.

The face that I always saw in the news reports in recent days suddenly appeared in front of him, and it was still in such a narrow and wet alley. Ding Dong couldn't believe his eyes, but he answered honestly, "Yes, there is a face at the entrance of the hotel. Met you. You were with a gentleman."

Feeling a little strange, how could a stranger know the name of such a small person like her, so I asked politely, "How do you know me?"

Ai Mingmei was not surprised, "I have my own way."

This answer caused Ding Dong to frown, and she was even more puzzled, but she was not in a hurry to explain, pointing to the little boy with a blank face on Ding Dong's hand, "Is this your child?"

"No, he is my fiance's child."

"Fiance..." Ai Mingmei seemed to be chewing these three words carefully, and she looked at her with some thoughtful eyes. Ding Dong didn't like this kind of gaze, so he suppressed his emotions and asked, "Are you... are you here to find me?" ?”

The other party seemed to have just recovered, and smiled brightly, "Of course I came to look for you. In fact, I came to ask you for a favor."

"Me?" Ding Dong was surprised.

"Yes. You!" Ai Mingmei's Qianqianyu pointed to Maimai, "Can you leave the child to someone else to take care of it for a while? Let's find a place to talk alone."

"I think you also know that my wedding will be in a few days." Ai Mingmei, who was sitting across from me, smiled coquettishly, with a very ordinary tone, as if she was talking about the most ordinary thing, "I'm going to be at the wedding Regret the marriage."

"What?!" Ding Dong choked on a mouthful of coffee, staring at the beautiful woman opposite him in surprise, thinking he had heard wrong.

Ai Mingmei brushed her hair, and sipped her coffee gracefully, "It's just regretting the marriage, don't make a fuss."

Ding Dong took a deep breath, secretly pinched his thigh, felt pain, then it was not a dream, she was sitting with a high-class lady who only appeared in newspapers and magazines, and the other party actually told her that she would regret the marriage However, the object of repentance is still the most shining diamond king in this city.

Ai Mingmei doesn't want to marry Qin Yuan who loves her so much!

My God, she actually knew such a shocking secret, what does that mean? !That means that the explosive news worth a thousand dollars is in her hands, it is exclusive!
Ding Dong couldn't believe it, but he couldn't believe it, because the person sitting opposite her was indeed the real wealthy princess Ai Mingmei. She said the question that had been lingering in her heart for a long time, "Miss Ai, why did you tell me? We Don't even know."

She looked at Ai Mingmei in puzzlement, and the corners of the mouth of the beautiful woman on the opposite side twitched sexyly, "I said I wanted to ask you for a favor."

"Me? What can I do for you?"

Ai Mingmei narrowed her right eye and winked at her, with a mischievous expression on her face, "If I remember correctly, you are a reporter, the kind who is good at taking secret photos."

"Now that I'm going to regret my marriage, the only person in the whole city A, except myself, who knows is you, Miss Ding."

Ding Dong instantly understood that in the entertainment industry, there are often some entertainers who hide in the dark with familiar reporters to take photos together in order to appear in the news. not for.

Ai Mingmei's meaning couldn't be more obvious, she asked Ding Dong to take a photo of her repenting and escaping marriage.

This kind of thing that seems to be a pie in the world made Ding Dong feel like falling into a dream. She asked dryly, "But there are so many famous entertainment reporters, why did you choose me?"

"Well..." Ai Mingmei lowered her head and caressed the diamond ring on her hand. After several seconds of silence, Ding Dong's appetite was whetted, and then she slowly raised her head and smiled sweetly, "Because you were so pitiful that night."

Thinking of the embarrassment of that night, Ding Dong's eyes suddenly darkened, he took a sip of coffee, neither admitting nor denying it.

She said awkwardly, "This... It's very common for us to do this."

Although she admits that she is a humble little person struggling to survive, she still wants a weak force to defend her humble self-esteem.

Ai Mingmei shrugged her shoulders indifferently. For a daughter like her who was born with a golden key in her mouth, she doesn't pay attention to what others say, she only cares about whether she can achieve her goal.

"It just so happens that I also need such a person, a little-known little reporter with an unfamiliar face, so," she knocked on the table like a queen, and said with a final word, "it's you."

