Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1049 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1049 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (62)

Yan Huan lowered her head silently, wishing to get smaller and smaller and get into the ground, she hummed softly.

Zhao Yun glanced at her cowardly look, and ordered, "Say everything you need to say."

Yan Huan reluctantly raised his head and glanced at him, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito, "That's right, I secretly made a armor suit, and after you left at night, I sneaked into the barracks, and used the warrant you gave me as an excuse to order it." Food and grass, I slept in the tent after sneaking in, I am going to go to the border with you tomorrow morning..."

Her voice became softer and more vague as she spoke, she wished that Zhao Yun could not hear clearly.

"Who knew that I kept feeling sick when I went to bed at night, and my menstruation this month has been postponed for several days. I thought I might be pregnant..."

The air pressure around his body was getting lower and lower, Zhao Yun didn't speak for a long time, Yan Huan's poor little heart was trembling, and he was about to be frightened to stop at any moment.

Zhao Yun was irritable in his heart, but he couldn't beat her, couldn't scold her, and couldn't bear to part with her.

There was a lot of cold sweat on the back of his fear.

If Lin Mu didn't find out that she was pregnant, and used her cleverness to follow him to the border without authorization, if she was found to be a woman disguised as a man, she might be executed on the spot!Not to mention the long journey, how could her pregnant body bear it?
He really underestimated Lin Mu, he knew how she could enter the palace so obediently!

No matter how unhappy and reprimanded she was, but looking at her slender body, drooping little head, and a small baby in her stomach, no matter how much she wanted to hurt her, she was swallowed.

In the end, Zhao Yun just let out a long sigh, raised his hand and tapped Yan Huan on the forehead, not hard.

"Lin Mu, Lin Mu, how did your brain grow?"

Yan Huan rubbed his forehead and said weakly, "I can't help it if I grew up like this in my mother's womb..."

I'm going to be so mad at her!

Although the knock just now was not heavy, her forehead was still a little red, and Zhao Yun pinched her cheek angrily.Buttocks, his face was still gloomy.

"If you weren't pregnant, would you really plan to follow me to the border like this? You can walk such a long distance? You go to the border to fight, and you still charge forward and fight bloody?"

Yan Huan was so pinched that he almost jumped up, and retorted with a blushing face, "Why can't I walk down? I'm no worse than you men. I'll confess to you when I get to the border. You charge forward and fight bloody battles. I'll give you, I'll give You...winter is coming, why don't I warm you up..."

Zhao Yun was very angry at first, but he couldn't laugh or cry at her words. He straightened his face and said expressionlessly, "What if I don't need to warm the bed?"

Knowing that he was no longer angry, Yan Huan put his arms around his neck, rubbed his arms into his arms, and blinked ambiguously, "You must need it, I have many other things besides warming the bed, the general will definitely need my service ..."

Zhao Yun put his arms around her waist and glared at her, but the roots of his ears were obviously redder.

"War! Do you think you're going to play? I don't have time to think about nonsense."

He sighed again helplessly, it's so late, so don't worry about others sending her back, he still has to make the trip himself.

Zhao Yun supported Yan Huan's back, picked her up like a child, patted her buttocks like a warning, leaned close to her ear and whispered threats, "If you dare to be disobedient after entering the palace, wait until I come back to clean up." You can't get out of bed for a few days!"

 Thanks to Mengmeng Naogong Ergou for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you (cute without a name) for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to the little book fans of the Liang family for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thank you Mengmeng Naogong Devil for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Su Yuyu for rewarding 588 book coins~

  Thank you Bookworm vs Riceworm for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Thanks to Che Yuner [Little Cute] for rewarding 100 book coins~

  Congratulations to [Bookworm vs Riceworm] Cutie for becoming the No.15 leader of this book! ! !
  Sprinkle flowers and set off firecrackers for each other! ! !
  【Good evening, Beibei~ Let's take a bite~】

(End of this chapter)

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