Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 1050 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me

Chapter 1050 I have confirmed my eyes, I am someone who doesn't want to talk to me (63)

Zhao Yun asked the people in the barracks to prepare a carriage, and specifically ordered that several layers of mattresses should be placed in the carriage to reduce the discomfort caused by the bumps.

He was worried that Yan Huan would go back alone, and would rather run back and forth by himself than send her back.

Send her directly to the palace. There is still the emperor's brother and sister-in-law in the palace. No matter how noisy Lin Mu is, he doesn't have the courage to run outside the palace past the Imperial Forest Army. He is still worried about keeping her in the palace.

In the past, he never worried about what the enemy would threaten him with. At that time, he was alone. Although there were concubines in the house, none of them could catch his eyes, let alone attract his attention.

But it's different now, Lin Mu is his weakness, his weakness.

If she is captured by the enemy, I'm afraid...

He really couldn't fight this battle.

The mattress on the carriage was padded with several layers, and the bumpy feeling was indeed much less. Zhao Yun hugged her in his arms, and he didn't know how to protect her well, as if what he held in his arms was a shocking treasure.

Yan Huan let out a long sigh, and said happily, "Fortunately, I found out that I'm pregnant tonight."

Zhao Yun thought that she was after the fact that she was afraid that if she found out that the child would be gone a few days later, who knew that Yan Huan's next words would be...

"Otherwise, when you come back, you suddenly have a child for no reason. Who can tell if it's yours? Am I going to be dragged out to soak in the pig cage?"

Zhao Yun:. . .

Sure enough, you can't think of Lin Mu with normal people's thinking, Lin Mu is different from normal people.

"There are so many seeds, one or two must germinate, right? I know you will definitely be pregnant."

Yan Huan glanced back at him, shook his head speechlessly, and muttered softly, "Do you really think your tadpole has become a spirit?"

Zhao Yun didn't hear what she said clearly, so he patted her buttocks, and started his tireless education again.

"Drink the anti-fetal medicine on time. Don't stop drinking it because you are afraid of suffering. After drinking it, ask the maid to pass you candied fruit. Do you hear me?"

Yan Huan nodded.

"Don't walk in such a rush like before, remember that you are pregnant, and behave carefully! Slow! Slow!"

Yan Huan was a little sleepy, raised his hand and yawned, then nodded again.

"If you need anything, just tell the emperor's wife, the emperor's wife is very kind, so don't be restrained."

Sleepiness struck, Yan Huan couldn't take it anymore, his words became more and more blurred in her ears, she closed her eyes, and fell asleep leaning against his arms.

Zhao Yun was silent for a while, then held her hand, his eyes were affectionate, and his words were regretful, "I won't be able to make it back when you gave birth, don't be afraid, the mothers who deliver babies in the palace are the best, you just treat me as my mother." By your side, always with you, don't be afraid."

Yan Huan's even breathing sound answered him.

He looked at Yan Huan's long eyelashes, his small face seemed to be thinner again, and his waist was full, so slender, he really wanted to see her plump appearance with a big belly.

This kid really didn't come at the right time.

It is said that a woman's pregnancy is hard, and the delivery is even a hell of a time, but he will miss it from the beginning to the end, and can't accompany her for a day.

Zhao Yun took her hand, pulled it to his lips and kissed her deeply several times, his brows and eyes were affectionate.

People are different when they have concerns. In the past, the battles were full of passion and passion, but now they are more timid.

He was afraid that he would never return, what would happen if Lin Mu was left alone with the child.

Zhao Yun hugged her a little tighter, bowed his head and kissed her lips.

"Lin Mu, it's not like, I really like you, not a little bit, but very much."

 Thanks to Che Yuner [Little Cute] for rewarding 3893 book coins~

  [Kicking the show operation, it can be said to be very skinny, hee hee]

(End of this chapter)

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