We said yes, forever

Chapter 5 The Man Sitting in the Darkness

Chapter 5 The Man Sitting in the Darkness (1)
You gave her a grand wedding, but she was never the bride she wanted!
The last sentence that Ai Mingmei said was like a magic voice piercing through her brain, and it was so deeply engraved in Ding Dong's memory that she couldn't get rid of it. Qin Yuan's knife-like sharp and cold eyes outside the night hotel made her shiver in the sultry summer night.

Such a terrible man, can she, a little reporter, afford to provoke him?
Ding Dong didn't dare to think about this problem, the deadline given to her by the person who held Brother Kuang was approaching, she had nowhere to go, and this opportunity was so once in a lifetime, she had no choice.

Ding Dong didn't dare to tell Xia Zhihe about Ai Mingmei's finding her. Although she was her best friend, Ai Mingmei had told her not to let a third person know about the remorse, otherwise all the generous rewards she promised would be void. She won't give her a dime if she reveals it.

Every day, the entertainment news keeps rolling and broadcasting all kinds of news about the Qin family's wedding. The gates of the newlyweds' homes have been guarded by Yu Ji 24 hours a day. People are the subjects of interviews.

A wedding attracted the attention of the whole city. Amid all kinds of gossip, Ding Dong finally waited restlessly for the day of the wedding.

Because she was going to enter the venue, the guests were all celebrities and distinguished guests of the city, and they were full of clothes and temples. She didn't dare to dress too shabby and conspicuously. She wore a skirt that was hidden in the closet and she was reluctant to wear it normally. It was Sheng Kuang's 23rd birthday gift to her, and it almost cost him two months' income from selling paintings.

After putting on light makeup and putting on a beautiful dress, Ding Dong looked at the graceful and pretty woman in the mirror, and couldn't believe that it was him. He was used to walking through the crowd with a disheveled face, and suddenly saw his bright and charming face in the mirror. , and the mood became light for no reason.

She looked left and right in the mirror, and smiled like a fool, "Compared to those stars, I'm not bad."

After finishing speaking, she also felt that it was too shameless, bent over and shook her head and laughed.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong, you are really shameless."

After sending Maimai to the kindergarten, she rushed to the luxury hotel by the sea according to the time Ai Mingmei told her. She thought she arrived very early, but when she got near the hotel, she found that the entrance of the hotel had been surrounded by hard-working colleagues. They dispatched early to keep the paparazzi out of the hotel. The entire hotel will be closed for the whole day today, and all the work will be carried out around the Qin family's wedding.

Looking at the colleagues who wished to spread their wings and fly into the hotel, Ding Dong sighed, what a piece of shit luck, the good thing happened to her, a little reporter.

Ding Dong didn't dare to go in through the main entrance for fear of being recognized by his peers, so he called Lisa, Ai Mingmei's assistant. The girl's tone was a little arrogant, and she blamed Ding Dong for coming too early, and asked her to go in through the hotel staff passage, and she would meet her at the entrance .

Ding Dong hurriedly followed suit, walking lightly all the way, thankful that she took off the blue evening dress when she went out, she didn't have a dinner invitation, let alone go in through the main entrance of the hotel, she thought it was wise not to wear that dress.

There was still plenty of time before the dinner began, and she could change into the dress after entering the hotel.

She stopped at the employee passageway. Although the hotel employees who came and went in a hurry were vigilant, they saw that she was dressed in a ladylike attire, and she didn't look like a paparazzi wandering into the hotel, so no one came to question her.

She stood cautiously for a while, and soon Ai Mingmei's fashionable little assistant Lisa appeared on the other side of the passage, and waved her hand, "This way!"

She obviously didn't know about Ai Mingmei's plan to regret the marriage. Seeing Ding Dong's shabby clothes, she just thought she was Ai Mingmei's stalking poor friend who came from nowhere and wanted to attend the wedding. She looked a little impatient, "Don't you?" Run around, you can afford to offend none of the guests tonight, the seats for the evening were arranged a few months ago, and there are two spare seats in the corner, you can only sit there."

