Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 108 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 108 Not the Ake in your memory (6)

Under the moonlight, Ah Ke has distinct facial features, exuding a murderous aura, and a pair of sharp black eyes, a little dazed at the moment.

Probably because I was nervous and didn't understand.

Gao Jianli thought so in his heart, so he repeated it patiently.

Yan Huan nodded solemnly.

When Ah Ke was in a daze, he was dazed like a child, but when he killed someone, he was decisive and ruthless.

The two walked out of the hut shoulder to shoulder, Yan Huan yawned, and walked towards the path on the right wearily and lazily.

Gao Jianli frowned puzzled.

I told her just now that she will take the left road to go back when she goes out, why...

He watched Yan Huan go further and further, and finally couldn't help it, he clenched his fist and coughed lightly twice.

Yan Huan turned around and raised his eyebrows puzzled.

Anything else to say?

Gao Jianli mouthed silently, "Left."


Didn't she go left?
Talking joyously without distinguishing between left and right, his brain turned rapidly.

Oh, the hand holding the chopsticks is the right hand, so she is indeed going the wrong way.

Yan Huan turned back calmly, his eyes were full of embarrassment, he was too embarrassed to take another look at Gao Jianli, and left silently along the left road.

Heart: ah, ah, I am a domineering assassin!How did you expose the indiscriminate left and right! (Desperate face at 45 degree angle)
In the middle of the night, the Prince's Mansion was quiet, and the gloomy sky, with the faint light of the cold moon, looked extraordinarily bright.

Three steps and one guard, the security of the Prince's Mansion is stricter than that of the palace.


Yan Huan yelled out in horror as if he saw something flying past the wall!
The guards around were shocked, their eyes widened, and they searched around, "Where is it? Where is it?"

Yan Huan pointed in the direction of the Prince's bedroom, his face full of nervousness, "A black shadow ran over there!"

Prince's bedroom? !
The dozing guards woke up instantly, one by one rushed there with their weapons in hand, Yan Huan was afraid that there would be no big trouble, so he yelled loudly while carrying a spear.

"Come on! There are assassins!"

Guards from all directions hurried over following the sound, and many guards gathered in front of the prince's bedroom.

The sound is noisy and the people are chaotic. It is a good time to fish in troubled waters.

The sleeping Crown Prince of Wei was awakened by the commotion outside, his face turned pale with fright, and he asked instinctively, "What's going on? Is there an assassin?"

The bodyguard shook his head, not knowing.

The flesh on the Prince Wei's angry face trembled, "Idiot! Go out and ask what's going on!"

Two of the six bodyguards came out, and Gao Jianli, who was in the crowd, slipped to the side of the window while no one was paying attention.

Well, it's now!

The two double-edged bayonets at his waist were sticking to his lower abdomen, as if he could feel the icy coldness of the blades through his clothes.

Yan Huan raised his eyes again, already stained with murderous intent.

The double-edged bayonet was pulled out in an instant, and the sharp blade pierced into the flesh, making a muffled sound.

Sen Leng's bayonet reflected the cold moon, her technique was too fast to catch with the naked eye, and she easily knocked down the guards in the front row.

Under the moonlight, this ordinary-looking, thin man seemed to be possessed by a demon suddenly!
Like a ghost climbing up from hell, fierce and cold, with only the life waiting to be harvested, like a mustard in his eyes.


Yan Huan is not Ah Ke, after all, he still couldn't bear to kill him.

It just abolished their combat effectiveness.

Painful wailing sounded one after another, and the guards who reacted raised their weapons one after another, aiming at Yan Huan who was still fighting in front!
 I really want to practice Ah Ke!
  Why is Mengmeng always the Ake who was hanged and beaten, crying...

  Crying and reaching out for tickets...

(End of this chapter)

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