We said yes, forever

Chapter 34 The End of the Maze

Chapter 34 The End of the Maze (1)
Baby, you are my hometown.

Ding Dong woke up slowly at noon the next day, opened his eyes, and there was nothing around him, the perpetrator had already gotten up and was gone.

Things got out of hand, and it seemed dangerous to keep going like this.

Grabbing her hair and dazed for a while, her brain seemed to be completely broken, blank and unable to figure out why, she sighed and got up to wash and wash away the smell of him.

Just after taking a shower, she heard her own mobile phone ringing in her bag, frantically looking for it, and when she took it out, she saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello", but Sheng Kuang's slightly excited voice came from the other side.

"Ding Dong, I have great news for you! The other party has given up suing me. I can come out in a few days after the formalities are completed. My dear, you have to wait for me. When I come out, we will have a dust-cleaning banquet. A few friends, let's get rid of this bad luck."

For a moment Ding Dong felt dizzy and hypoxic, the towel in her hand was pulled into a ball, and Sheng Kuang over there was still chattering, she moved her mouth with difficulty, "OK, OK, congratulations."

Sheng Kuang at the other end heard something was wrong, "Ding Dong, what's wrong with you? Aren't you happy when I come out?"

"Of course I'm happy for you." Ding Dong smiled bitterly, "But I've already heard what the lawyer said, so I'm not that surprised."

"Why is your voice so soft?"

"I...have a bit of hypoglycemia without breakfast, you can bear it for a few more days, I'll die first."

She hung up the phone abruptly, with a bewildered expression on her fragile face.

During the period when her fiancé was rejected, she secretly communicated with other men and did all the shameful things in this hidden house. These days, her heart only thinks about another man day and night , is she a flirtatious woman who loves the new and dislikes the old?
After Qin Yuan appeared, the demon in her heart defeated her original pure self, and Ding Dong's uneasiness intensified, what should I do?She will be criticized by thousands of people and cast aside, right?
Even she herself despises herself.

She was caught in a battle between heaven and man, and her phone rang again, this time it was a text message, sent by Qin Cheng.

My little friend, my restaurant has been properly arranged. We can leave for City B in the afternoon. If it is convenient for you, please come to the restaurant and wait for me in the afternoon.

Ding Dong looked down at the text message, and the door opened suddenly. She was so frightened that she subconsciously hid her phone behind her back, and looked at Qin Yuan who came in with a plate in panic.

Qin Yuan had a panoramic view of her movements, and put the breakfast in front of her calmly, with a face as soft as the dawn, "Are you hungry? Fill your stomach first, and we will have a big meal at noon."

Ding Dong obediently took the bread and milk, chewed the food absently, and finally raised his head as if making up his mind, just in time to meet Qin Yuan's meaningful eyes, and suddenly understood that he was waiting for her to confess.

Forget it, what I have done has never escaped his eyes, so why bother to struggle needlessly.

She took a sip of milk, and finally regained some strength in her body, "I want to go back to City B in the afternoon."

Fearing that he would object, and even guessing that she was trying to escape, she hurriedly explained, "I want to go home and ask my parents something."

Sure enough, Qin Yuan didn't say anything more, with a satisfied smile on his lips, "Then I'll go back with you."

"No, there's no need. Brother Qin wants to visit his old place again," she looked at his expression carefully, "I can hitch a ride."

Qin Yuan looked at her expressionlessly, which made her even more uneasy. He was the scariest at this time, which also showed that he was angry.

He warned her several times not to get in touch with the brothers of the Qin family, but she turned a deaf ear to it and had a private relationship with Qin Cheng, which must have touched his bottom line again.

Ding Dong hurriedly said, "This time when I go home, I have to ask my parents about some things. If you are here, I will panic instead. Brother Qin used to be my neighbor, he will not hurt me, don't worry Bar."

"I can promise you, but you must promise me one thing." Qin Yuan finally spoke.

"what's up?"