She turned her head and warned coldly, "You don't need me to remind you? Don't take pictures, don't speak loudly, just watch. Even if it's the guests sitting around you, you can't talk to them."

"Also," she looked her up and down with unbelievable eyes, without hiding the look of disgust on her face, "Are you just wearing this to the dinner party? Are you crazy?"

Ding Dong suppressed the overwhelming displeasure in his heart, smiled and lifted the bag on his handle, "I brought the evening dress here."

"I don't know where I can change my clothes." She looked around, looking for the staff changing area, when the cell phone of Lisa's girl rang, she hurried to answer it.

It seemed that it was Ai Mingmei who called, and Lisa was a different person immediately. Ding Dong only heard her respectfully say to the phone, "He is next to me...she wants to change clothes...ah? There!...Okay, I understand, I Take her."

After hanging up the phone, Lisa looked at her expression with a little more respect, restrained her arrogance just now, and said in a low voice, "I'll take you to a place to change clothes."

Ding Dong grabbed the bag and hurriedly followed.

LISA unexpectedly took Ding Dong to the top floor of the hotel, and Ding Dong didn't think much about it. He guessed that it must be Ai Mingmei's instruction, most likely to avoid people's eyes and ears.

After getting out of the elevator, LISA pointed to a gorgeous door, "That room."

She didn't intend to take Ding Dong with her, so she turned around and entered the elevator without saying a word and went downstairs.

"Hey..." Ding Dong looked at the closed elevator door in a daze, and then looked back at the empty top floor, feeling unavoidably apprehensive.

There are only two doors on the left and right ends of the magnificent top floor. This must be the presidential suite. She knows that many wealthy businessmen like to live in high places. The higher the better, they enjoy the supreme sense of superiority overlooking all living beings. For a penthouse suite in a star hotel, the price for one night must be sky-high.

"How can I get in without a key card?" Ding Dong muttered, and then thought, it should be the room where she changed her dress, and there must be someone there.

"Is anyone there?" Knocked on the door carefully twice, the door was quiet, Ding Dong wondered, put his hand on the doorknob, the door was open.

"Hello?" She boldly leaned forward and walked in. The luxury and luxury that caught her eyes made her gasp. Everywhere in the room was exquisite and luxurious. Enjoy, and the living room with double-layer double-glazed windows can enjoy the panoramic view of the seaside, as if the world has been stepped on, and the feeling of being the only one is born spontaneously.

Ding Dong, a poor kid who accidentally broke into the rich man's world, was so frightened by the situation in front of him that he opened his mouth for a long time.

This presidential suite seems to have several rooms, and there is also a gymnasium and audio-visual room, but Ding Dong didn't dare to intrude. After looking around for a while, he found that there was no one in the living room or the open door. He felt relieved and hurried into the bathroom Putting on a skirt, she then slightly touched up her makeup in front of the mirror, until she was sure that the person in the mirror was young and bright, before she opened the door with satisfaction and prepared to go downstairs to the banquet.


She clutched her chest and was shocked. It turned out that there was a man standing by the empty floor-to-ceiling windows at some point. He was dressed in a black suit, with a tall and straight body facing her. He was cold and arrogant, like an emperor who ruled the world, overlooking his vast empire.

The back of the man in front of the window is already a dazzling scenery.

Hearing the movement behind him, he turned around, his face was more handsome than those in the magazines, his mother was a beautiful mixed race, his facial features were naturally deep, but those eyes were too cold, as if he had seen too many In the story, time has worn away the enthusiasm in the eyes, and it is deserted, making people unable to see through him even after racking their brains.At this moment, his sharp and cold eyes projected on Ding Dong like a knife, penetrated her body, pierced her heart, and made her heart and body tremble for no reason.

