We said yes, forever

Chapter 41 The Diamond Man's Destiny's True Daughter

Chapter 41 The Diamond Man's Destiny's True Daughter (2)
His hand reached out to Ding Dong's face, she waved it away in disgust, she said righteously, "Keep your mouth clean, who is a bastard..."

In the sound of her questioning, the door of the bathroom behind her opened again, and Rao Zhu appeared at the door gracefully. He was startled, and quickly glanced at the two of them. Suddenly, his small mouth shrunk in grievance, and he said "Honey" coquettishly, and fluttered pretentiously. into Qin Mu's arms.

She pointed her scarlet finger at Ding Dong, "This bitch, she wanted to hit me just now. Husband, you have to make decisions for others."

Ding Dong was confused by the combination of these two people for a few seconds. Seeing Rao Zhu's inversion of black and white and shouting "Stop the thief", he couldn't help applauding in his heart: This acting skill is really at the level of a movie queen.

Qin Mu looked uncertainly at the little wild cat that suddenly appeared in his arms, and patted it comfortingly, but his mouth was very perfunctory, "The decision is made, the decision must be made, you wait for me inside first, I have business to tell her."

Rao Zhu saw that his goal had not been achieved, and Qin Mu acted as if he was defending Ding Dong, a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, but she was smart and dared not rebel, "But she was really almost beaten, how can I swallow this tone?" .”

She said the last sentence facing Ding Dong.

"I'll take a picture of the imperial jade necklace for you later today." Qin Mu was already a little impatient.

"Well, forget it for today." Rao Zhu perfunctorily kissed Qin Mu's cheek, raised his eyelids to glance at Ding Dong, and left charmingly.

Ding Dong also raised his foot to leave, but Qin Mu stopped him with his hand. Now, the hypocritical mask of pretending to be a gentleman in front of Xinhuan was removed, and Ding Dong was faced with an indifferent and lazy man.

Rao Zhu stopped at the corner and looked over here, Qin Mu gave her a warning look, and Rao Zhu had no choice but to leave.

Here, only the two of them are left to confront each other.

Qin Mu looked unhappy, "What's the matter? Calling him a wild species, are you upset?"

With such a cold face, Qin Mu can easily remind people of that kind of cold-blooded and ruthless reptile.

Ding Dong's eyes were bright and unflappable, "I don't think I need to remind you, that man named Ye Zhong is your brother."

"Brother..." Qin Mu chewed this word carefully, and suddenly laughed out loud, with a cold look in his eyes.

"In this world, is there such a big brother? He set up a plan to take away my shares, and gave me a sum of money like a beggar, so that I can fend for myself abroad." He approached step by step, and Ding Dong retreated steadily until Leaning his back against the wall, "Oh, why did I forget, I knelt in front of him like a beggar and cried bitterly, begging him to leave me some shares, but, my good brother, he is like kicking a dog. Same, kicked me away mercilessly."

"I forgot that he was my elder brother, so why does he remember that I am his younger brother? Just now, my younger brother begged him like a beggar to lend me some money, but do you know what he said? He He rejected me, he said you can clean up your mess yourself. Little beauty, look, this is the true face of your man. "

Qin Mu was too close, as if he was wrapped by a poisonous snake and couldn't break free, Ding Dong felt a chill down his back.

She gritted her teeth not to let herself tremble, "Don't think I don't know, if he doesn't make a move, then he is the one who gets kicked away, he just won. Also, everyone is an adult, he didn't It's your duty to help you clean up the mess, isn't it?"

It is not uncommon for brothers to fight among wealthy families. Ding Dong has also heard about it. If you don't want to be a lamb to be slaughtered, you must learn to preemptive strikes. Qin Yuan must understand this truth very well.

Qin Cheng and Qin Mu lost to Qin Yuan, but Qin Cheng accepted this reality, while Qin Mu was obviously still struggling desperately.

Qin Mu looked at him with a cold face, and smiled evilly, "I said, the game is not over yet, I still have a chance to come back."

"The bastard who took everything from me is still so righteous, then don't blame my ruthless subordinates."

Ding Dong's pupils shrank.

What Qin Yuan said is correct, the men of the Qin family are all poisonous snakes, and the man in front of him has clearly exposed his ferocious and poisonous teeth.

Qin Mu saw her fear, and became even more proud. He approached her again, and the two could almost feel each other's hot breath.

"I just heard a very interesting story recently. The wild species was originally infatuated. That's right. Men with weaknesses are more humane. Little beauty, don't you think so?"