Ding Dong was silent for a while, feeling the need to say something.

"Miss Ai, no matter what, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I really appreciate you very much."

Ai Mingmei leaned lazily on the chair, but her charming red lips uttered hurtful words, "Your life looks very desolate."

Ding Dong blushed, didn't dare to look at her directly, and nodded embarrassingly, "I really need money urgently now."

Ai Mingmei looked at her deeply, with too much content in her eyes, but she only asked lightly, "Tell me about you and your fiancé."

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Ding Dong was a little puzzled.

"For example, the relationship between you, do you love him? And... do you live together?"

Ding Dong is not used to talking about his private affairs with a stranger, even if she gave her a rare opportunity, it doesn't mean that she wants to exchange her private life with her.

However, I think that the love life between Ai Mingmei and Qin Yuan may not be as sweet and happy as outsiders say. The daughter who has everything in the eyes of others can't get ordinary love in the end. Maybe she looks at her with envy and sadness With such an ordinary life, Ding Dong's displeasure only lasted for a few seconds, and she even thought about Ai Mingmei's question.

Does she love Brother Kuang?
Ding Dong suddenly realized that she had never even thought about this question before, so naturally she didn't know the answer to the question. Her feeling for Brother Kuang might be more of habit and dependence.What first attracted her was naturally his artistic talent. He pursued her relentlessly, cared about every detail of her life, and sometimes doted on her like a confused daughter, afraid of her hard work, and wanted to promise her the rest of his life The wealth and well-being of the people, so he took the risk of creating fakes, but in the end something went wrong.

He loves her, so she should also love him.

If this is not love, why would she take such risks just to save him from the fire and water.

But Ding Dong didn't intend to confess all this to a strange lady. She thought she didn't understand the love of the poor, so she just smiled lightly, "We have a very good relationship."

Ai Mingmei seemed dissatisfied with her answer, and even chased after her, "Do you live together?"

Ding Dong thought that girls who have studied abroad are open-minded, and smiled shyly, "I am conservative, but we will get married soon, and we will be a family by then."

Ai Mingmei didn't speak, and continued to look at her with complicated eyes. Ding Dong realized that even though she and this Miss Ai were about the same age, their experiences were completely different. If she was a blank sheet of paper, then the woman opposite It's just an incomprehensible oil painting, rich in color and ink. This kind of person's inner world will not let others walk in casually.

She was relieved, glad she didn't ask any more out of politeness.

When Ding Dong came home that night, she had the illusion that she was stepping on floating clouds. Such a great thing as a pie falling from the sky really happened to her. If it wasn't for the recent financial difficulties, she really wanted to buy a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

That night she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, fearing that everything was just a dream, and when she woke up, it would be nothing.But there is clearly a text message from Ai Mingmei in the phone, and the text message contains the phone number of her assistant, and she will bring it into the venue when the time comes, and she will decide the location for the sneak shot.

Ai Mingmei said: "Remember to take a good picture of me, that day is the most beautiful day in a woman's life."

"My wedding dress was designed by Princess Diana's wedding dress designer herself. It is simply a work of art."

"Such an elegant wedding dress must be beautiful when you turn around and run away."

Ding Dong remembered the last sentence that Ai Mingmei said while looking out the window with her chin resting on her shoulders.

"Such a beautiful back, he should remember."

Ding Dong was very puzzled by the beauty's lost and sad face. Ai Mingmei's eyes couldn't deceive her, they were eyes in love, and she was in love with her fiancé, Qin Yuan.

But why is she unwilling to cherish when she is clearly in love, insisting on running away from marriage to make her beloved sad? Ding Dong is a little annoyed, thinking that she is exhausted in running around to be with her fiancé, but some people just don't cherish the person in front of them.

She only remembered that she asked a lot at that time, "Miss Ai, why did you regret your marriage? You and Mr. Qin are talented and beautiful, and there is no better match than you."

Ding Dong thought he was telling the truth, but unexpectedly, Ai Mingmei laughed wildly, and then looked at Ding Dong with that thoughtful look.

"A talented man and a beautiful woman..." she murmured, "If only it were that simple."

Ai Mingmei smiled at her suddenly, "Miss Ding, this world is not as simple as you imagined."

"That man is a devil."

(End of this chapter)

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