"Two days, I will only give you two days, and then come back to me immediately." His tone was full of "Qin style" domineering as always, "Even if it exceeds an hour, I will personally go to City B to bring you back, even if It's your parents' face, and I won't give it to you, you know I always do what I say. Also, keep the phone turned on, I don't want to have a time when I can't find you. "

Ding Dong has long been numb to this kind of treaty that forfeit power and humiliates the country, and he nodded without the slightest hesitation, "I promise you."

This afternoon, she went to Qincheng's restaurant as agreed, and the two of them drove back to her hometown - City B together.

The sky is high and the clouds are wide, and occasionally birds pass by leisurely in the sky. This kind of animal with wings has the most precious thing in this world-freedom.

Ding Dong looks up enviously, freedom has left her.

That man was going to trap her.

It's just that she is not willing enough, he owes her an understanding, and now, he let her go to find the truth.

She was going to personally confirm the guess in her heart, and she didn't know what kind of emotion she should use to face everything that was coming.

Seeing her depressed, Qin Cheng couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? Are you not happy to go home?"

Ding Dong came back to his senses and forced a smile, "Of course I'm happy. I haven't been back for half a year. My parents called and urged me to go back several times. I'm too busy with work to go home."

Now that she is unemployed and has time, it seems more difficult to go home.

Qin Cheng smiled to express his understanding, "I finally found the time to go back this time, huh?"

The smile on Ding Dong's mouth was a bit harsh, and his voice was sad and lonely, "Yes, but when I go back this time, maybe some things will be different."

Qin Cheng concentrated on driving, and said after a long time, "Going home is a good thing."

"You remember what my brother said."

"Everything that life gives you, good or bad, don't run away from it."

During the three-hour drive, Ding Dong was mostly drowsy. Qin Yuan tormented her hard last night, and she was very nervous these days, so she felt very tired on the way home.

Qin Cheng saw her fatigue, his eyes darkened, and he didn't wake her up.

Her parents knew that she was going home a long time ago, so they happily asked her what she wanted to eat on the phone. Ding Dong said that he would bring an old friend to his house as a guest, but the old couple suddenly lost their voice on the other end of the phone, and it took a long time before A little nervously asked who she was, Ding Dong made a fool of himself, so he prevaricated and hung up the phone.

When her parents opened the door and saw Qin Cheng standing next to Qin Yuan, laughing at Yan Yan, Mama Ding was stunned and blurted out, "Second Young Master..."

Ding Dong's father reacted quickly and poked the wife next to him. The old lady woke up like a dream, and hurriedly said, "Oh, isn't this the young man who lived upstairs? What's his name? My old woman has a bad memory Oh, it seems to be called Xiaocheng, right? What are you doing standing there, come in, come in."

Ding Dong calmly invited Qin Cheng in, took her father's hand and smiled sweetly, "Dad, you see how small the world is, I met Brother Cheng again, he has been abroad for many years, this time he wants to come back and visit his old place again Woolen cloth."

His father nodded respectfully to Qin Cheng, years of outdoor work made him older than his peers, "It's a good thing to come and see, it's a good thing."

Ding Dong observed her father carefully, and after not seeing her for half a year, she felt that her father had lost weight again, he smiled insincerely at Brother Cheng, and she saw the faint sadness on Mama Ding's face.

Ding Dong was helping in the kitchen, Qin Cheng was sitting in the living room drinking tea and chatting with her father, the TV was playing the recently popular family soap opera, the quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drowned out the voices in the living room.

The mother and daughter were very busy in the kitchen. Ding Dong was picking vegetables at the side, and Ding Ma was cooking in front of the pot. The hot steam in the pot hid her face in it. The old lady asked, "Why did I meet this young man by such a coincidence?" ?”

Mama Ding complained, "Someone I haven't seen for many years, suddenly appeared in front of Mom, but it shocked Mom. Why didn't you say it earlier on the phone?"

Ding Dong had no choice but to explain, "I'm afraid you won't remember this person when I mentioned it on the phone. After all, we have lived downstairs with many people, so I guess you won't remember it."

