Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 107 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 107 Not the Ake in your memory (5)

Gao Jianli is worthy of being the number one assassin in Yan Kingdom.

Not only is his martial arts high, but his mind is also very meticulous.

The Crown Prince of Wei State is timid and afraid of death. The last assassination failed, which caused him to be seriously injured, but the assassin has not been caught for a long time.

The cowardly Crown Prince of Wei State couldn't help feeling guilty, and he didn't even dare to leave the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

Gao Jianli sent someone to spread the news, saying that the assassin who had failed in the assassination had not yet left the capital of Wei, and was planning another assassination.

A tighter, more foolproof assassination.

Prince Wei, who is afraid of death, thinks whether it is true or not, it is always right to strengthen the defense, right?

There were only about 100 guards in the Prince's Mansion, and he did not dare to transfer the Imperial Forest Army in the palace. The Crown Prince of Wei State transferred another 200 people directly from the infantry battalion into the Prince's Mansion.

Inside and out, it is so protected that even a fly cannot fly in.

So Yan Huan, who was dragged by Gao Jianli a few days ago and sneaked into the infantry battalion, was lucky to enter the Prince's Mansion with Gao Jianli.

Yan Huan thought to himself: Are you sure that Gao Jianli is the one who made the attack this time, and not Zhuge Liang who is clever and calculating? ? ?

This Gao Jianli is too powerful!
Yan Huan and Gao Jianli changed their appearances again. They were both ordinary young soldiers, but Yan Huan was a little thinner.

It has been three days since they entered the Prince's Mansion, and they are still just guards at the gate of the mansion, and they have no chance to enter the inner courtyard, let alone see the Prince himself.

During the shift change at night, Yan Huan yawned heavily, and went back to bed with Gao Jianli.

That's right, the two of them lived in the same room.

It's inexplicably embarrassing to think of it -_-||
Yan Huan touched his nose unnaturally, pushed the door open and entered the room, Gao Jianli behind him grabbed her wrist!

"Hey, didn't you just say you were going to the latrine, let's go together."

Yan Huan: "Huh?"

Gao Jianli raised his eyebrows at her, Yan Huan finally came to his senses, smiled and nodded, the two good brothers hooked their shoulders and went to the latrine together.

Three black lines hung down from Yan Huan's forehead.

Brother, I know you are cautious and considerate, but...

It's not like going to the hut to discuss business, right? -_-||
Affect the mood of the discussion!

Yan Huan pinched his nose in disgust and entered the hut, but found that there was no peculiar smell.

Sure enough, in the prince's mansion, even the hut is fragrant!
Gao Jianli looked around vigilantly, and said softly, with a serious face, "How many people can you kill with your current physical condition?"

His expression was serious, and Yan Huan also became serious.

She moved her body a few times and roughly estimated it.

"If it's the guards of these infantry battalions, there are about fifty or so."

Yan Huan's eyes were piercing, tinged with firm pride.

She still has confidence in her martial arts.

Gao Jianli heaved a sigh of relief, raised his lips and smiled, his eyes were dark, but he didn't know what kind of emotion it was.


Yan Huan suddenly woke up from his doze, his lazy eyes regained their sharpness, eager to try, and his whole body was a little excited.

"Are you going to do it?"

I haven't used those two double-edged bayonets before, so I don't know what it feels like to use them.

Is she really going to become Ah Ke who has five kills easily? ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Gao Jianli moved closer again, his tone became even lower.

The moonlight came in through the narrow wooden window. In front of her eyes, Gao Jianli's magnified handsome face, a pair of amber eyes, deep and fascinating, hot breath sprayed on her cheeks, Yan Huan's head was buzzing hum.

As soon as you meet a handsome man approaching, your head will hang up automatically!
 Promise everyone that the four updates will be finished no matter how late!
  Although it's already the second day...

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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