Subian Kings Canyon

Chapter 109 Not the Ake in your memory

Chapter 109 Not the Ake in your memory (7)

Yan Huan was so red-eyed that he couldn't care about his wounds. The bayonet cut on the cold and hard weapon, making a clear and crisp sound of collision.

More than 20 guards lying on the ground, groaning in pain, blood spread all over the ground, they stepped on it and chirped, and the strong smell of blood was disgusting.

It was a mess outside, and no one came to care what was going on inside.

Gao Jianli said that by the time he killed 30 people, he should have taken the head of Prince Wei in it.

"29, 30..."

At the last moment, blood spurted out, Yan Huan didn't have time to hide, it splashed on his cheeks, lining his scarlet eyes with jet-black pupils, it was weird and alluring.

The bayonet was covered with blood, mixed with the onyx. Yan Huan's hands holding the bayonet were sticky with blood. She kicked away the guard who was lying on the ground blocking the way, and quickly turned to the window at the back of the bedroom.

Gao Jianli leaped nimbly and rolled out of the bedroom!
The time is just right.


Numb nerves, only now feel the pain in the body.

Yan Huan frowned, the wound probably opened again.

The guards chased after them, but when they saw the open window of the prince's bedroom, they had a bad premonition and stopped them!

A small half of the people went after Yan Huan and Gao Jianli, with such a small number of people, there was really nothing to be afraid of.

The cold moon was still hanging high in the sky, Yan Huan, who was a bit exhausted, walked ahead, and Gao Jianli was dealing with the pursuers.

This was the first time Yan Huan saw Gao Jianli kill someone.

The soft sword is like a flexible snake, entwining the enemy and quickly plundering away the fresh life.

Gao Jianli is not Yan Huan, he will not soften his heart, his moves, swords and knives are all mortal.

The man who harvested the heads had handsome features and a cold demeanor. He held a soft sword in his slender hand and swung it dazzlingly.

But those hands are obviously more suitable for playing the qin, tasting tea, and drawing in front of a book, rather than wanton killing and blood stained.

There is one last guard left.

Seeing his companions being killed one after another, he was already in a daze with fright, so he knelt down and begged, "Please, don't kill me!"

The guard looked at Gao Jianli unmoved, the blood dripping from the soft sword spattered, and he almost cried and begged Gao Jianli, "I won't tell you, please don't kill me. I!"

Gao Jianli remained expressionless, "In this world, the only people who don't talk nonsense are the dead."

Gao Jianli quickly finished him off, and before the guard could feel the pain, he was already dead.

The man who looked like a dark Shura withdrew his hands. Seeing Yan Huan's face pale, he stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, and half supported her to leave.

Yan Huan turned his head and glanced at the scattered corpses on the ground, feeling very uncomfortable for a moment.

Especially the poor guard who begged just now, but still couldn't escape death.

She was born in modern times, and everyone's life will not be taken away easily.

So when he killed himself just now, he deliberately avoided the fatal point, but now he watched these people being killed in front of him without making a sound.

Kind of accepting incompetence.

Gao Jianli glanced at her and spoke coldly.

"Living in troubled times, if you don't kill people, you will be killed by others."

Yan Huan nodded.

"The last thing an assassin should have is softness and kindness."

Yan Huan nodded again.

She is an assassin now, not a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded.

"When will there be no more killings?"

Gao Jianli's face was cold, but his eyes were filled with burning expectation.

"Wait for Yan to destroy the six kingdoms and unify the country."

(End of this chapter)

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