We said yes, forever

Chapter 33 Maze Game

Chapter 33 Maze Game (6)
Qin Yuan's smile was a bit hateful, "Look at you, you broke the rules of the game again. I forgot to say just now that you will be punished for breaking the rules."

"It's not fair." Ding Dong protested softly, "You never answer me directly when I ask you."

Qin Yuan raised his eyebrows in displeasure, "I've said enough, whether you're too stupid or just pretending to be confused, you know best."

Ding Dong kept a sullen face and said nothing, she had never won the confrontation between the two, and she didn't want to spoil the friendly atmosphere between the two at the moment.

Ding Dong gave in first. In order to ease the atmosphere, he wanted to ask what the so-called punishment was, but he opened his mouth and realized that he would be fooled again, so he had to soften his tone and surrender, "Then you can ask, but it's okay, I just want to Answer one question, only one, no more."

Her soft tone made it clear to outsiders that she was a little girlfriend who could only act coquettishly as a threat. Qin Yuan smiled inexplicably. This smile softened his resolute and stern facial features, as if he suddenly discovered that beasts also have a tender side. Ding Dong He couldn't take his eyes off him immediately.

Now she is no longer as afraid of him as she was back then. Even a long time ago, she was full of confidence that even if the whole world hurt her, only that man would not do that.

This is a wonderful subconscious idea, she firmly believes it.

Qin Yuan forced her to submit with sharp eyes, "You can't lie, you can't escape, or I will punish you in my own way."

Ding Dong nodded hesitantly, thinking of his daunting methods, he had no choice but to reluctantly accept the Overlord Treaty.

"Why did you choose him?" Qin Yuan actually asked this question directly.

Ding Dong reflexively refused, "This question is too personal."

She insisted on refusing to answer, Qin Yuan stared at her sullenly, trying to make her submit, the two stalemate for a while, she begged tremblingly, "Ask what you want to ask, I'm hungry."

Hearing that she was hungry, Qin Yuan finally stopped the gentle torture, "Don't ask, let's eat first."

Ding Dong couldn't taste the taste of this dinner, but Qin Yuan enjoyed the silence between the two of them very much. He really kept his promise and didn't ask any more questions. He just kept asking Ding Dong to eat more. Ding Dong was already terrified of him, and sat down. Be obedient like a sheep at the dinner table.

After eating, the two left hand in hand, Ding Dong looked at the man's generous back like a wandering ghost.

Soon, after searching for so long, I finally reached the end of the maze.

She couldn't help but laugh.

The car slid all the way to the beach, Ding Dong knew that they were going back to his magic lair, the endless night had just begun to draw, what kind of fate was waiting for her?

Back at the villa, Ding Dong quickly went upstairs, followed by Qin Yuan like a ghost. When she reached the second floor, she gritted her teeth and walked towards her room. The next second, a man hugged her waist, his figure Covering her tightly, there was tingling heat in her ears, "Hey, that's not your room anymore."

"Go back to our room." Amid Ding Dong's screams, he picked her up and walked towards his room.

The door was getting closer and closer, Ding Dong's emotions were immersed in tension and fear, "You can't do this, you said you would give me some time."

"I've given you enough time, my heart can wait," his voice became extremely hoarse, "but baby, my body can't wait any longer."

He kicked open the door, put Ding Dong on his big bed, pulled on his tie, and gnawed at her neck like a hungry wolf, "The time I gave you is one day. I just tasted this The most delicious taste in the world, do you think I can wait? Believe me, one day is my limit."

"Don't do this." Ding Dong pressed against him helplessly, dodging from left to right, and said indiscriminately in order to escape his fate tonight, "I have a fiancé, and I love someone else, I can't do this to you Kind of thing."

The originally passionate atmosphere in the room suddenly cooled down, and the surrounding area was eerily quiet.

Ding Dong looked anxiously at Qin Yuan on his body, frightened by the terrifying aura around him, she had already seen the end of provoking him last night, but now his deep and gloomy eyes were more terrifying than last night, silently It clearly explained the fact that she had pissed him off again.

