We said yes, forever

Chapter 42 The Diamond Man's Destiny's True Daughter

Chapter 42 The Diamond Man's Destiny's True Daughter (3)
The pursuers outside were still noisily looking for them. Two men even passed by their cave. The girl's eyes suddenly widened, full of horror, and the boy was also very nervous.

But fortunately they didn't notice it and walked away.

As night fell, the light of torches and flashlights could be faintly seen in the mountains and forests. Unknowingly, more people were looking for them. A man who seemed to be the leader said loudly, "There are no footprints. Look carefully. The two of them I didn’t run far, so I should have found a place to hide.”

The timid girl didn't hear this sentence, because she was too tired, she nestled in her brother's warm arms and fell asleep, while the boy who was still awake opened his eyes like a trapped animal, guarding his arms desperately and firmly The only person he cherishes.

In his arms was the love of his life, the one he swore to protect for the rest of his life.

When the light of dawn shone through the narrow gaps in the bushes into the narrow and damp cave, and also shone on the boy's young and handsome face, he woke up, and suddenly found that the body in his arms was terribly hot, and the girl had a fever.

"Baby, what's wrong with you? Wake up, wake up!"

The girl woke up in a daze, her eyes blurred, "Thirsty, brother, I'm thirsty."

The boy's eyes were gloomy, and he pursed his lips and looked out the window. The sound of hunting outside was fading away, and there were crisp birdsong in the jungle.

He licked his dry and cracked lips with his tongue, "Wait a minute, I'll find you some water."

He crawled out of the cave cautiously with his waist down, hid behind a tree and looked around carefully before running quickly in a certain direction.

When he came yesterday, he passed a stream with plenty of rain, and he still remembered the way.

He squatted by the stream, took a sip of the water with his palm, and felt very happy. Just when he was about to fill the girl with the large leaves he picked, a stunned male voice pierced the sky behind him.

"Young master! It's the young master, the young master is there!"

He turned his head to look, a few hundred meters away, a man pointed at him and shouted to his classmates.

He stood up and ran as fast as he could.

The voices of people in the jungle fluctuated, and the footsteps were messy. The birds in the jungle were startled and fled in groups from this place of right and wrong.

The long-armed and long-legged boy was chased by seven or eight men. He was struggling for the last bit of freedom in his life. His young face was full of despair and unwillingness.

The girl was shaken awake, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the boy's anxious face, "Baby, wake up, we have to go."

The girl also heard the human voice outside the cave, the voice was like the footsteps of death, which made her tremble all over.But before she had time to panic, she was dragged out by the boy, and the two of them shuttled through the forest, staggering and running hand in hand.

They want the freedom to love each other, but freedom seems to be the most difficult luxury in this world, and they finally have nowhere to go.

In front of them is a cliff, and the river below the cliff is rushing, like a big mouth, which can easily swallow young and fragile lives.

A lone goose flew by in the sky, and a mournful cry came from the forest.

They stood on the edge of the cliff, clinging to each other, seeing despair and grief in each other's eyes.

There is no way, really no way.

A dozen burly men in raincoats stopped tens of meters away from them. They were ordered to take the living young master back. As for the girl, it didn't matter whether she was dead or alive.

The order from above can easily tell the value of human life. The owner of the big house does not want the girl to live.

"Young master, come back with us. Madam is sick if she doesn't eat or drink. If you don't go back, brothers can't do business, and it will be very embarrassing." She's sick and she needs to go to the hospital."

Hearing the word "hospital", the girl's body trembled subconsciously, and she looked at the boy for help, and he hugged her tightly.

The middle-aged man raised his foot and wanted to step forward, but the boy blocked it with his hand and said in a deep voice, "Don't come here, you all don't come here."

He lowered his head and looked affectionately at the petite girl in his arms, "Stand back a little bit, let me have a word with her."


"If you tell you to retreat, retreat, will I still fly with wings?" The boy roared at the crowd, his whole body majestic.

The girl looked at him with tears streaming down her face, she knew that what was waiting for them was parting.

"Brother..." She choked with tears, "Why did we work so hard, but in the end... why..."

She buried her head deeply in his arms, breathing in the smell of grass and soil on his body, "Don't go back, I don't want to be separated, I don't want to be separated from you!"