It's Qin Yuan, the devil-like man that Ai Mingmei said!

But at this moment, his seemingly calm eyes seemed to be brewing a violent storm, and there was a dangerous aura around him, silently implying that he was very angry with her, an uninvited guest who entered the room.

Ding Dong took a step back, but his floating body leaned back against the wall, staring at Qin Yuan in horror, his brain completely lost the ability to think, and he was speechless.

"How did you come in?" Qin Yuan turned around and walked over. The thin lips seemed to spit out these words leisurely, but Ding Dong's nervous heart was completely raised, and his brain was already running at high speed thinking about how to deal with it. His cross-examination.


And in the few seconds when her big eyes were rolling wildly, Qin Yuan had completely stood in front of her, like a lion full of kingly power standing in his territory, staring at it coldly but with great interest. A duiker that strayed in by mistake.

He looked down at her for several seconds, until she was about to suffocate to death in this gaze, and then asked slowly, "How did you come in?"

The aura surrounding this man was too strong. The moment he raised his head and looked at him, Ding Dong swallowed subconsciously, quickly lowered his eyes to avoid the intimidating gaze, and said, "Sorry, I went to the wrong room. I'll go right away .”

After finishing speaking, she turned sideways and wanted to leave, but in the next second, a pair of hands ruthlessly stopped in front of her.

"Did I say you could go?"

The deep voice lingered behind her ears, Ding Dong bit her lips and turned her head, looking at Qin Yuan with big eyes helplessly, pleading in a weak voice, "I'm sorry, I really went wrong," she pointed The bag in his hand, "I just want to find a place to change clothes, sorry to bother you."

"This is the presidential suite." Qin Yuan said, his gaze wrapped around her tightly like a poisonous snake. Ding Dong breathed nervously, knowing that his clumsy excuses had been ruthlessly dismantled. Thinking about it, who would eat a leopard's guts and push away the presidential suite casually? Changing clothes at the door, such a stupid thing can only be done by a naive girl, she deserves to be discovered by the owner of the suite.

Reminiscent of LISA's strange behavior just now, Ding Dong understands that she was tricked by that girl, but now is not the time to complain, she must get rid of the man in front of her quickly, she is really scared.

She quickly raised her head, "Mr. Qin, I, I'm not a thief. I really just came to change clothes. I didn't touch anything here."

Qin Yuan remained calm, Ding Dong's flushed little face and rosy lips were printed in his cold black eyes.

Seeing him glance down at the bag in Ding Dong's hand, Ding Dong was afraid that he would search for her bag, which contained her miniature camera, and quickly explained, "It's full of my old clothes."

Qin Yuan didn't open his mouth, but trapped Ding Dong between him and the wall. He was not in a hurry to question her, nor was he ready to let her go, just like a calm hunter waiting for the restless prey to show his feet. Ding Dong had difficulty breathing, and Qin Yuan's cold His eyes gradually became uncomfortable, and he didn't know where to put his eyes.

Isn't that how it feels when being watched by the devil?

Nervous, trembling, helpless... burning hot, heart beating so fast that it almost jumped out of the chest.

Did he want to see something in her fluttering eyes?Or has he figured out something?See that she is a paparazzi with plans?

She was completely defeated in this silent confrontation, she somewhat understood Ai Mingmei's unspeakable secret of dancing with the devil in her heart, she lowered her head and begged, "Please forgive my recklessness, can you let me go?"

Qin Yuan didn't even move his eyebrows, "Are you here for a banquet?"

Ding Dong's heart trembled, he nodded, "Yes."

"Who invited you?"

"The bride invited me, so you don't know me."

"I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Qin Yuan's words shocked Ding Dong's whole body. She suddenly raised her head to look at him, and saw that his eagle-like eyes were also staring at her. Those eyes could make people invisible, and they could also make people surrender.

Yes, they've seen it before. That night at the hotel entrance, her camera was smashed to pieces and her head was bleeding. He handed her a handkerchief.