Ding Dong felt something was wrong, and asked tremblingly, "You, what are you going to do?"

Qin Mu was satisfied with the fearful expression on her face, and he said, "You will know."

"The eyes are so beautiful." He wanted to touch Ding Dong's cheek, but she avoided him, his hand froze in the air, and finally let it go.

"You little wild cat, even I like it a little bit. However, next time we meet, I will definitely cut off your claws. Thinking about it this way, I really look forward to it."

"Don't mess around."

Qin Mu hooked his lips into a smile, turned around and left leisurely, Ding Dong watched his back, restrained his beating heart, and then returned to the dinner party with lingering fear.

During the banquet, the guests talked and laughed happily, and the melodious violin music drove away some of the haze in her body.

But Qin Mu's words still lingered in her mind like a nightmare.

Ding Dong knew why he was uneasy.

She was afraid that Qin Mu would be unfavorable to Qin Yuan.

When hatred, complaints, anger and disappointment accumulate like volcanic lava, day by day, it will erupt one day to destroy the power of heaven and earth.

She walked in the crowd in a daze, and even knocked over a tray in the hands of a waiter, and the clear and messy sound of wine glasses clinking made her even more confused.

Qin Mu, who was standing with Rao Zhu not far away, turned his head and met her eyes. He raised his glass to her in a gesture of arrogance.

Qin Yuan talked to Zhou Jingxuan absent-mindedly, looking in the direction of the bathroom from time to time, he had something good to tell her, and she finally came late for this meeting, and he didn't care about so many eyes present, like a prince who rescued the princess, and rescued her from Rescued from a mess.

"Come on, follow me." He whispered in her ear.

He dragged her away, and finally ran. Many guests in the floor-to-ceiling windows looked at the man and woman running hand in hand on the grass without words. The man was tall and straight, and the woman's dress fluttered. So powerful.

Love has always been an invisible and illusory thing, but at this moment, it seems to be seen.

Ding Dong and Qin Yuan sat in the movie screening hall specially arranged by Zhou Jingxuan, waiting with bated breath for the reflection of "The Beach of Love".

They are the earliest viewers of the film simply because this is their story.

Ding Dong stared intently at the big screen, eager to know what happened in her bloody youth.

Seeing that she was so nervous that she couldn't breathe anymore, Qin Yuan smiled in her ear, "This is a tear-jerking movie based on real events. Cry as much as you want. I have prepared enough tissues for you."

Ding Dong turned his head and glared at him, "I don't cry."

The light from the screen shone on the man's tough facial features, flickering, and he rubbed her hand in his palm, "This is a movie for you."

He kissed the back of his hand and looked at her affectionately, "My belated birthday present for you."

The two locked their fingers together, and the movie began.

The film unfolds slowly in reverse.

In the vast emerald green bamboo sea, the speeding car carried young men and women running on the mountain road. Several cars roared behind and chased after them. Someone shouted out the window with a loudspeaker: "Young master, there is a mountain collapse ahead, don't let it go!" Go ahead and come back with us."

The boy holding the steering wheel frowned tightly, the girl's pale face was stained with tears, and she looked back frequently, "Brother, they are chasing after us, what should we do? I don't want to be caught back."

The boy conveyed strength to her with firm eyes, "Don't worry, I won't let you have trouble this time."

There was a landslide in front of them, followed by chasing soldiers, and they had nowhere to go, so they had to abandon their cars and get into the dense jungle.

After the rain, the muddy mountain road became more and more difficult to walk. The two of them were soaked, hunger, cold, exhaustion, and despair attacked them like beasts. The boy's hand held the girl's tightly, the girl slipped, and the boy was also caught by her. Rolling down the hillside, the rain watered the land, they were covered in mud, and they saw themselves in despair and distress in each other's eyes.

In this barren and cold world, all they have is each other.

They obviously have the purest and most precious love in this world, but why should they compromise with this world?

No, never compromise.

There were noisy voices not far away, those who chased them back, they were nearby, the boy observed the nearby terrain, "Can we go? We must find a place to hide."

The girl's arm was cut by sharp stones, and blood was gushing out, but she didn't say a word, and obediently followed behind her brother. She had seen the methods of those people, and she didn't want to go back.

Going back means that she will never see her brother.

They were lucky enough to find a cave that could accommodate them and was very hidden. The two of them hugged and hid together trembling, trying to warm each other with their own body temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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