She smiled strangely, "I didn't expect your old lady to have a particularly good memory for handsome guys, and she really belongs to the Appearance Association."

Mama Ding was so angry that she threatened to hit her with Onion, but Ding Dong laughed and hid.

Mama Ding glanced outside worriedly, after a moment of silence, she asked, "Why didn't you come back with that kid Sheng Kuang?"

Before Ding Dong could answer, her mother went on to say, "You two are getting older, so hurry up and get married. The business of the shop has not been so busy recently. Your father and I have time, so you two should get married quickly. Otherwise, you can get the certificate first."

The old lady was waiting anxiously for Ding Dong to reply, but Ding Dong just lowered his head while washing the vegetables and said nothing, which caused the old lady to stare anxiously from behind, "Are you dumb? You should say something."

Ding Dong finished washing his hands slowly, and looked back at her mother, "Didn't you not like me looking for him a few months ago? You said that he is divorced and has a child and hasn't worked properly yet, so why are you urging us to get married now?"

Mama Ding rubbed her hands, "You must stick to him. Your father and I can't help it. You two should stop drifting outside. How much money can you earn by working hard? Come back after getting married. Earn a lot, you young people take over, just let me and your dad retire, do you think it's okay?"

"Ding Dong, you're outside. Your dad and I are worried that you won't be able to eat well or dress well." She played the card of family affection, "Listen to mom, and go home when you get married, okay?"

Ding Dong's nose was a little sour, and he turned his head stubbornly away from her mother's old wrinkled face, and said in a muffled voice, "Mom, something happened to Sheng Kuang, we definitely won't be able to get married."

"What?" Mama Ding was stunned, "What happened to him?"

Seeing her silent, her mother grabbed her sleeve and asked anxiously, "Tell me, what happened?"

"He committed some crimes and went in, but he hasn't been released yet. And... I don't really want to marry him anymore." She pretended to be optimistic, "Didn't you always talk about it before? There are so many men, why should I choose him? Marry, there are many men who are better than him, if I want to marry, I will marry someone else."

Mama Ding's hand on her arm tightened suddenly, "Then who do you want to marry?"

Ding Dong was in severe pain from being pinched by her mother, and cried out in pain, "Mom, let go, it hurts me to death."

Only then did her mother realize her gaffe, and let go of her hand awkwardly. When a man's conversation outside the door came, her face changed drastically, "Could it be that you and Qin Cheng..."

Ding Dong couldn't help laughing, "Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? Brother Cheng has a date. If I call him, I'll call him 800 years ago. Why wait until now?"

"Then who are you talking about?" Ding Ma still asked worriedly.

Ding Dong was helpless, "Mom, no one, I just said casually, I don't want to marry Sheng Kuang, so naturally I want to marry someone else."

Her mother glared at her as if she had died down, but she continued to mutter, "It's best if you don't marry that kid Sheng Kuang, then you should quit your job and come back. Aunt Lin next door has a nephew who just returned to China and is a doctor again. The character is very good, see you two when the time comes."

Ding Dong's ears grew calluses, and he pointed at the boiling pot and shouted, "Mom, turn off the heat! It's burnt!"

After having dinner at Ding Dong's house, Qin Cheng went back to the hotel to rest. After taking a shower, Ding Dong comfortably half-lyed on the small sofa in her room and flipped through magazines. Watching Mama Ding help her make the bed, the mother and daughter chatted one after another.

Mama Ding said, "When you met that young man from Qin Cheng, what did he tell you?"

Ding Dong lazily turned the page, "I didn't say anything, brother Cheng has been doing a great job in the restaurant business these past few years. He opened a restaurant in City A and invited me to come and taste the dishes for free."

"Oh, really?"

Mama Ding sat down and hesitated to speak, at this moment Ding Dong called out with bright eyes, "Hey, Mom, come and see, I grew my hair long and braided like this, does it look good?"