He must have found her suspicious so he wouldn't let her go!
Ding Dong's palms were sweating, fearing that he would recognize him as a reporter, he pretended to be calm, "You're mistaken, we haven't met before."

She raised her head slowly, staring at him with watery eyes, "I just saw you in a magazine, Mr. Qin."

When the soft "Mr. Qin" came out, Qin Yuan's thick eyebrows frowned, his eyes were full of anger, and Ding Dong flinched, not knowing which words offended him.

He thought that bad luck was coming, but he waved his hand, "Let's go!"

Ding Dongru hurriedly said "thank you" after being pardoned, wishing he could put on his wings and fly out of this gorgeous cage.

She turned around and was eager to run, but she forgot that she was not the paparazzi Ding Dong who was as light as a swallow, but at this moment she was Ding Dong who was wearing a floor-length evening dress and pretending to be a lady. Stopped, the body flew out and was about to have an intimate KISS with the floor.

A pair of powerful hands rescued her in time, Ding Dong's heart relaxed, and he was about to thank him, but suddenly his heartstrings tightened again, because the hands had not waited for her to stand still, and as soon as they exerted force, they brought her whole body into him like a broken bamboo. Hard bosom.


Facing Qin Yuan who was only a short distance away, she widened her eyes and let out a low breath again. At this moment, her heart stopped beating. She suddenly realized that a lost lamb waiting to be slaughtered is so helpless and frightened.

Qin Yuan's hand was resting on her waist, and she felt that the area had been burnt to pieces, and in her heart she called out to her father and mother for "help", and her body was frozen as if unable to move.

Qin Yuan's gloomy expression was terrifying, his eyes seemed to eat her, and his voice was extremely low and hoarse.

"Remember, if there is a next time, I won't forgive you so easily."

Ding Dong didn't know how she got to the banquet hall downstairs. The only life-threatening run in her life made her feet go limp and her mind went blank, and only the words of that person kept echoing in her ears.

"Remember, if there is a next time, I won't forgive you so easily."

She was panting and drowsy, and it seemed that the man's temperature still remained in her waist. The temperature completely burned her, and a corner of her heart was completely burned. She only felt scared, so scared that she just wanted to rush back to her small taxi. In the room, hiding in the dark closet with shoulders shivering.

Qin Yuan's warning made Ding Dong feel guilty and afraid. The banquet hall with dazzling lights was in front of her.

Ai Mingmei was right, he was a devil.

What would happen to a little person like her who provoked the devil?Can he make her lose more?But she didn't have much in the first place. Apart from this life, could he take more from her?
He couldn't let her lose more, because she had nothing in the first place, but once she succeeded, all the things she hoped for would be possessed in an instant.

At the corner of the aisle filled with celebrities, Ding Dong took a deep breath and made a decision.

Her luck was really bad, and she met that terrible man, but he and she, one was standing on the cloud, the other was rolling in the mud, after today, the intersection lines of their lives would no longer overlap.

She is worth fighting for!
As soon as she prepared herself mentally, she saw Lisa looking around. When she saw her coming, she looked at her impatiently and waved at her. She was the one she was looking for.

Thinking of being kicked by her, Ding Dong was still a little unhappy, and forced a smile, "I'm here."

Lisa didn't hide her eyes, and said mockingly, "You didn't take a bath in the presidential suite, did you?"

Ding Dong reminded himself that he had missed the point because of the verbal dispute, with a respectful attitude, "I'm sorry, my movements are relatively slow."

Lisa seemed to have no intention of continuing the cynicism, took her to a seat, and left quickly with a gloomy face.

As soon as Ding Dong sat down, he checked the location with bright eyes. Maybe it was Ai Mingmei's deliberate arrangement. She was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a huge flower stand just a few steps away from her place. Behind the flower stand, a person could just hide, and that place was a visual barrier. Blind spots, because they are corners, no one will notice them.

(End of this chapter)

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