Her body was like a sieve, and she held onto the boy's collar. She had a fever. In her dream, she and her beloved boy, Ben, were running on the wasteland. The paradise full of flowers and flowing spring water was far away. It can be reached in a few steps, but when she opened her eyes, there was only a cliff in front of them.

The paradise where she can love each other freely is a place she will never be able to reach, and she cannot accept this reality.

The boy looked down at her silently, he was crushed by reality, he could only silently embrace the crying person in his arms.

It took him a long time to find his hoarse voice, "Let's go back first, and we'll find a chance after we go back."

"No, there will be no next time, there will be no next time, they think I'm crazy, they want to lock me up, and no one will let us be together." The girl shook her head in despair.

The girl looked down sadly at the bottomless cliff at her feet. She had a high fever and her whole body was limp and weak, but a hint of stubbornness still flashed across her eyes filled with tears. A thought took root in her heart, and it quickly germinated.

The two looked at each other sadly, as if they were saying goodbye, she suddenly smiled, tears rolled down from her eyes, she tiptoed and whispered in the boy's ear, "Brother, let's die together."

The boy was surprised, and then turned his head to look at the cliff in a clear way. On his young face, there was not much fear of death.

The girl cried and said, "Our love is going to be strangled to death. Brother, we agreed to last forever, but now... since we can't choose our birth, love, freedom and future, then what's the point of our life? Leaving you , Yangyang is alive as if he is dead, and it won’t be easy to leave my brother, right? Why don’t we die together now.”

The exhaustion of many days overwhelmed her, and she took his hand, "Brother, this is the only thing we can do for each other."

The boy was stung by the girl's tears, he bowed his head and kissed the tears off her cheeks, he looked at the vast world, the only road was just under his feet, the world is so big, with so many roads, it turned out that to them, it was already There is no way out.His father's indifferent face, his mother's cruel and beautiful face, and many people, who were afraid of his noble surname, laughed at his humble origin behind his back.

"He is not worthy to be my brother, he is just a lowly illegitimate child, his mother is a dancer, I don't want to play with him!"

"Who knows if it is the master's seed, or which wild man's seed it is."

"Mom is a dancer, how can my son be better?"

His barren world is full of darkness and coldness, the girl in front of him is his sun, the only warmth in his life, and now, this only warmth will be taken away, and only darkness will remain in his world from now on.

Sometimes it's better to die than to live.

A soft smile appeared on the boy's handsome face, "Okay, brother will accompany you."

The two held hands, and took a last look at the world, and the stunned man beside him, the heart of the middle-aged man jumped, and he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

The boy and the girl smiled strangely at him, and in the next second, the two of them jumped down decisively and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The world is quiet, only the turbulent river is left, full of hope, galloping away to the distant place.

Ding Dong once vowed not to cry, but at the end of the movie, she cried so hard in Qin Yuan's arms that she couldn't help herself.

Probably recalling the helplessness and despair of the past, Qin Yuan hugged her, and his eyes were moist.

Ding Dong cried bitterly, she was crying for her youth, for Qin Yuan, and for herself.

She didn't know that she once knelt on the ground for a whole night in order to get Qin Yuan's mother to agree to see him.When she woke up, she found that she was locked behind bars. The indifferent doctors and nurses ignored her cries for help, and the whole world regarded her as a madman.She didn't even know that their first meeting also happened on a rainy night. They were trapped in a wooden house in the mountains. The rain was ticking outside the window, and the young body inside the window exuded a seductive aura. They finally ate the forbidden fruit.

Qin Yuan's eyes were deep. Although he wished he could swallow the person in his arms immediately, he still had the last reason in his brain. He straightened Ding Dong's skirt and said, "Let's go home."

Ding Dong blushed and nodded.

The two went to the underground parking lot hand in hand. Ding Dong's face was sweet, full of admiration for the man beside him like a little girl.

This man was hers, and they had loved each other long, long ago, since she was a little girl.

Their love has gone through the test of life and death, and finally came to Nirvana.

In the underground parking lot, Ding Dong suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of Qin Yuan, then hugged him contentedly, "Brother, you have to be well, we want to be together forever."

Qin Yuan caressed her shoulder-length black hair, so many years of lonely waiting seemed to have passed away, he knew that everything he did was worthwhile.

"Okay, brother will accompany you for a lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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