The old lady went up to take a look and saw that the model in the magazine was wearing a playful and childlike shofar braid, like a fairy girl walking from the depths of a clear spring in the mountains, pure and full of wild beauty, she subconsciously said, "It's beautiful, it used to be beautiful. That's the kind of braid you love, and you run around like crazy with it all day long."

"I combed it before? Why don't I remember." Ding Dong smiled and asked.

Mother and daughter's eyes collided, Mama Ding's expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and she turned her face away, "You were young at that time, so naturally you don't remember."

Ding Dong nodded and didn't ask any more questions, and continued to flip through the magazine with relish, muttering incessantly, "This dress is nice, but why is it so expensive?"

Ding's mother also concentrated on packing Ding Dong's luggage, not noticing that her daughter's hands were trembling while turning the book.

Late at night, at two o'clock in the morning, parents had already gone to bed, Ding Dong quietly opened the door, found old photos of the family from the cabinet, turned on the small desk lamp to look through the pages, still did not find himself seventeen An old photo from when I was eight years old.

She closed the album thoughtfully, scanned the room, and suddenly remembered that her father had an unremarkable safe, which was placed in the corner of the storage room, and she hadn't seen him open it for so many years.

She opened the storage room on tiptoe, glanced back at the closed door of her parents' room, bent down and slipped in.

The light in the storage room was a bit dim, and the sundries had been piled up for a long time, covered with a trace of dust. Ding Dong was only looking for the safe, so he didn't pay attention to his feet, and kicked a shelf, which fell to the ground suddenly, making a harsh impact sound.

The noise was even more abrupt in the dark night.

Ding Dong was so frightened that he quickly raised the shelf, held his breath and stretched out his ears to listen to the door for a while, but there was no unusual sound, her parents should be fast asleep.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

After finally finding the old safe in the corner, Ding Dong was already covered in dust, staring at the combination disk in front of the safe for a long time, she squatted down disheveled, with a frustrated expression on her face.

What is the password?

She tried several numbers in a row. Her father's birthday, her mother's birthday, and even her birthday were all wrong. She pouted and was about to give up. number.

In 2006, that year she.

Click, the crisp sound was especially harsh in the night, and the door of the box opened.

Ding Dong was delighted, and stretched out his hand to open the box door, like a person who had lost his way for a long time and finally found the end of the maze. When he was running towards the exit excitedly, an anxious female voice suddenly sounded behind her. ,"stop!"

Ding Dong withdrew his hand in fright, and turned his head in panic.

Beside the door, her parents stood at the door, looking at her with the same terrified expressions. Her father seemed to have rushed here, even with bare feet.

Ding Dong yelled guiltily, "Mom..."

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Go back to your room and sleep!" Mama Ding scolded with a sullen face.

Ding Dong still stood still, with a smile on his face, "Mom, I can't sleep, I think of those old gadgets when I was a child, and I want to find them out."

"Then why are you opening the safe?"

"Ah? I've kept this safe for many years. I don't know what's in it. I'm curious. I want to open it and see what treasures are in it." Ding Dong said word by word, "Dad, Mom, you hid it behind my back." What good stuff?"

"Nothing!" Mama Ding rushed in aggressively and dragged her out, "Get out quickly, you will mess up the place as soon as you come back, and I will have to clean it up for a long time."

Ding Dong, however, stood still like nails stuck in the ground, letting her mother drag her and refused to leave. Instead, she squatted down and was about to open the door of the box, "I opened the safe, I'll take a look before going to bed."

"Don't open it!" Her mother screamed behind her, and then there was a clanging sound, Ding Dong's hand was knocked off by her mother, her hair was messy in front of the safe, her face Waiting for her in panic, "If you open today, believe it or not, mom will bump her head here, believe it or not?"

Her father was completely stunned, and Ding's mother yelled hysterically, "Old man, are you dead? Come and say something!"

Her father woke up like a dream, and rushed over to persuade her with nice words, "Daughter, go back to sleep, there is nothing in it, it's just my father's IOU written to others in the early years. How many years has your mother been talking about it? It’s better not to look at unlucky things.”

(End of this chapter)

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