Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 106 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 106 Not the Ake in your memory (4)

Yan Huan smiled awkwardly, like a village woman who was at a loss, "This official, is there anything else?"

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged leader yelled at her in disgust, "I didn't tell you, go away!"

Yan Huan:? ? ? ?
He pointed to a carriage on the other side, "Hey! The two over there! Come down quickly!"

The middle-aged man glanced at Yan Huan who turned to leave, and muttered again, "Tsk... so ugly!"

Yan Huan:. . . (Keep smiling)

Holding Gao Jianli's hand, she relaxed and got into the carriage again.

It’s the first time someone says you’re ugly, but you’re still so happy… (Smile reveals that you want to say mmp)

The carriage wobbled and set off again, the small pillow stuffed in his clothes was uncomfortable to cover, anyway, there was no one around now, so there was no need to pretend to be pregnant, Yan Huan wanted to take it out.

Gao Jianli's hand quickly pressed on hers, and his ordinary appearance, coupled with his smile, gave him a different feeling.

"Beware of fetal gas, lady."

Yan Huan blushed!
. . .This lady, do you want to say it so smoothly? -_-||
Yan Huan withdrew her hand slowly, the air was filled with embarrassment, she simply closed her eyes, closed her eyes and rested her mind, planning the strategy in her head.

Gao Jianli = Immediate Boss = The No. [-] Assassin in Yan Kingdom.

I can't figure out his mind, I can't see his character, how can I solve this problem?
If you are not careful, you may be wiped by him!
"System, what kind of person is Gao Jianli?"

[Do you want to start analyzing the strategy character Gao Jianli? 】


[Are you sure you want to spend 100 diamonds? 】

"...Forget it-_-||"

Yan Huan closed his eyes and fell asleep in the rickety carriage. When he opened his eyes again, the sun was shining brightly at noon.

She opened the curtain of the car and looked outside, the carriage turned into a small alley, the bluestone road surface was uneven, and it stopped at the wooden door with some moss growing on it.

Gao Jianli got out of the carriage, smiling gently, but his eyes were emotionless, he held Yan Huan's hand, "Miss, be careful."

Yan Huan frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

I always feel that I have been taken advantage of!
System: Wasn't it always your dream to be taken advantage of by the handsome little brother of King Boys?
Taking advantage and being taken advantage of are two different things, okay?

Yan Huan supported his big belly, straightened his waist, and directly took Gao Jianli's arm, "Sister-in-law, please help me stabilize..."

This deliberately babbling voice, coupled with her sallow face, small eyes and big mouth, the big mole on the side of her mouth trembles when she smiles...

The picture was so beautiful that Yan Huan didn't even dare to look at it.

But Gao Jianli was not disgusted at all, he still had that gentle smile and thoughtful gestures, "My husband knows."

Yan Huan: Pfft...Okay, Gao Jianli, you won.

Gao Jianli carefully supported her, knocked on the door and entered the house. There was a middle-aged couple living inside, they were also plain looking and seemed honest.

This pair, he and Gao Jianli should be the dark assassins who failed to assassinate the Crown Prince of Wei.

Gao Jianli exchanged a few words with the middle-aged man at the door, and the four of them entered the inner room together.

The light in the inner room was a bit dim, the middle-aged man said softly, "My lord, we failed, are we going back to Yan Kingdom now?"

Gao Jianli chuckled, his eyes rolled, and he spoke with interest.

"Since you have come, how can you return without success?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback, "What do you mean, sir?"

"I'm going to decide on the head of Crown Prince Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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