But Ding Dong is confident in her heart. Although she is used to submissiveness, she is still a stubborn ass when encountering problems of principle. Before Qin Yuan owes her an understanding, she cannot let him do whatever he wants.

But maybe she's doing it the wrong way.

"You love someone else." Qin Yuan's eyes were about to burst into flames, and the raging anger made him want to pinch the little woman's neck, "You said you loved someone else?"

Qin Yuan's anger suddenly made Ding Dong's nose sore, and the grievance that had been entrenched for a long time clamored at this moment, and she finally shouted out the question in her heart, "I don't know, I really don't know... Do you want me to say that I love you?" ?"

"I'm just an unknown little reporter, but you are Qin Yuan, we are people from two worlds... You suddenly broke into my life and said so many inexplicable things, my life is completely messed up, do you know Know I'm going crazy."

She was hysterical and beat him like crazy, "I hate you, I hate you! You're so hateful, you go find a woman and find someone else! Just kill me!"

The way she was blushing and crying was really unattractive, but it miraculously extinguished the anger in Qin Yuan's heart. He bent down and ignored her beating, and kissed the wet tears on her face over and over again, "How can I not give up?" ? Kill my baby, how can I continue to live in this world."

The weeping Ding Dong's heart softened into a ball of water because of his words. No woman can resist such affectionate love words. At this moment and he gave her the most beautiful love words in the world, why is she the only one? Woolen cloth?

She said, "Qin Yuan, I don't understand."

For the first time, Qin Yuan showed his deep helplessness, lying down and hugging her, and muffled, "When will you understand?"

This dispute was extremely exhausting, and the scrambling in Qin Yuan's body also temporarily subsided. He just hugged the woman in his arms and thought about his own thoughts. Seeing that he didn't respond, Ding Dong asked quietly, "Just now, when we were eating, did you still want to ask me?" What?"

She waited for a long time before she heard the man behind her say, "Tell me, why did you accept him in the first place?"

"Maybe, maybe it's because he likes his talent." She said the answer slowly. In fact, this is also her own explanation for nodding her own obsession over the years, and she has been convincing herself like this in her heart.

Qin Yuan, who was close to her back behind her, made no sound. Nestling in such a warm chest, her body gradually relaxed, and her thoughts drifted away.

"At that time, there were others who pursued me. He was the one who pursued me the longest. On that day, I finally agreed to go out to sketch with him. He took me to the beach. He was probably going to confess his love to me that day. The artist's long hair also It's cut short, and I'm still wearing a blue shirt. I look very energetic. I was in a good mood, but when I got to the beach, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I stood on the beach, and I felt that I had lost something, but I didn't know. I lost something, I wanted to cry in pain. But he drew me on the beach, and then suddenly ran over with the painting and knelt down on one knee, asking me if I could be with the girl in the painting. He is willing to guard the beach forever Just like being beside the sea, guarding my side for the rest of my life.”

"And then?" Qin Yuan asked hoarsely.

"That moment was very strange. I looked at him like that, that hairstyle, that outfit, obviously very strange, but it made me feel very touched. When he said that sentence, I suddenly cried, I don't know Why, suddenly it was no longer so uncomfortable, and there seemed to be a voice in my heart saying, 'This is the person, this is the person you have been waiting for all your life', so... I agreed to him."

She recalled the past, waited for a long time without seeing any reaction from the man behind her, turned around and looked away in wonder, but was completely stunned when she saw the tears in Qin Yuan's eyes, she couldn't believe it, "You... "

Qin Yuan suddenly turned over and pressed her down fiercely, he left his breath in every corner of her mouth, before sinking, Qin Yuan only whispered a word in her ear.

"I knew it, my baby never changed."

"I'm sorry, and thank you, I never forgot."

This night, love became the only theme.Qin Yuan kissed Ding Dong almost in admiration. He asked God to give him a child of him and her. From then on, they would stay together even if the sea was dry and rocky. Protect them for life.

(End of this chapter)

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